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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688837 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7530 on: 31 July 2015, 10:44:11 am »
Oh I once had a guy text and threaten to report me to Adultwork because I refused his booking...silly sod must think that Adultwork pimps us duh!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7531 on: 31 July 2015, 11:16:10 am »
Oh I once had a guy text and threaten to report me to Adultwork because I refused his booking...silly sod must think that Adultwork pimps us duh!

They can actually get your profile taken down if AW thinks that you're not actually escorting. There are private gallery and webcam scammers who pretend to escort to get more views. So, if someone emails AW and says that you're never actually available - if they word it right - AW will actually act on it.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7532 on: 31 July 2015, 01:35:44 pm »
He wouldn't have had a leg to stand on as I wasn't 'Available today' and he had texted me not emailed at 1am when my calendar states I was available between 10am and 9pm.I've only known AW get the arse if you have available today but constantly refuse bookings.I also have plenty of feedback and field reports that show I escort so just a twat trying to scare me into taking a booking I didn't want.

Erotic flower

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7533 on: 31 July 2015, 04:41:30 pm »
its so quiet today ive had so few callers then this one  :-X
 "hi can I see you for 15 mins I just want a blow job and can you orgasm if I have time to go down on you"?
 I told him I couldn't in that short space of time so best look elsewhere
he said oh I can come after work then for an hour  and if I do will you guarantee you can orgasm for me.
 I said no I cant because I know hes a time waster !!!
he put the phone down on me  :'(


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7534 on: 01 August 2015, 04:06:29 pm »
Text received last night:

"A very sexy horny woman! x "

I just replied "who, you or me?"

He didn't text back!  :FF
MM xx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7535 on: 02 August 2015, 03:10:25 pm »
Had a couple of texts from the same guy. Today I had had a couple of lunch time drinks and was feeling gobby.
Same text as usual.
Him: do you do bareback?
Me: Does the pope sh#*t in the woods, (I like to mix my metaphors)
Him: yes
Me: seen him have you?
Him: yes.
Me: then go bareback the pope, he doesn't believe in protection either, you two should get along great.
Him: silence.
Be in your happy place


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7536 on: 02 August 2015, 04:44:50 pm »
Had a couple of texts from the same guy. Today I had had a couple of lunch time drinks and was feeling gobby.
Same text as usual.
Him: do you do bareback?
Me: Does the pope sh#*t in the woods, (I like to mix my metaphors)
Him: yes
Me: seen him have you?
Him: yes.
Me: then go bareback the pope, he doesn't believe in protection either, you two should get along great.
Him: silence.

*applause* brilliant!

Erotic flower

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7537 on: 02 August 2015, 05:53:19 pm »
Had a couple of texts from the same guy. Today I had had a couple of lunch time drinks and was feeling gobby.
Same text as usual.
Him: do you do bareback?
Me: Does the pope sh#*t in the woods, (I like to mix my metaphors)
Him: yes
Me: seen him have you?
Him: yes.
Me: then go bareback the pope, he doesn't believe in protection either, you two should get along great.
Him: silence.

*applause* brilliant!
well said

Erotic flower

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7538 on: 02 August 2015, 06:19:23 pm »
My profile states I don't do out calls to private residence. I get a caller just now 'I know it says on your profile you do not do  out calls but would you come to my home?  :FF
I said we'll it says I don't so why are you asking me when you know the answer.  ::)

« Last Edit: 02 August 2015, 06:21:12 pm by Erotic Flower »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7539 on: 02 August 2015, 06:30:02 pm »
Text I had today.
"I know you only see white men but can you make an exception? I'm half white half Indian and my skins really light so I'm basically white anyway"
Right.... I didn't even give a reply j was just shocked at the sheer stupidity! :D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7540 on: 02 August 2015, 07:25:11 pm »
I only have ?30 can I come and just look at you topless


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7541 on: 02 August 2015, 10:51:20 pm »
Here is what I received today on AW

