Just taken a call from someone who wanted to know how late I'd be working tonight. As always I didn't give a time and asked him when he was hoping for see me. 4pm. For an hour. o.0
Then he asked if I offered fetishes. I said sure, depending what they are of course, I don't have experience of everything. He asked what I specialised in and I said nothing, I'm just fetish-friendly. He said he liked to do a role-play where he was a doctor and he looks down my throat and then I give him oral. Right. Fine.
He asked if I still have tonsils. I said yes I do. Are they big? It's important to him that they're big. I said this wasn't something I'd taken an interest in so I had no idea. He understood of course, so could I have a look and let him know? Well no, since I don't give a crap about tonsils I have no idea what range of sizes they come in.