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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687695 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2415 on: 02 March 2012, 08:43:49 am »
Text - "I will go down on you and give you the biggest orgasms of your life.  In exchange you will want to f**k me for free".

Dream on sunshine.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2416 on: 02 March 2012, 09:27:39 am »
Received last night!

'Hi Juliette my name is Michael, I've just seen your adultwork advert, was wondering if I could take a shot in the dark and see if you accept items worth money rather than actual cash.
It's just I don't get paid until Monday now, and have been away on holiday, I really want to see you though.
Let me know either way thanks.


Gold bullion would be nice, but seriously go down to the pawn shop and sort it out yourself!
You have absolutely no money and yet are contemplating seeing an escort? I find it pretty hard to be sympathetic with this sort of crap, do none of these guys have savings plans or any sort of mechanism whereby they put money aside???
Your half-hour rate is ?60 and I want to offer 50 ('as that's all I have'), so you're going to make yourself penniless! Seriously!?
What do you mean this is 'all I have'? You must be pretty bloody stupid if you truly only have ?50 in the entire world and want to spend it on a 30 minute sex session!  :FF ???
Dear god, what a tosspot! Words truly fail me.

I know I've been attracting so many people with 'fee' problems recently who want to try it on, its pretty soul-destroying really especially when my prices are very much at the cheaper end of the scale anyway and I don't skip on services offered.

If I ever met a haggler the experience for him would be so lousy I doubt it'd be worth it, plus I wouldn't be happy he wouldn't be a total prick and ask for some money back.

I think its better not to see those with 'money issues' at all, if they've brought the subject up and don't understand that they've just ruined the experience for themselves entirely making me bitter by kind of suggesting that maybe I'm 'not worth it' then they're going to be a complete pain in the arse to deal with in a session too.

I can appreciate people are a bit hard-up at the moment but so am I! :'(

Yep, someone contacted me recently and said they'd like to see me again but only had ?x amount - where x amount was not the fee for the time requested. Now this person is known for being unreliable, sending lots and lots of texts when setting up bookings and had only turned up to one appointment, another just didn't confirm despite loads of texts.

I made it clear he definitely wasn't a candidate for a discount, that he'd buggered about in the past too much, and was leaning that way again now. Ok he said I'll have the full money for the booking. Come the day I get a message saying "Sorry only got ?x (the same lower amount)". I did wonder if he was hoping I'd be desperate for the booking, and thus say "Aw, come anyway", but I didn't.

I've noticed it's more often than not, those who muck about most who ask for or expect discount. Does it not occur to them that if a discount is available, then being reliable, making things straight forward might make the SP more amenable?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2417 on: 02 March 2012, 10:03:36 am »
Why isn't it obvious to them that the thing to do would be come back when you have the money!?

Instead of putting the SP off you for good and souring any kind of positive feelings you could have given them why not just save your pennies and come back when you're in a better position!?

In any case I really don't buy the whole I haven't got x amount of money thing, its more that they don't want to part with the cash - which is fine but in that case why are you trying to book escorts? Join a dating or swingers site instead...

I can usually ignore a few hagglers calling but this week I've only had the one booking and the rest has been exactly this sort of disrespectful chancer. As soon as they mention issues with my fees I'm completely dead to the idea of seeing them.

In any case it only makes you worry more about any possible booking with them - i.e. is he even going to bring the right cash, will he quibble when he gets here, tell you the service isn't good enough ask for some back etc? Why should I spend an hour getting myself ready, showering and doing my make-up then invite someone like this into my flat?

« Last Edit: 02 March 2012, 10:09:42 am by Juliette »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2418 on: 02 March 2012, 10:24:15 am »
Text - "I will go down on you and give you the biggest orgasms of your life.  In exchange you will want to f**k me for free".

Dream on sunshine.

Why do so men assume that we would ever fuck them for free? Unbelievable. I don't care if you look like Brad Pitt; I ain't shagging you for free. Simples.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2419 on: 02 March 2012, 12:27:48 pm »
Text - "I will go down on you and give you the biggest orgasms of your life.  In exchange you will want to f**k me for free".

Dream on sunshine.

Why do so men assume that we would ever fuck them for free? Unbelievable. I don't care if you look like Brad Pitt; I ain't shagging you for free. Simples.

That.  I wouldn't even have dinner for free.

I too have noticed that men who ask for discounts are also more likely to mess you around.  Not always though, I do have at least one client who is the most unreliable, most flaky man I have EVER come across, yet he is always polite and always tips.

Men huh.  Don't understand them, can't bury them alive.
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2420 on: 02 March 2012, 12:34:55 pm »
Apologies to you all for typing in capitals, had been using the mobile and its so tiny cant see the screen too well!
Have a good weekend all
Ruby x


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2421 on: 02 March 2012, 04:08:58 pm »
My favorite email of the day.... even though it is so not my thing!  ::)

Hi Roxy!

You seem my type! Please check my profile - I've had some great feedback but not used escorts for a while.

I'm a kinky bastard and wondered if you could provide the following service? I am heading down to The Hambles on Friday 23rd for a stag and thought to kick off the weekend with a bang! I'll be interchanging at Southampton Central Stn by the middle of the afternoon and wondered if you could meet me at the Stn dressed as a whore under your long coat? You'd be wearing big heels, a short skirt with your arse nearly showing and a tight vest top with your big juggs nearly hanging out - all covered under your coat.