I just wanted to offer you me buying a hotel for you to use over a weekend to see clients from.
I have done some escorting myself due to my high sex drive but its just not giving me the fun I hoped for due to the fact I got quite busy and so felt it started to feel like work rather than fun
So...I've been giving escorts the opportunity of a paid for hotel every month Since May and each time has been very profitable and successful
I could get you a hotel to work from (maybe more than just this once) and it would cost you nothing however you'd walk away with profit. In the process we could have some fun and a laugh too

I figure it would be a win win for everyone so let me know what you think and if you need any more info from me ie. photos, who I am etc then I can provide that via whatsapp or email
Like I said, I've done this since May, sometimes twice a month but mainly I just keep it at one time per month
At least let me show you I am legit however if you aren't interested thank you for your time

Hope to hear from you x"

He then messages me on what's app pics of his penis(x2), torso and face. Looks youngish and has 1 feedback, 2 aliases (one of which is a female escort with 0 feedback)

Wants to have sex with you throughout the day "20 min or so several times", shoot videos and pics, asks for your face pic to "prove" genuineness.



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7542 on: 03 August 2015, 12:59:40 am »
Here is what I received today on AW

I just wanted to offer you me buying a hotel for you to use over a weekend to see clients from.
I have done some escorting myself due to my high sex drive but its just not giving me the fun I hoped for due to the fact I got quite busy and so felt it started to feel like work rather than fun
So...I've been giving escorts the opportunity of a paid for hotel every month Since May and each time has been very profitable and successful
I could get you a hotel to work from (maybe more than just this once) and it would cost you nothing however you'd walk away with profit. In the process we could have some fun and a laugh too

I figure it would be a win win for everyone so let me know what you think and if you need any more info from me ie. photos, who I am etc then I can provide that via whatsapp or email
Like I said, I've done this since May, sometimes twice a month but mainly I just keep it at one time per month
At least let me show you I am legit however if you aren't interested thank you for your time

Hope to hear from you x"

He then messages me on what's app pics of his penis(x2), torso and face. Looks youngish and has 1 feedback, 2 aliases (one of which is a female escort with 0 feedback)

Wants to have sex with you throughout the day "20 min or so several times", shoot videos and pics, asks for your face pic to "prove" genuineness.

What a cu*t


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7543 on: 03 August 2015, 01:04:44 am »
Text I had today.
"I know you only see white men but can you make an exception? I'm half white half Indian and my skins really light so I'm basically white anyway"
Right.... I didn't even give a reply j was just shocked at the sheer stupidity! :D

Gosh i hate these idiots. I get this all the time. "I know you see white men only, I am asian would you see me?" what part of only white men don't you understand fool? or " I am black would you make an exception?"

Most stupid one was this

Client- "SO i see you're visiting this town soon but you only see white men, you  have to break your rule, I will call you when you are here"
Me- " Yeah you call and see if I pick up. bye"

I just don't get these dumb asses lol. absolutely no shame or pride. Why would you want to see someone who you know don't like you, doesn't really want to see you? I swear I could never get aroused if I knew someone didn't really want to sleep with me. These men can really get it up no matter what lolz.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #7544 on: 03 August 2015, 01:08:01 am »
Here is what I received today on AW

I just wanted to offer you me buying a hotel for you to use over a weekend to see clients from.
I have done some escorting myself due to my high sex drive but its just not giving me the fun I hoped for due to the fact I got quite busy and so felt it started to feel like work rather than fun
So...I've been giving escorts the opportunity of a paid for hotel every month Since May and each time has been very profitable and successful
I could get you a hotel to work from (maybe more than just this once) and it would cost you nothing however you'd walk away with profit. In the process we could have some fun and a laugh too

I figure it would be a win win for everyone so let me know what you think and if you need any more info from me ie. photos, who I am etc then I can provide that via whatsapp or email
Like I said, I've done this since May, sometimes twice a month but mainly I just keep it at one time per month
At least let me show you I am legit however if you aren't interested thank you for your time

Hope to hear from you x"

He then messages me on what's app pics of his penis(x2), torso and face. Looks youngish and has 1 feedback, 2 aliases (one of which is a female escort with 0 feedback)

Wants to have sex with you throughout the day "20 min or so several times", shoot videos and pics, asks for your face pic to "prove" genuineness.

What a cu*t

yep i had this one today too