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Author Topic: How many hours do you work?  (Read 5499 times)


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How many hours do you work?
« on: 25 January 2014, 12:00:13 pm »
I have never really thought about it before and was shocked when I sat and worked it out, not that it was rocket science...

Monday 12 noon - 8.30pm = 8.5 hrs
Tuesday 8.30am - 6pm = 9.5 hrs
Friday 12 Noon - 8.30pm = 8.5 hrs
Sat 8.30am - 2pm = 5.5 hrs

So a total this week of 32 hrs + 2 x 12 hrs over night stay in a hotel + travelling time.

It does vary from week to week and I only work about 30 weeks of the year. This next week I will only be working about 18 hrs with a 12hr overnight stay. But the money I earn will of course be reflected in that. Like all self employed people we do not get holiday / sick pay.

Looking forward to a nice meal out tonight, I think I deserve it.

Sarah x x x


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2014, 12:59:35 pm »
I put in a lot of hours at the flat. I don't get a lot of advance bookings. I think Manchester is a city with lots of choices available at short notice and so clients call when they're in the mood for something RIGHT NOW.

I am trying to put some limits in place. I've long noticed that saying "no" makes clients beg and wheedle for you to bend the rules. "I can't see you until 11:30 pm... " or "Sunday morning is my only window of opportunity." It's so tempting to give in but I have to have time to myself. One thing I've started to do is go to the gym in the morning and I start at noon. I will take a booking for 11:30 but it's pretty much always noon... and when I am at the gym I leave my phone in my locker. Otherwise I would be asked to please abandon my workout and rush back to my flat to accommodate someone who wants to see me at 10:30. I find it hard to say "no."

Anyway, you asked me how many hours? I guess it's noon until 9 or 10pm, five days a week. So, 50 hours or so.

sammy s

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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #2 on: 25 January 2014, 01:15:33 pm »
I only see one person per day so I don't work that many hours. Probably 5 per week. I'm a student as well so that takes up a lot of my time. When I first started escorting I was doing 8 hours a day and kept getting serious burn out x


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #3 on: 25 January 2014, 01:39:55 pm »
I used to do an average 8 hours a day but now I can only do three bookings regardless of if they re half hours or hours.  My body just cannot cope with more than that anymore so I now pick my bookings even more carefully to ensure I get good ones
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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #4 on: 25 January 2014, 05:47:26 pm »
It varies every week. I prefer working only working 3/4 days a week but HAMMERING those days  ;D , rather than seeing a couple of clients a day, but this is not always possible. I like to have whole days where I can just wear no make up etc and chill out with my phones off, no thinking about work. I do try to push myself though on the days I do work, because I have this guilt feeling about losing the money if I turn down bookings. I feel like if I have the childcare and I have decided to work, I should not be turning down money! Last night I had worked 10 am - 8pm, saw 8-9 clients  :o , I had another 2 wanting appointments but I just couldn't face it , I was really tired. I spent the next few hours beating myself up about it.  :FF

Having children helps because there are only so many hours I CAN work when they have a sitter or at school etc.

This week -

Tuesday - 5pm til 8pm (3 hours)
Wednesday - 12 noon til 8pm (8 hours)
Friday - 10am til 8pm (tired!) - 12 hours
Saturday - 1pm - 5pm - 4 hours

Sassy Slapper

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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #5 on: 26 January 2014, 09:10:32 am »
Monday to friday 10am to 8pm although I only go in for 10am if I have a booking, if not then I go along later at around 11ish. I dont always stay till 8 either, depends how I feel really. I occasionally think fuck it and just dont bother and stay at home but then thats the day I will miss loads of calls so I try not to be lazy.

I do work weekends but dont automatically go along to my flat. I go along for a booking then hang around a bit to see if I get any more, if not I go home which is exactly when someone will chose to call?just as I'm getting home lol but if I stay no one will so its sods law


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #6 on: 26 January 2014, 11:37:58 pm »
When I am at my base on a normal week I work Mon-Fri 11am-10pm and work weekends if I don't have plans with family or friends so on a Sat I work from 12pm-10pm and on a Sunday 1pm-8pm and only just started doing the odd Sunday.

If I am on tour then I am available from about 10am-11pm.

If someone wants to meet me earlier than my start time, providing I am able to do so then I am happy to do so aslong as they organise it the day before.



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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #7 on: 27 January 2014, 02:25:25 pm »
If i am home in london then normally 9am till 3pm or 4pm, so when i am away on tour i work alot harder, from 9am till 10pm xxx


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #8 on: 28 January 2014, 02:29:14 pm »
From my point of view I really don't understand how anyone can see that many men without there being some kind of physical or mental health consequences, but that's just my opinion.

Me personally I see very few clients these days, 3-5 a week maybe so 5hours ish, all advance by at least a couple of hours on the day or days before so I can plan ahead and never more than 2 in a day. This is purely out of choice as I study 3 days a week anyway. A lot of my bookings are for 2hours ect. I like to offer a very personal GFE Service and I top up my earnings with regular Overnights which I love.
« Last Edit: 28 January 2014, 02:51:03 pm by MissKylie »


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #9 on: 28 January 2014, 02:41:24 pm »
Depends what you mean by 'work', I set aside time which I advertise as 'availability' but that doesn't mean I'm seeing clients constantly during that time. I also administer website, adverts, answer enquiries and tidy up ourside of hours and have big gaps between any clients I do have booking in. It also varies according to bookings and other commitments. Last week I was in 'work mode' as in ready for or in a booking, or getting changed ready for next client who could be due in one or two hours time for a total of probably 10 hours, previous week 16 hours, week before that 20-30 hours, New Year week around 10 hours(I had 4 days off that week). I probably put in another couple of hours on top of that answering enquries.


