Phone text (It's written clearly, two times, in my ad, no text) :
- Hello! - blah blah, presentation - I would like this and that for X amount
No answer.
10 min later same number's calling.
- Hi! I just wrote to you and you didn't answer.
- Because I don't answer to texts as clearly said in my ad...
- So, I was saying I'd like" this and that" for x amount.
- First, I don't do "this and that", second, I do set my prices BY MYSELF, third, for this amount I can maybe shake your hand and speak to you for five minutes.
- Dirty whore!
- You just got rejected by a dirty whore. Have a nice day *clic*
- Hello, my name is - blah blah, presentation - can you please give me some information on what you offer?
I send the usual info mail. Clean, polite and inviting.
- I'm glad to hear back from you. Come to - address - at x pm (45min later).
- Pizza hut is glad to inform you that your pizza will be delivered in 45min at x address. Obviously we won't divulge your name and address to anyone.
The idiot had the nerve to write me back. Vulgar and angry obviously.
I know, I'm kind of a smartass and it will put me in bad situations but... you know, sometimes, it feels good.