2nd text: I am nt calling u a liar bt lets say i am a bit sceptical. It seems quite fashionable to claim to be a student.
Makes me LOL when i think about it... Seriously are you actually asking me this?
Makes me LOL, too! The weirdest thing about this man's deep concern for The Truth is that there really isn't some magical difference between a student's vagina and a non-student's vagina (or levels of service etc, to be less crude

) so I'm not sure what the point of some pillock going on a crusade to ask extremely
complex and
devious questions (like the one in your post above, ha) to determine whether or not you really are a student could be?!
Frankly, I know being a student might be a popular thing to claim because it implies youth and maybe part-time-ness or whatnot, but any sensible client would know you can have mature part-time students and any sort of in-between thing so all he needs to do to figure out whether or not he wants to see you is to read all the other words around the "student" bit in your profile.
Or I suppose he could just send texts that are quite hilarious because I imagine him literally frowning in consternation at your profile and feeling compelled to ask you (in illiterate txtspk, no less) if you
really have TEH SMARTZ.