Once or twice when a excess-texter does come to see me I'll give them a friendly hint about this behaviour, the response is that they think it shows they are keen and genuine. Have had one or two ring and ask me why another lady has been funny with them. Oh dear.
That's just utterly hilarious that somebody would ring you and ask why another escort is ignoring them.

Do they think that we are all part of a nationwide prossie collective sending signals to each other in the night time like batman? I can just imagine somebody sitting at home thinking 'Sarah from west Yorkshire isn't answering my 45th email about how much I'm looking forward to kissing her from head to toe. I know what I will do, I will ring Strawberry and ask her why, she is bound to know

Oh and this little nugget from yesterday. Guy who apparently I have seen before but I don't recall at all rings me.
Him: 'Could I book a 2 hour duo with you and Amy (My duo partner) for Thursday please'
Me: Yes that should be fine.
Him: How much?
Me: For 2 hours in will be ?210 to each lady.
Him: (Voice going amazingly high pitched like a smurf being strangled in a vat of wine) Whattttt??? I thought it was ?210 for the both of you. Your webpage says ?110 per hour!!!??!!
Me: (As patiently as I could muster) 'No that's the rate for a single girl booking, for a duo you have to double the price as you are paying to see 2 girls'
Him: (In a slightly peeved voice as if Its my fault he had just been denied the chance to have 2 cute girls fawn all over him for 2 hours for impossibly low prices) 'Oh well in that case I will just have to book an hour, I cant possibly afford that much money, I have to say though I'm a little bit disappointed'

Your disappointed you cant get 2 girls for 2 hours for ?55 each an hour? Gosh my heart is bleeding, guess us escorts are just getting greedier and greedier