So if it was known someone was rude, abusive, violent to other escorts, you'd ignore all of that and deal with him on a one to one basis?
We might as well get rid of the dangerous clients and timewasters board then!
There's only so many times you can be patient with someone.
That's the question, if. Nobody throughout has mentioned that the timewaster was either rude or violent, so that point is moot. If the person in question is from AW then you report him to them and let them take it from there. They can ban his IP address to prevent him from creating further profiles. If he does become rude, abusive or aggressive, then you put up a warning in the timewasters part of the forum alerting other ladies so they'll know what to expect if they ever have to deal with this person.
If nothing else as Amy says he probably does get off on the abuse, which is why he sends the pics in the first place, in which case you're expending your energy for nothing but his titillation. That would piss me off because I'd be rising to his bait and I'd refuse to give him that satisfaction.
Believe me I've had enough reasons to verbally abuse timewasters myself over the years, I've dealt with enough of them to last me in this lifetime and the next.
Apologies to other board members for taking this off-topic. I've said my piece.