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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2613560 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8025 on: 10 November 2015, 07:59:51 pm »
Had a number of messages today.....
"When are you available"
"When are looking at booking and I'll tell you if I'm available"
"Well, I'll tell you when I want to book when I know when you're available - maybe Friday at 5:30pm"
"Well you will need to confirm Friday afternoon"
"Oh but I may need to cancel last minute, would that be ok...I'll give you 10-15 minutes notice"
"Erm, let me think about that one - how about sod off and play text tennis with someone else and stop wasting my time" PRICK  :FF
"Ok, sorry, but can I still book just in case"
"Yeah course, I'll sit here and wait...actually on seconds thoughts, sling it and you are now BLOCKED"
Priceless!!  >:(

Dick number 2!
"Hi, how are you?" (about 16 kisses attached)
"Hi, WHO are you?"
"I'm xxx, fancy meeting me in my car and letting me smell your feet for 5 minutes and I'll buy you a pair of shoes (but I want regular pics of your feet). I see from your profile you are a tall lady so are your legs  really long. How long are they? Will you push the pedals in my car with bare feet and spread your toes before I smell your feet - I'm rock hard now thinking about it. Want a picture of my cock?'
WHAT THE FUCK  :o ;D I'm guessing he half expected me to say, 'yeah I'll do all that but sod the shoes, I'll do it for a cones of chips and a scallop and provide free footsie wank material' - what a tool!

Oh and the email from a guy saying can I book an hour with you to tie me up with 50 pairs of tights! Hmmm, yeah that's going to work - an hour to tie that many pairs of tights up, three times as long to undo them makes that 4 hours. Pass!!!  ::)

YEAH! You got tights man!!! He usually contacts cam ladies, but seems to have moved on!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8026 on: 10 November 2015, 08:27:46 pm »
Had a number of messages today.....
"When are you available"
"When are looking at booking and I'll tell you if I'm available"
"Well, I'll tell you when I want to book when I know when you're available - maybe Friday at 5:30pm"
"Well you will need to confirm Friday afternoon"
"Oh but I may need to cancel last minute, would that be ok...I'll give you 10-15 minutes notice"
"Erm, let me think about that one - how about sod off and play text tennis with someone else and stop wasting my time" PRICK  :FF
"Ok, sorry, but can I still book just in case"
"Yeah course, I'll sit here and wait...actually on seconds thoughts, sling it and you are now BLOCKED"
Priceless!!  >:(

Dick number 2!
"Hi, how are you?" (about 16 kisses attached)
"Hi, WHO are you?"
"I'm xxx, fancy meeting me in my car and letting me smell your feet for 5 minutes and I'll buy you a pair of shoes (but I want regular pics of your feet). I see from your profile you are a tall lady so are your legs  really long. How long are they? Will you push the pedals in my car with bare feet and spread your toes before I smell your feet - I'm rock hard now thinking about it. Want a picture of my cock?'
WHAT THE FUCK  :o ;D I'm guessing he half expected me to say, 'yeah I'll do all that but sod the shoes, I'll do it for a cones of chips and a scallop and provide free footsie wank material' - what a tool!

Oh and the email from a guy saying can I book an hour with you to tie me up with 50 pairs of tights! Hmmm, yeah that's going to work - an hour to tie that many pairs of tights up, three times as long to undo them makes that 4 hours. Pass!!!  ::)

YEAH! You got tights man!!! He usually contacts cam ladies, but seems to have moved on!!

Oh and he wanted to be left there for sometime; wow - all that in an hour  ::) now I know there are some weird requests we have to deal with, but that one is utter bollocks and an impossibility. I'm guessing his hope was that an unsuspecting WG would agree to tie him up for an hour without realising it'd take hours to untie the twat. It seems Bunsen burners may have their uses outside the school lab after all   ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8027 on: 10 November 2015, 10:02:30 pm »
Guy text just "Hi" which I ignored and then followed up 30 mins later with:
"How much do you charge for an hour?"
I replied with rates and link to AW profile

"Have you got any cheap friends?"
Told him to try AW's search

"Would you do it cheaper for a first timer"
Told him my rates aren't up for negotiation and then a while later he text:
"Do you swallow"
Followed an hour later with just a question mark when I didn't reply   ::)

That gets right up my nose when they send a question mark when you don't reply.....someone who I was arranging a booking with who I had seen before did that the other day when I didn't reply straightaway and I told him it was very rude to do that!

Red KB

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8028 on: 11 November 2015, 09:37:06 am »
":) Nice to meet you I am Ron. Hope you had a Good day today I am 27 years old. Good looking, tall and very fit guy with a Sexy Lips.. <3 <3 <3Nice Clean and shaved body with always hard cock. I just seen your profile on here and You Look Amazing. You are a Beauty. I am writing to you Because I would like to know more about you. I also got a good quality camera and I am good with editing photos. I was thinking we should take some PRO photos for you so you can get more clients mean more money. I am really shocked by you looking so sexy with your Cute Body. Kisses <3 <3 <3. I will be more than Happy to know more about you. If you need i can send you by email couple of photos of me. xx I also interested to work as a couple (FM) If you like. Photos are FREE to you. xx Thank you for your time to read my message. :) Have a Nice Night. xx

Hope to hear about you soon."

