I have had many jobs throughout my life, and really struggled to stay in a job for more than a few months. I get bored easily and find it hard to settle. The beauty of SW is I am my own boss, I can be in Scotland today and Ireland tomorrow if I want to.. helll I don?t even have to work at all if I?m not in the mood! I simply adore the freedom, I can go wherever my mood takes me.
There are so many aspects of the job I enjoy I could go on and on...
BUT there are also downfalls to the job too...
I hate the lack of control I began to feel from offering full service, the worry that if I continue I may never have a ?normal? life, settle down...
I also struggle with the lying aspect of living a double life, I do feel guilty that I have to tell fibs to people about what I do, and where I am.
I?ve been in the industry for a year, and I?m going to gradually wean myself out.
My aim is to try and set myself up in a business which gives me the same benefits SW does.
I have already stopped offering a full service, as this aspect of the job was getting to me.
I know I am unlikely to ever make as much money as I did, but my mental health and happiness is my number one priority.
Plus as already mentioned.... it?s such a blessing to know that SW is always there to falll back on if things do not work out as planned.