Sundays seem to be the day that I draw in the loonies! Got this email from Novelist london who claims to have played this game with loads of escorts.

I should tell you, I never pay for sex directly, but I do throw my
money around, and everyone knows the rules before they play?
When I was a teenager I would watch game shows on television, and
fantasise that if you opened the correct envelope, you would win sex
with the beautiful woman in the posh dress, the gamehost's beautiful
I have a game to play with girls. I hand you some money and some
envelopes and you put the money into the envelopes (you can count the
money). Envelopes chosen at random. You get to keep the contents. But,
you can't open the envelope until after we've had some fun together!
- six envelopes, one empty, five each contain ?200
- two envelopes, one empty, one contains ?1,000
We would play each time we meet. From my point of view, it will
average out over time. Of course, we will do whatever you can suggest
to ensure that the game is 100% fair. We discuss the game in detail
before we meet and only play if you are 100% happy.
We'll, I'm sure you'll get back to me if you'd like to play.