FREE photos?! How can I say no! ;)
We're women, it's what we do. I just get paid for it.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8029 on: 11 November 2015, 12:56:47 pm »
A few months ago a guy booked, then cancelled due to "family emergency." A few weeks later he asked about availability. No booking came about. Then he contacted the next time I was in town about availability... and I replied... and then he texted "Sorry I'm a loser. Please ignore any future requests from me. Have a nice life." I figured he was having a case of the guilties - no big deal, really. I saved him as "Loser" but wasn't particularly annoyed.

Yesterday he texted as if nothing had happened. "Hey, Fab. Hope you are well. Would you like to meet tomorrow at 11am for an hour?"

All I did was copy and paste his "I'm a loser" text to him. And he replied, "Well played. Sorry if you feel I wasted your time."

"Well played?" ???


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8030 on: 11 November 2015, 01:17:27 pm »
A few months ago a guy booked, then cancelled due to "family emergency." A few weeks later he asked about availability. No booking came about. Then he contacted the next time I was in town about availability... and I replied... and then he texted "Sorry I'm a loser. Please ignore any future requests from me. Have a nice life." I figured he was having a case of the guilties - no big deal, really. I saved him as "Loser" but wasn't particularly annoyed.

Yesterday he texted as if nothing had happened. "Hey, Fab. Hope you are well. Would you like to meet tomorrow at 11am for an hour?"

All I did was copy and paste his "I'm a loser" text to him. And he replied, "Well played. Sorry if you feel I wasted your time."

"Well played?" ???

It's a game to them. Well played meaning well done for figuring him out as he is one of many that fail to realize we save numbers. I don't get when they ask about availability and then not get back to you. To me the ones that inquire about availability are time-wasters so I ignore them anyway.

Ugly Baboon -Hey when are you available?
Me-I am available  from so and so time today and all day tomorrow
Ugly baboon-Doesn't respond
Me-Saves name as stupid jackass and ignores any further attempts of contact.
Problem solved.

99.9% of the time when someone inquires about availability nothing ever comes from it. For me anyways. So why bother. *Shrugs Shoulders*


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8031 on: 11 November 2015, 02:49:01 pm »
Time waster this morning via email back and forth.

"Do you squirt?"

"Well that depends"

"On what? I want you to squirt all over my body can you do that?"

"This isn't really something I do on demand."

"I'll pay you extra if you want."



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8032 on: 11 November 2015, 03:38:37 pm »
Text message received....

Chancer: Hi, I'm really good at oral and I see your rates are xxx. I'm that good at giving oral can I just do half hour and I'll make you squeal

Me: Hmmm, I don't do half hours, sorry

C: Ok, let's see how business minded you are - if I don't make you cum in half hour or less, then I will pay you for an hour, even if it takes you 4 hours to come

Me: Wow - cheers...How about no chance, I can make myself cum in 5 minutes flat without the need of being bored for 4 hours at a miniscule cost of X per hour

C: you don't know what you're missing as I am super good

Me: well I'm sure you can find someone to see you if you're such a super licker; for the record, women like oral to be done in different ways and there's no standard way

C: I'm good, plenty have said

Me: Ok, fact or fiction - can you tell when a woman has an orgasm which is real

C: yes, they groan a bit and start sort of fitting

Me: Wow, you're good - Go away  :FF

« Last Edit: 11 November 2015, 03:44:12 pm by Lois01827 »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8033 on: 11 November 2015, 05:16:35 pm »
A few months ago a guy booked, then cancelled due to "family emergency." A few weeks later he asked about availability. No booking came about. Then he contacted the next time I was in town about availability... and I replied... and then he texted "Sorry I'm a loser. Please ignore any future requests from me. Have a nice life." I figured he was having a case of the guilties - no big deal, really. I saved him as "Loser" but wasn't particularly annoyed.

Yesterday he texted as if nothing had happened. "Hey, Fab. Hope you are well. Would you like to meet tomorrow at 11am for an hour?"

All I did was copy and paste his "I'm a loser" text to him. And he replied, "Well played. Sorry if you feel I wasted your time."

"Well played?" ???

Isn't it incredible how many 'family emergencies' happen right before bookings. When I was new and naive I used to say, 'Oh I'm sorry to hear that, hope everything's ok.' Now I just do the standard: 'Thanks for letting me know (at least they had the decency to cancel rather than just not show up, right?), get in touch when you are ready to rebook.'


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8034 on: 11 November 2015, 05:20:43 pm »
A message in my inbox today from a lovely (but totally deluded) man whom I've had numerous C2C sessions with....

