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Author Topic: Letting guys use your loo before they've paid.  (Read 12955 times)


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Re: Letting guys use your loo before they've paid.
« Reply #60 on: 05 November 2020, 04:09:56 pm »
I've made had any problems with this.

One of my regulars probably goes to the loo each time we meet but also has a quick wash for me after.


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Re: Letting guys use your loo before they've paid.
« Reply #61 on: 07 November 2020, 06:29:10 pm »
Grr. Just had one asshole use my loo then come out with the pathetic cash machine excuse and of course he didn't return.

Have let loads guys use my loo in the past before before handing me the money.

Now wondering if I have to change that and am I going to sound really petty for saying you can't have a wee till you've paid!

So annoyed! :-(

I've not read this thread but I had a guy visit me twice, use the loo and then leave. This was ages ago before I started saving their numbers. I worked out he was going in my loo for a quick wank. 👿

Dynamite Doll

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Re: Letting guys use your loo before they've paid.
« Reply #62 on: 08 November 2020, 12:47:14 am »
I don't allow any client to use my bathroom till I've been paid. Like others have said some use loo or shower and then fuck off.
Money first.
Then bathroom second.


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Re: Letting guys use your loo before they've paid.
« Reply #63 on: 09 November 2020, 12:52:38 pm »
It's like a really vile equivalent of the "look and walk" isn't it? The shit and walk.

 ;D you put a name to it!

English Green

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Re: Letting guys use your loo before they've paid.
« Reply #64 on: 09 November 2020, 02:26:38 pm »
I do not like them trying to use the loo as soon as they enter. If they say just need to use the loo i say yes sure just pay first please.

I had 1 guy ages ago that went to go straight into the bathroom without saying anything, i said can you sort the fee please he actually had the nerve to say NO i won't i will do it later. I said No it needs to be now!! He still refused so i went into bathroom in front of him and said you need to leave right now i said it's obvious you are trying not to pay. He stormed off muttering something. There is no way he was going to pay anything. Either he would have had a wank and left or tried to get a free service without any payment.

Although there might be the odd genuine guy needing to use bathroom when they arrive but not worth letting them til they pay up.