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Author Topic: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?  (Read 4844 times)


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #15 on: 09 August 2020, 03:04:39 pm »

I think some enquiring clients think we’re robots and just think can book 4 hrs or some overnight with a Stranger you’ve not met and not even think twice.

This is what puts me off the most. Would you really spend that amount of money to spend time with an unknown quantity, unless you're so disengaged that you just want a warm hole?

I know that generally men don't need to consider their personal safety in the same way as women do, but honestly would you spaff £500 on someone who might be a shit conversationalist AND a crap shag?
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Snow Whitest

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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #16 on: 12 August 2020, 09:47:47 pm »
I just fake it until I feel it..
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by arseholes.” Sigmund Freud”


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #17 on: 14 June 2021, 10:14:32 am »
I'm an introvert and I can't see more than 3 people a week. If I do, I need weeks to recover. But I offer longer meetings.


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #18 on: 17 June 2021, 11:26:04 pm »
I'm an introvert and I can't see more than 3 people a week. If I do, I need weeks to recover. But I offer longer meetings.

Have you tried doing shorter bookings and seeing if they're less draining?

My ideal day is 10 back to back quickies. No social interaction required, just good blowjobs!

I won't see a new client for more than an hour. I have a very few regs who I'll do 2hr+ bookings with.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #19 on: 17 June 2021, 11:31:04 pm »
I'm an introvert but I present as an extrovert, am very very good at conversation and being entertaining albeit for a limited amount of time a week - I do one or two long bookings, usually dinner dates or overnights a week.

There is absolutely no way I could cope with several short bookings or quickies a day, several days a week.


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #20 on: 18 June 2021, 08:16:44 am »
I'm more introvert but think I cope ok.

I think now I am seeing clients more frequently, it has helped my conversation skills, although do find it tiring at times having to put on a friendly face when I'd rather just relax.

If I've seen so many without a decent break I go for a walk to clear my head. On days like that I get so wired from all the work that I struggle to get to sleep but have found going out walking helps.


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #21 on: 23 June 2021, 08:23:48 pm »
I suffer with social anxiety, and I find exercise beforehand makes me much less nervous and more talkative.
For instance a brisk walk to the shop and back, and the interaction with the person in the shop can help too.
Failing that, a drink! ;D

Bookings are the worst when both parties are dead awkward and don't have anything to say to each other... and nervousness can rub off on others. For these situations I like to have a few bits of small talk planned or perhaps even a bit of silly humour can work as an icebreaker in this situation.


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Re: How do you cope with bookings as introverts?
« Reply #22 on: 15 July 2021, 10:29:26 pm »
I have terrible social anxiety and spend most of my time alone. I work from home with a civvy job too, and work 3 days a week escorting. I absolutely hate longer than half an hour because my bubbly mask slips and the true me starts to emerge. Ie a bloody miserable monotone bore. 😁.