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Author Topic: How do you deal with deluded clients?  (Read 4992 times)


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How do you deal with deluded clients?
« on: 14 September 2020, 05:42:31 pm »
Hi, sorry but this is a bit of a rant  ???

So I've seen this client 3 times and so far so good. He did sent me a couple of text messages throught the weeks as in "Hi, how are you?" and expected me to engage but I didn't because 1) they were not going to lead to a booking and b) "how I am" is really none of his business. I don't engage in personal chit chat with clients between bookings as a way to keep boundaries. So he messages me yesterday inviting me for dinner because "he came to London for business and is alone, bored and I am so much fun", yet he doesn't want a booking, just to go out for dinner. I give him my rates for social. He gets completely outraged because I'm planning to charge him for a social outing and he's treating me for dinner. He says "I thought we got along". He doesn't understand that a) this is my job and b) he pays for "us to get along". This is a grown up man running his own successful business who doesn't seem to grasp reality. Needles to say the dinner didn't happen as I don't entertain clients for free. I don't want a client who doesn't understand boundaries so... good riddance, but I don't want to be rude to him.

How do you guys politely cut a client who doesn't understand boundaries? Do you have a specific script/etiquette you follow? thanks! ana
« Last Edit: 14 September 2020, 05:46:35 pm by ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #1 on: 14 September 2020, 06:21:00 pm »
I don't think you can educate or reason with these type of clients! They'll just see any attempt to explain their inappropriateness as a win because you are engaging with them. Frustrating as it is I think you did exactly the right thing - ignoring the pointless "how are you" and politely giving him your social rates when he asked for a social meeting! What more can you do really. I don't think there is a script that magically enlightens them sadly!!

English Green

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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #2 on: 14 September 2020, 06:26:59 pm »
The problem is as most of these clients find us on adultwork it's set out mainly for full on sex acts and not advertised towards actual escorting so they think the escorting side is not paid for.

When i used to be on a couple of decent agencies that booked on time and no mention of how many sex acts in the hour i did get more clients that understood dinner dates are paid for. It was more you pay for my time and you probably get sex but things are different now and rather then escorting as such it's more sex worker now and only that.

I can see why this happens more now but i would just say i see clients on time and not on whether it's sex action or not.

The problem is so many of these men do not understand that we mainly only agree to see them for cash and cash only. Being honest there is probably only the very rare client that you would even consider going for dinner with if you was indeed going to.


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #3 on: 14 September 2020, 06:32:37 pm »
I agree with Nelly. I have had clients thinking it's ok to ask me to come over or cook me dinner and so on for free because we got on and telling me I must me lonely and need the company!

I try the ignoring approach if it's just once. Often that works and they book again, if they really want to.

Guys that persistently ask to see me for free (but carry on booking as well) I will try and ignore initially and then just be honest saying I don't date clients, and I've been known to be very blunt about boundaries if I have to be. If that still doesn't work I become fully booked/ignore them till they get the message.

I have found often guys who act like this with me are inexperienced at seeing escorts and so behave in appropriately.

Your guy sounds like he knows exactly what he is doing however, hence the faux outrage of his response.

English Green

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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #4 on: 14 September 2020, 06:37:42 pm »
I had a cheeky bastard client once that i had seen 3 times 3rd time he tried under paying. He asked for a long evening booking after how many backwards and forwards texts and calls not giving me the info i wanted of how long he wanted. All he kept saying was will book into a nice hotel with a nice restaurant...i was like ok and how long?

Eventually he came out with i was hoping make a night of it i will buy you a nice dinner and drinks and have a nice room. So i said so basically as your not giving me an answer your expecting like 6hrs or so at a discount right? He then said well i was hoping for a small donation. I said cut to the chase, i knew i was not going to this ridiculous proposition.

So eventually the cheapskate said i thought if i pay for the hotel, dinner and drinks that will be enough.

So he wanted 6 or 7 hours for free and shagging back in the room for some dinner and drinks.

I said to him you must think i was born yesterday, i do this job for money and i can buy my own dinner and drinks out of work when i want. So then i said best you move on as not interested in continuing this coversation.


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #5 on: 14 September 2020, 06:41:51 pm »
His greed's made it nasty for you.A  good gig turned bad.

I agree with all, no script, I give rates and ignore & block if he's not willing to pay for socials. The fact that they ask for free means they're dead meat to me pretty immediately.

But I made I made one exception for a regular 2 hour international client as he needed to eat in the hotel when he checked in anyways.

