'LOL,well i think you will be suprised when you meet me by what i can do for my age. It wont be like work at all for you,more like just pure sex. We will wait and see about the number thing cos i bet you will want to give me it when we meet. By the way do you need a driver,im fast,cheap and reliable'
Ooh, those ones are awful, aren't they! I saw a guy the other week who was in his late 20s and had ridiculous hair; he spent the whole appointment talking about how awesome he is and how many girls he has sex with. He went on to tell me that he didn't want to have sex because he gets all his sex for free and loads of girls want to have sex with him so blah blah blah. After 90 minutes of this I gave him some of his money back and told him I'd suddenly had an emergency text from a friend so I had to go out! I know, that was really bad of me, it's not like he wasn't doing anything awful - but if you ask me, being boring and self-obsessed IS a bit of a crime.

And as he'd repeatedly said he didn't want any sexual services (I think he'd honestly booked just because he thought it would improve
my life to meet him) I wasn't denying him anything. At the end, he tried to ask me out to hang out with him "as friends". I said, YES DEFINITELY!! but that was a naughty lie.
And yes, Simone, I agree - if they're foolish enough to reveal their idiocy via text before the booking, it's definitely best for their health to cancel on them! It would crush them if we accidentally revealed that a lot of our paying clients actually ARE very good at the sexy stuff and so no, there are no discounts for "studs".
The driver bit is especially funny. Ha, yes please, you sound like such a reliable young man! I can't wait to get in your cheap car that you drive too fast!