SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: Snow Whitest on 29 October 2020, 09:38:03 pm

Title: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Snow Whitest on 29 October 2020, 09:38:03 pm
Apologies if this has been covered before but, out of interest how many of you have been asked out by clients and how did you handle it?
I've had it happen a few times and I've just kind of brushed it off. The worst thing is they can't handle the rejection and you lose the bloody business. Can we be too good at our girlfriend experiences?
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: MissElvira on 29 October 2020, 10:36:40 pm
Yes many times. I find it's best to put stop to any fantasy of seeing you outside of the job and say you are in a relationship or be more blunt. Many well established escorts are in a relationship and still do very well with regular clients. It's not worth keeping clients that want to step over the boundaries, They can be needy, Lonely and draining. And at the end of the day these adult men should know better, I often turn it on them and say I couldn't date ANYONE While I'm sleeping with guys for money, And when I have achieved my goals from escorting then I will choose to date. Of course if your great company they will want it off the clock and your company for free. Offer dinner dates at a reduced rate but never give your time to these guys unless you want to and would enjoy it. I give my time outside of escorting for myself, Family and friends. But i have made a few mistakes with clients ive fancied and come to realise its a win win for them getting the goodies for nothing lol
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: CelesteManchester on 30 October 2020, 12:30:01 am
I’ve had several say, “Oh, the next time you’re in town I’d love to take you to dinner!”

“Super! Check my website for my lunch/dinner date options, I always enjoy those!”


Never hear from them😁.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Kay on 30 October 2020, 02:45:26 am
Not asked out per se, but one was definitely angling for a cash-free relationship. That he was married and I didn't find him attractive never seemed to occur to him! On the other hand, I have turned two clients into FWB: one it worked fine, one not so much.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: KBP on 30 October 2020, 08:03:55 am
Countless times.

I just smile and say I'm happily single and don't date. Period.

Being firm helps but I've also just laughed and made a joke that I don't actually dress and look like this outside work. I remind them that I'm their fantasy girl for an hour or however long they've booked for.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Mirror on 30 October 2020, 09:12:38 am
A few but never quite sure if they are serious.

Quite a few I think simply wanted their booking to contain some social time, and or more time outside the paid time. For some I am sure it's also a proving something request, not understanding that the proof is often in the booking - just not asking for any more.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: TantricTease on 30 October 2020, 10:56:38 am
A handful and when you say no then they never come back, or say “is it just the money you want”, that’s what one said, he treated it like I charge the first time and then it’s free, I think that particular guy must have lived under a rock because who doesn’t know that you keep paying a sw?! :FF

One guy wanted to change the booking into a date just a half hour before the booking, you know cause “we got on so well”...they leave me exasperated!
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: oleyoleyWG on 30 October 2020, 02:08:18 pm
Hiya I’ve had quite a few think I’d want to date them like are they for real haha. I recent had a lengthy email on aw off a guy who I’ve not seen for like 2 years. only knew it was him because I recognised his username from my feedback but basically he said he’s not going to punt anymore and would love to take me on a date and for me to be his girlfriend. he’s like 30 years older than me bald and fat. Cannot understand it xx
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 30 October 2020, 04:03:22 pm
I always make a joke at how boring I am in my “real life” I wouldn’t dress up for a boyfriend in the bedroom and certainly wouldn’t be having sex for a full hour! I also mention that if feeling were involved how would he like knowing his girlfriend is coming home to him to get into her very mummsy pjays not wanting to be touched as she’s just had sex with 4 or more men
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: LottieLuck on 30 October 2020, 10:23:44 pm
Nobody has ever asked me out, thank god! It would make my hair stand on end if a client asked that question. I must give off quite detached vibes
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Lushblossom on 01 November 2020, 08:25:38 am
The other week a new guy was banging on so much about going for a meal we hadn't even met.  He kept saying 'bend the rules'.  In the end I blocked him.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Braziliana on 01 November 2020, 02:09:25 pm
Well, I've got you all beat; my first punter of the day asked me to marry him!  ;D
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Jessiegirl on 01 November 2020, 03:22:29 pm
I've had a few ask me out even after the first meet. One of my regulars is in love with me but never asked me out. Go figure.

Now I've got a boyfriend it's so much easier to just say sorry I'm with someone.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: ana30 on 01 November 2020, 04:57:51 pm
The other week a new guy was banging on so much about going for a meal we hadn't even met.  He kept saying 'bend the rules'.  In the end I blocked him.

You should have said "yes" and charge him for a social (unless he's like the unbearable type).
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: saltysweet on 01 November 2020, 09:21:21 pm
Well, I've got you all beat; my first punter of the day asked me to marry him!  ;D

Congratulations  ;D
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Snow Whitest on 06 November 2020, 07:17:47 pm
The thing is, if they actually knew me, they'd never ask me out in a million years! It's amazing how many men are happy to overlook the mentalness for a pretty face?
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: fallen angel on 06 November 2020, 10:59:35 pm

I have a few 'smitten kittens' but none I would be remotely interested in a reationship with so I find the invention of a boyfriend very useful.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Glamescort on 07 November 2020, 08:35:09 am
I had one book me twice a week for months years ago when I first started. He then started emailing me and when I didn't reply he took offence. I considered not seeing him again realising he was obviously in love with me.
The next time we met he said he was putting together all the pieces ready to leave his wife, had spoken to his solicitor so we could settle down and him take care of me!! He was in his late 50s, bald, fat, selfish natured, boring and wasn't attractive at all both physically and mentally.
When i refused and told him we had client / escort relationship he got so angry. Said how I had lead him on to believe otherwise - I didn't!!  And how I was just a money grabbing b**ch and how I was only after his money..... Err yes. That's what our job is.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 07 November 2020, 02:17:43 pm
This has happened to me less than 5 times in 5 years. I've only tended to get it from younger guys. My main client base is 50+ (I'm in my 40s) and I think by that age they've mostly got the experience and sense that our relationship is transactional.

I do get asked a fair bit "Are you married/got a boyfriend then?" and I usually laugh and say "God no, what would I want one of those for?!"
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 07 November 2020, 06:35:17 pm
The thing is, if they actually knew me, they'd never ask me out in a million years! It's amazing how many men are happy to overlook the mentalness for a pretty face?

This is me exactly. If they knew the real me they'd absolutely run a mile. I'm the opposite of the bubbly, confident and fun person they get in bookings.
Title: Re: How many clients have asked you out?
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 11 November 2020, 10:29:10 am
Quite a few. They love the idea of it but it quickly would go south. For one thing they would no longer want you working, or at least would attempt to control how much you do and what you do
I tell them that I have a boyfriend. On occasion I've worn a wedding band.