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #10 on: 28 January 2014, 03:05:55 pm »
From my point of view I really don't understand how anyone can see that many men without there being some kind of physical or mental health consequences, but that's just my opinion.

To be fair Kylie, when have you ever been able to see why anybody would do anything not in the way that you do it? ;)

I used to work 12 hour continental shifts in a factory and was fine once I got used to the constant feeling of jetlag, but shagging a handful (even a big handful) of punters in a day still doesn't even come close. Every week we'd have noobs turn up who'd have quit by Friday because of the 'physical and mental health consequences' coupled with the less-than-exciting money consequences weren't right for them - just as a nine to five isn't right for me :).

Depends what you mean by 'work', I set aside time which I advertise as 'availability' but that doesn't mean I'm seeing clients constantly during that time. I also administer website, adverts, answer enquiries and tidy up ourside of hours and have big gaps between any clients I do have booking in. It also varies according to bookings and other commitments. Last week I was in 'work mode' as in ready for or in a booking, or getting changed ready for next client who could be due in one or two hours time for a total of probably 10 hours, previous week 16 hours, week before that 20-30 hours, New Year week around 10 hours(I had 4 days off that week). I probably put in another couple of hours on top of that answering enquries.

I agree with Ruth - I do a lot more unpaid hours than paid and I think these should be taken into account as well; I'm doing my accounts at the moment and have been for the last couple of hours, I spend God knows how long every week on placing/updating ads, answering enquiries, organising hotels and travel for tours, doing laundry and so forth.

I don't work much at home now at all and only really see regulars, so in terms of bookings anything from none to half a dozen hours a week depending on whether I can be bothered and how busy I am with other things. When I'm away (roughly ten days to two weeks of the month) I'll work from 7.30-8 in the morning until around ten at night, but if I've had a busy day and I'm tired I'll knock off around six-seven and have a decent meal or go to the pictures, and it depends where I am and what sort of bookings are more popular - a day of flat out half hour quickies is more tiring than half a dozen one and two hour ones. On top of that there's normally an hour spent at the end doing the laundry and getting ready for the next day, plus answering emails and returning texts so putting in 16 hours a day isn't out of the ordinary, but I only need to do it half the time :).


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #11 on: 28 January 2014, 03:06:52 pm »
Depends what you mean by 'work', I set aside time which I advertise as 'availability' but that doesn't mean I'm seeing clients constantly during that time. I also administer website, adverts, answer enquiries and tidy up ourside of hours and have big gaps between any clients I do have booking in. It also varies according to bookings and other commitments. Last week I was in 'work mode' as in ready for or in a booking, or getting changed ready for next client who could be due in one or two hours time for a total of probably 10 hours, previous week 16 hours, week before that 20-30 hours, New Year week around 10 hours(I had 4 days off that week). I probably put in another couple of hours on top of that answering enquries.

Yes I am exactly the same. I have a limit to what I do in a day so when I say I work from 11am-10pm that just means I am available during that time should anyone want to book me within that time bracket. No way am I actually physically working all that time. My limit at home is 3 in a day and when I tour then 4 or 5 a day.

I need big gaps too for a shower and hair and make up.



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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #12 on: 28 January 2014, 03:09:59 pm »
From my point of view I really don't understand how anyone can see that many men without there being some kind of physical or mental health consequences, but that's just my opinion.

Me personally I see very few clients these days, 3-5 a week maybe so 5hours ish, all advance by at least a couple of hours on the day or days before so I can plan ahead and never more than 2 in a day. This is purely out of choice as I study 3 days a week anyway. A lot of my bookings are for 2hours ect. I like to offer a very personal GFE Service and I top up my earnings with regular Overnights which I love.

If I thought I had the stamina to be able to see 10 clients a day without the standard of my service going down the pan then I would do it too and I aint got any mental health issues. Also I am like a fart in a trance so I really need my fairly big gap inbetween bookings so there just isn't enough hours in the day for me to see that many clients but it works for others then good on them x


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #13 on: 28 January 2014, 03:25:53 pm »
From my point of view I really don't understand how anyone can see that many men without there being some kind of physical or mental health consequences, but that's just my opinion.

To be fair Kylie, when have you ever been able to see why anybody would do anything not in the way that you do it? ;)

Very true Amy, I do find it mentally impossible tbh :P

[quotes fixed]
« Last Edit: 28 January 2014, 03:34:10 pm by amy »


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Re: How many hours do you work?
« Reply #14 on: 28 January 2014, 03:37:29 pm »
From my point of view I really don't understand how anyone can see that many men without there being some kind of physical or mental health consequences, but that's just my opinion.

To be fair Kylie, when have you ever been able to see why anybody would do anything not in the way that you do it? ;)

Very true Amy, I do find it mentally impossible tbh :P

And this is how different we all are - I dislike overnights to the point where I've now taken them off my ads as I find them so tiring and stressful I can't do my job properly, which costs me not only money but valuable time afterwards where I'm worn out and in a bad mood so I can't enjoy my time off. You like overnights, and feel the opposite, somebody else will be somewhere in the middle and that's whats important - we can all operate in whatever way we see fit, and hopefully everybody's happy :).