Received last night!
'Hi Juliette my name is Michael, I've just seen your adultwork advert, was wondering if I could take a shot in the dark and see if you accept items worth money rather than actual cash.
It's just I don't get paid until Monday now, and have been away on holiday, I really want to see you though.
Let me know either way thanks.
Gold bullion would be nice, but seriously go down to the pawn shop and sort it out yourself!
You have absolutely no money and yet are contemplating seeing an escort? I find it pretty hard to be sympathetic with this sort of crap, do none of these guys have savings plans or any sort of mechanism whereby they put money aside???
Your half-hour rate is ?60 and I want to offer 50 ('as that's all I have'), so you're going to make yourself penniless! Seriously!?
What do you mean this is 'all I have'? You must be pretty bloody stupid if you truly only have ?50 in the entire world and want to spend it on a 30 minute sex session!