" Darling Caroline,
  We both feel the connection we have with each other and although our cam sessions are special, I want to take
  it to the next level. I'm booked in at the budget motorway hotel in the middle of bloody nowhere on the   
  16th and 17th for a works conference.
  May I be so bold as to suggest the following:
  I would like to spoil you.....I'm offering you a free mini break with lots of pampering, with a chance to also see
  some clients during my working hours and make a bit of pocket money.

  On Monday evening I will treat you to a long and sensual massage (taking care of your every sexual need). We
  will then dine together in the hotel restaurant. The next day you will wake up to a bliss filled session before I go
  about my daily business. As my guest you are free to see a few clients during the day. I estimate you could
  make a few hundred pounds. Check AW, there are hardly any escorts in the area. From 6pm you can treat me 
  as your sex toy. The mini-break is entirely free  and is all about spoiling you. I understand how hard the
  demands of escorting can be. You're always taking care of the needs of often old and unpleasant men.
  I want to make this all about YOU!!!" :FF :FF :FF

  Totally deluded!!! Which bit of my hourly rate does he not understand ???:FF


Red KB

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8035 on: 11 November 2015, 06:40:19 pm »
"So... to put it simply, I'm a 23 year old virgin and I want to have the best experience ever when I lose my virginity. I'm a bit on the fence as to who I choose to have this encounter with, but I really just wanted to know your thoughts on how we could make this magical?"

Someone is clearly looking for some wank fodder!
We're women, it's what we do. I just get paid for it.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8036 on: 11 November 2015, 06:48:04 pm »
Just had a guy who messaged yesterday to set up a booking for 8.30pm today, and when I asked him how long for - no response... until 13 hours later. I then told him it was too late to book for this evening as I don't take same day bookings. 6 and a half hours later he responds asking again for today or tomorrow evening if not. When I pointed out how long it had taken him to reply to emails and said I was no longer free tomorrow evening, I got:

"Sorry busy no time to check emails you have a different  way of dealing with your clients no probs as I thought it woz already booked for 830 today I woz looking forward to meeting you I'd got flowers and chocolates just for you I would have loved to see the smile on you face oh well never mind maybe see you some time soon babes xx"

How could it have been booked for today when he hadn't even bothered to tell me how long he wanted? Isn't it interesting that he has no time to reply to an email to actually organise his booking, but he has time to go out and buy crap to bring along to said non-existent booking?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8037 on: 11 November 2015, 07:31:45 pm »
A message in my inbox today from a lovely (but totally deluded) man whom I've had numerous C2C sessions with....

" Darling Caroline,
  We both feel the connection we have with each other and although our cam sessions are special, I want to take
  it to the next level. I'm booked in at the budget motorway hotel in the middle of bloody nowhere on the   
  16th and 17th for a works conference.
  May I be so bold as to suggest the following:
  I would like to spoil you.....I'm offering you a free mini break with lots of pampering, with a chance to also see
  some clients during my working hours and make a bit of pocket money.

  On Monday evening I will treat you to a long and sensual massage (taking care of your every sexual need). We
  will then dine together in the hotel restaurant. The next day you will wake up to a bliss filled session before I go
  about my daily business. As my guest you are free to see a few clients during the day. I estimate you could
  make a few hundred pounds. Check AW, there are hardly any escorts in the area. From 6pm you can treat me 
  as your sex toy. The mini-break is entirely free  and is all about spoiling you. I understand how hard the
  demands of escorting can be. You're always taking care of the needs of often old and unpleasant men.
  I want to make this all about YOU!!!" :FF :FF :FF

  Totally deluded!!! Which bit of my hourly rate does he not understand ???:FF


Sometimes I just want to shake people like this. Why would we want to chill out from work by doing more work for free? Do accountants go home and do some random strangers taxes for free to relax? It's absolutely insane.
If we're not supposed to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8038 on: 11 November 2015, 08:19:19 pm »
"So... to put it simply, I'm a 23 year old virgin and I want to have the best experience ever when I lose my virginity. I'm a bit on the fence as to who I choose to have this encounter with, but I really just wanted to know your thoughts on how we could make this magical?"

Someone is clearly looking for some wank fodder!

Either that or he thinks he is the Simon Cowell of the sex world. Like taking his virginity is such an honor that you need to audition for it lol


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8039 on: 12 November 2015, 02:07:15 pm »
I've had a couple of strange texts this week!

wasn't sure if it was some weirdo trying to get a reaction or he was being serious...
"I thought I'd try my luck and see. Well I'm from prison I'm out for the day to work I gotta go bk later I was wondering if u wanna make me a happy man and give me a free bee. You would make my day as its been ages. I'm 30 young and fit, go on its nearly Christmas let me know"
 ::)  Still 6 weeks away from Christmas the Baffoon! Fair enough if it was next week but come on! Why did he tell me he was in prison as well it was all just a bit odd!

Next one "Den Nha toi toi dangky Ngay"  ??? ???