The cost of the ridiculously lush, multi-course extravaganza far outweighed my social fee. This was a regular thing from then on better than a cheese sandwich at midnight and I wasn't going to cut off my nose to spite my face.
« Last Edit: 14 September 2020, 08:18:43 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #6 on: 14 September 2020, 07:46:32 pm »
I had a client who after he had paid for a few one hour bookings then started trying to push for something more. The usual we get on so well let's go out for this and that no mention of payment. I start suggesting dating sites and he comes back with the "but I like you". i say i don't date clients.  It doesn't occur to them that you might not like them.  He was an older and very intelligent guy who really should have known better.

You are paid to be nice. I think I'm laid back and easy to get on with. They take this completely the wrong way.  You can't say to them you find them physically repulsive and you would never go out with them. All you can say is "Sorry I don't want to go out with you".

I absolutely hate it when they think these sex sites are like hook up or dating sites.

I would never go out with a client. If I met a guy in real life I would check out of he ever used escorts or had done and drop him.

Escort user.

Three things to check in new partner.


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #7 on: 14 September 2020, 07:51:18 pm »
I would not date an escort user don’t know if that’s hypocritical


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #8 on: 14 September 2020, 07:56:26 pm »
I would not date an escort user don’t know if that’s hypocritical

So it's ok to charge for sex but not ok to pay for it?  ???
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #9 on: 14 September 2020, 08:45:34 pm »
Pretty much what everyone’s said; but bc I'm kind of a bitch I always say, “Absolutely! That sounds great! My dinner date options are on my website, here’s the link, there’s a 3 or 4 hour choice at X or Z dollar amount. Which do you think you’d prefer?”

I rarely, rarely hear from them after that; the few I have that have expressed amazement I simply say I’m entirely too busy while I’m on tour to even think about taking time off. This is my job & I’m here to work. After that it’s radio 📻 silence from me.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉

English Green

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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #10 on: 14 September 2020, 08:47:56 pm »
She might have meant she just do not want to date someone who uses sex workers because so many cheat, so many get addicted to it being like a sweet shop and enjoy it too much and don't want to give it up if they get in a relationship.

The difference is most sex workers do it for the money only and a lot of men pay for it as they enjoy it a lot so there would be in back of your mind are they out booking still.

English Green

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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #11 on: 14 September 2020, 08:50:00 pm »
I would not date an escort user don’t know if that’s hypocritical

You see my mind set is a lot of the men that use escorts cannot be trusted. It's not about because they have paid for our services.


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #12 on: 15 September 2020, 05:05:35 am »
Deluded men are our bread and butter really, not many guys can accept your only sleeping them with for money, that’s basically what the main part of the job is, asides from the physical stuff then imo a sw job is to make the client think you enjoy having sex with them and it’s not about the cash, this is what I’m now having trouble with, I find if they are too deluded then I lose my shit and be too blunt, I think I’m just bored and fed up with this job atm and it’s time to either move on forever or take a year off!


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #13 on: 15 September 2020, 05:20:05 am »
So it's ok to charge for sex but not ok to pay for it?  ???
It’s totally different, being paid for sex is how some of us pay rent, feed our kids, and without it some of us would starve, not pay rent etc etc, all I’ve mentioned is needed to stay alive, no man is going to die without sex, personally I wouldn’t give a guy a second glance in my personal life if he had ever paid for sex more than once (lots of men try it at age 18 out of curiosity but never do it again) because I don’t want a boyfriend that that has to pay for it, what a turn off! Most escorts I know feel the same and lots of men that pay for it wouldn’t want a girlfriend as a hooker and that’s acceptable and understandable too, hypocritical maybe but there is worse things to be than that! Also many men get addicted to paying for sex and that doesn’t necessarily stop when they get girlfriends and I would worry that he was going with escorts behind my back.

We’re all so different and that’s what I love about this site, it would be boring if we all agreed with one another.
« Last Edit: 15 September 2020, 05:22:41 am by TantricTease »


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Re: How do you deal with deluded clients?
« Reply #14 on: 15 September 2020, 05:25:55 am »
You see my mind set is a lot of the men that use escorts cannot be trusted. It's not about because they have paid for our services.

It’s both for me, I think if we were all really honest then no women wants a man that pays for it and this includes sex workers, I don’t want any man in my personal life to think they have the right to purchase a women’s body, being paid by these men is okay as it’s work but I just couldn’t have a boyfriend that was a user of escorts, anyway the type of men I like in my personal life just aren’t the type to pay for it, some men just aren’t!