I hate that attitude. I want to retort, * ok, so you have half a minute of my time to complete your booking request. Tell me why I should accept YOU as a new client today, rather than seeing one of my lovely regulars? What do you have to offer me that is extra special?* - Trouble is, he would start to tell me in very graphic terms I fear!

I once had the following from a posh old gent;
*Now then young lady ..( I'm 41, but thanks

)..I have the numbers of several Escorts that I am considering booking today. Tell me 3 good reasons why I should pick YOU my dear ..*
Needless to say, he was given very short shrift and advised to call me back should he revise his attitude and booking technique

Like many other girls, I have a proclaimer in my ads on on my site stating that good manners and attitude are essential in order to secure a booking..