I received this text a couple of hours ago but it's took until now to come through since it was such a long text and I have such a shit work phone, in his opinion it's better to text but I massively disagree hence having it clear that I don't respnd to texts, if he'd phoned me then I'd probably have seen him but since he text I ignored and waited 2 and a half hours on it coming through.........
Hi K, I'd love to meet you in about 1 hour from now for 1 hour tonight if your free. I know you say you don't answer SMS but actually this is the mode efficient way to establish the basics, if this ok just SMS me "ok" and I will call you within seconds. Btw....I am 42 but sun tanned (but not like you) fit, good looking etc and even got asked 1 hour ago for my autograph by some tipsy young ladies who stopped me thinking I was "Sting" lol...let me know what you think.
It went on to say something else but that still hasn't came through but I think I have got the jist of it. Well I dont think sting is good looking not that looks matter as I am providing a service that I get paid for and I think you should have phoned instead of wasted your time sending a big long message that I won't reply to! And also there is no need to establish the basics when the basics are on my profile which of course I a am happy to confirm over the phone!
I just ignored the message! He must've a timewaster as surely if someone wanted to see me, they would just phone like I ask and not text like I ask??