We walk or if you have a car we could drive to local quiet spot (outside), maybe a wood, disused building or round the back of an industrial park or something where it would be quite safe but a little risky to get caught. I'd then like to put a collar on you and use you like a complete slut on a lead for an hour of outdoor fun and filth.

Be prepared to get used and abused and sent on your way again all spoiled afterwards!

Whaddya think?! Get in touch if you think it sounds like fun!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2422 on: 02 March 2012, 04:51:27 pm »
My favorite email of the day.... even though it is so not my thing!  ::)

Hi Roxy!

You seem my type! Please check my profile - I've had some great feedback but not used escorts for a while.

I'm a kinky bastard and wondered if you could provide the following service? I am heading down to The Hambles on Friday 23rd for a stag and thought to kick off the weekend with a bang! I'll be interchanging at Southampton Central Stn by the middle of the afternoon and wondered if you could meet me at the Stn dressed as a whore under your long coat? You'd be wearing big heels, a short skirt with your arse nearly showing and a tight vest top with your big juggs nearly hanging out - all covered under your coat.

We walk or if you have a car we could drive to local quiet spot (outside), maybe a wood, disused building or round the back of an industrial park or something where it would be quite safe but a little risky to get caught. I'd then like to put a collar on you and use you like a complete slut on a lead for an hour of outdoor fun and filth.

Be prepared to get used and abused and sent on your way again all spoiled afterwards!

Whaddya think?! Get in touch if you think it sounds like fun!

Hahahahahahahahahaha...hahahahaha...and I'm done. Honestly, I can't wait to start getting some of these weird emails!
"What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many?" - Angela Carter

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2423 on: 03 March 2012, 03:07:19 pm »
I had a guy call me last night and say -

'Hi, I'm basically after someone to measure my cock and tell me what they think of it.'

Idiot. :-X


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2424 on: 03 March 2012, 04:35:47 pm »
My favorite email of the day.... even though it is so not my thing!  ::)

Hi Roxy!

You seem my type! Please check my profile - I've had some great feedback but not used escorts for a while.

I'm a kinky bastard and wondered if you could provide the following service? I am heading down to The Hambles on Friday 23rd for a stag and thought to kick off the weekend with a bang! I'll be interchanging at Southampton Central Stn by the middle of the afternoon and wondered if you could meet me at the Stn dressed as a whore under your long coat? You'd be wearing big heels, a short skirt with your arse nearly showing and a tight vest top with your big juggs nearly hanging out - all covered under your coat.

We walk or if you have a car we could drive to local quiet spot (outside), maybe a wood, disused building or round the back of an industrial park or something where it would be quite safe but a little risky to get caught. I'd then like to put a collar on you and use you like a complete slut on a lead for an hour of outdoor fun and filth.

Be prepared to get used and abused and sent on your way again all spoiled afterwards!

Whaddya think?! Get in touch if you think it sounds like fun!

Yuk, i would reply try a street hooker love!
♥"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe♥


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2425 on: 03 March 2012, 05:53:18 pm »
How about this one?

"hi gorgeous

I visit girls regular for a 5 min session

im not into sex or anything

I wud just like 2 have a wank whilst ur licking my nipples and spitting in my mouth plz.
(I dont want you to take any clothes off or dress up or anythin)

The girls i visit now charge me ?10 for this service.

Wud u offer this type of service, and how much wud it be

Wud luv to c u today if possible



« Last Edit: 03 March 2012, 06:02:45 pm by Purple Carrot »
Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2426 on: 03 March 2012, 07:15:56 pm »
5 minutes!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Surely he could do it for free at home!
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2427 on: 03 March 2012, 08:28:49 pm »
I'm sure I'm not the only one to receive this....but he needs to make up his mind! It's NOT a sex service? But signs off "sexy licking"? I doubt he'll get many bookings if he can't decide if he's a sexy service or not...and on AW too! *removes tongue from cheek*

Hi my name is john. I am a professional massage therapist. i am working in central London massage parlour. i am from Singapore. I came to London for two year research about massage. So give you this free offer.

Now i give you offer one hour free Thai Singapore body relax massage. This is not sexual service. If you like please reply me or call to my mobile. Totally i give you free full body relax massage for one hour. I can come to your place. Remember this is not sexual service. If you like please send me your mobile number and when you want massage? What time you want massage? Please send me reply soon. Offer end date march 15th. This is my mobile 074662898**.
Lovely kisses from

sexy licking from
sex John

EDITED TO ADD - OMG LADIES, if you get a message from him, don't click on his profile if you're eating your tea or taking a drink, you will lose it! He has the shiniest cock I've ever seen! I need to clean my screen now, it's got wine spray on it! ;D :D :D
« Last Edit: 03 March 2012, 08:32:30 pm by Cat_BBW »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2428 on: 04 March 2012, 03:43:10 am »

EDITED TO ADD - OMG LADIES, if you get a message from him, don't click on his profile if you're eating your tea or taking a drink, you will lose it! He has the shiniest cock I've ever seen! I need to clean my screen now, it's got wine spray on it! ;D :D :D

Now that's just not fair Cat...send me his profile details at once LOL


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2429 on: 04 March 2012, 06:20:18 am »
The girls i visit now charge me ?10 for this service.
Do they honestly believe anyone would bother to get dressed and leave the house for that? Some pig asked me to do a half hour for 15, i burst out laughing