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Author Topic: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?  (Read 10469 times)

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #30 on: 04 February 2016, 11:26:42 pm »

I had one recently and actually felt sick to the stomach of seeing him yet again. It got too much and had to stop visiting him.
Just remember all the nice ones out there and having a fun time without having to get the sick bag out!
There are more of them - thankfully.

Alice, yep, sometimes it's just not worth the money. I am seeing one tomorrow who has just texted me that, because I have made him wait to see me (have been putting it off), he is going to make me 'cum' twice. I have never...ever...'cum' with one of these men. Ever. And I doubt I ever will. But...I do a great Meg Ryan. Tiresome but necessary x  ::)

Hahaha! Lucky you he only makes you "cum" TWICE:))))


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #31 on: 04 February 2016, 11:35:52 pm »

Alice, yep, sometimes it's just not worth the money. I am seeing one tomorrow who has just texted me that, because I have made him wait to see me (have been putting it off), he is going to make me 'cum' twice. I have never...ever...'cum' with one of these men. Ever. And I doubt I ever will. But...I do a great Meg Ryan. Tiresome but necessary x  ::)

I genuinely do have orgasms with some of them, I think I might as well enjoy it whenever possible...But being pressured before the booking usually results in me feeling cold and not being able to at all. I very rarely can do do it for real twice in one session, so yes faking it sometimes necessary. What does annoy me though is when I've 'forced' one out by fantasising about something else, and they turn round and say "did you come? " wtf!!


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #32 on: 06 February 2016, 06:51:38 pm »

I had one recently and actually felt sick to the stomach of seeing him yet again. It got too much and had to stop visiting him.
Just remember all the nice ones out there and having a fun time without having to get the sick bag out!
There are more of them - thankfully.

Alice, yep, sometimes it's just not worth the money. I am seeing one tomorrow who has just texted me that, because I have made him wait to see me (have been putting it off), he is going to make me 'cum' twice. I have never...ever...'cum' with one of these men. Ever. And I doubt I ever will. But...I do a great Meg Ryan. Tiresome but necessary x  ::)
laughing hard one guy said he was going to try to get me to orgasm for a second time I said oh sorry that's impossible for me ....and he said "well you did last time" I was " oh YES how could I forget that you naughty man" ha ha ha !


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #33 on: 08 February 2016, 07:26:45 pm »
As the saying goes, keep your mind on the money

But yes GFE can be a bit creepy especially when its an old guy .... but its best to try and not think about it too much, a nice new pair of shoes at the weekend usually does it for me :) :)


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #34 on: 09 February 2016, 10:10:24 am »
I stopped offering dfk a long time ago, yes, I get the odd person who will ask about it and not book when I tell them I don't. Doesn't bother me, too many clients in the past slobbering all over my face  :-X never again!

Even in my personal life I dont like the whole "love making" thing, just that term makes my skin crawl. I've always been more of a pse kinda girl anyway. I don't do anything anal, or facials, doesn't hinder me. But I do do cim, so can't comment on that. I say, give it a go, if not doing certain things hinders you, go back to the drawing board and focus on the things your good at and enjoy, but if it doesn't, crack on and enjoy not having to do such intimate things with clients you would prefer to save for your personal life  ;D



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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #35 on: 11 May 2016, 07:33:01 pm »
I don't offer kissing at all, makes me feel sick! But I do kiss the good looking regulars and the odd peck for the sweet ones. I don't have kissing on my likes list but I don't write on my profile that it's not on offer (some may say that's sneaky but hardly any guys read it anyway!) if they haven't bothered to ask or look through like list then they can't really complain.
I genuinely wouldn't say I lose work over it, 90% of guys I see try to re book so it can't be that much of a problem. I 100% believe that they dfk disgustingly on purpose because they know we hate it, I don't want to entertain those sort of people!! I have in the past but NEVER again for any amount of money will I be slobbered over by anyone!
I did lower my prices when I decided not to offer owo and kissing but not too much and I still get more than enough work when I'm available. I don't think anyone should do anything they're not comfortable with xx


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #36 on: 11 May 2016, 08:09:30 pm »
I enjoy the GFE because in the bedroom i'm naturally kissing & cuddling & chatting just helps all parties relax around each other so it is a good option but I deffo think there needs to be a third option for those that just want to cum and go without it being the porn star experience because that implies kinky kinky hardcore fucking. A third option where if the client has 0 conversation skills that they can just come in, say you're pleasantries and fuck and go. I feel that'd be helpful for us on days where we don't really wanna fuck and for the clients that don't really want to talk. I wouldn't say well hey that's just the 15 minute booking right? Nah I wouldn't say so, people get intensley affectionate and need verbally pampering and chit chat in a 15 mins and ussually most people want to fuck for longer than 15. But the only issue i think we have is... what would you call that, it's not very marketable as in you can't call it 'no conversation just fuck and then leave 30 - ?80' lol. Like it's not very intuitive, if you've got a name for it by all means fire away lol. I deffinatley know that a lot of people would like a cut the small talk option almost like the hairdressers.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2016, 08:12:00 pm by Ieaio »


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #37 on: 11 May 2016, 09:22:35 pm »
I am new to escorting but have done sugaring and ugh, it is cringey, super cringey. To the point now that I keep having trouble finishing with a guy I genuinely like because I am mimicking it with sleazes!

Thats why I want to make the change, sugaring is constant contact, messaging all the time bla bla bla, lets get this done and give my money please!


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #38 on: 13 May 2016, 02:56:11 pm »
I offer GFE and don't mind it unless it's with the clients who drop the E portion.  Some seem to think it means we'll have an emotional bond.  How that is possible to force is beyond me and many of my clients are very intelligent men??? Yes, you meet the odd person that you have instant chemistry or connection with but that's rare.

In GFE sessions I draw on my memories of my hottest boyfriend and go with those.  It helps.


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #39 on: 13 May 2016, 07:26:02 pm »
Yes, you meet the odd person that you have instant chemistry or connection with but that's rare.

I met one of these within my first few days of "working" life (so fairly recently).  The first one time was great.  The second time, maybe, less so - he was a lot more gentle so less exciting for me.  The third one, we both knew there was this chemistry going on.   After he uttered me "I want to wake up together".  I told him I would snore quite loud and that's not what I am into as I am not.  Luckily, I got busy and forgot about it.   I doubt he would pay for the overnighter.  This also put me right off.  Money comes first.  "Connection" won't feed me  ::)  Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, ladies :-)  ;)


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #40 on: 15 May 2016, 02:47:19 pm »
Oh yeah, the kissing is the worst. The only bookings I've managed to get away with not doing it are the domme ones. Even then, they always wanted arse fucking and undoubtedly they'd not bothered to douche and there'd be shit everywhere. It's picking between being grossed out in different ways.

Now I just play a character. I've also told my clients that I have a ticklish neck so I don't like to be kissed there. If they do I squirm and giggle and they usually stop. It's in keeping with my character as I've gone down the GFE route. I've also told them I have sensitive nipples and they can make me cum by just sucking them, it keeps their faces away from mine!

 Gosh, I'd love for them to just bend me over and fuck me then leave


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #41 on: 20 May 2016, 10:21:43 pm »
I had a 2hrs booking and for 2hrs guy was stroking my head.... I felt sick to my stomach when he left ...


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Re: Sick of GFE ... Anyone else?
« Reply #42 on: 21 May 2016, 11:04:19 pm »
Some of them do, wondered if that's something they saw whilst watching Porn?  Or a GFE thing?  ??? :o :P Thank you for bringing it up.  So weird.