I think at some point we all encounter this type of client will try and play us or worse become emotionally attached.
I'm a hard bitch when it comes to this business. I have a few regulars who I offer a discount for various reasons. But ultimately this is my choice. They contact me, we discuss times and I say ok it will be X. As with any other punter, this is paid at the beginning. They also either tip me or bring me gifts, although two do both, and this is their decision. At the end of the day, it's just a business transaction.
Occasionally a new regular will appear and after 2 or 3 sessions he will start saying he can do x,y and z for me. Including picking me up and dropping me off. I turn down all of their offers as for me this is where lines get blurred. Some are cheeky fuckers and want a free fuck in exchange for a photo shoot, website, bills paid etc, again they get knocked back. The regulars I chose are not boundary pushers basically.
It's all about retaining the power and control of the business transaction. I cannot walk into Tesco and say ok I want this trolley of food and in return, I will redesign your bags, they would rightfully tell me to get stuffed and either leave or pay for the goods.
The emotionally attached ones. Remember we are playing a role of the girlfriend and sometimes it can seem a bit too convincing when we spend a lot of time with them. Sometimes our skills can be too realistic for that person, if it happens too often with punters, then you have to assess what you are doing during that performance to lead them on like this.
For me, when it starts to go in the direction of them becoming attached I am very clear that nothing can happen because it's just a business deal and that although I am providing the gfe it doesn't mean I want to be in a relationship with them. It's just a role I am playing because that's what you are paying for. The last one who did this, it's been around 2 months since we had that chat. I didn't hear from him for ages until he contacted me and basically, he is still hung up on me, so I will not book him yet.
I'm very good at turning off my emotions because it's just a job at the end of the day, and if I was on the till at Tesco, I wouldn't be attached to the customer so why would I be in this job. Like I said I am a hard bitch. I know his motive isn't because he's actually interested in me, he's looking out for his own needs of saving cash, And like I said, I tell them it's just business and I'm not interested. The last one he backed off, the one before that did contact me lot afterwards and I just ignored him after explaining again I wasn't interested.
And honestly, the other reason is simply I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who was a punter because how would you explain it to his family etc about how you met - yea I found her on AdultWork, booked her, fucked her, left a review, and booked her again and again until we got together. And it would be at the back of my mind that he's still on AW booking escorts.