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Author Topic: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)  (Read 4167 times)


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How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« on: 07 October 2009, 06:16:37 am »
I am steaming more than a locomotive right now! I cannot believe this has happened to me in all the months I've been escorting. I am absolutely disgraced.

I met a client Sunday at a rather posh hotel and seemed to have worked out pretty decent. Fast forward to tonight, this guy has me over again ( I should have known, its rare to hire the same escort in a 2 day period). I get there, call him when I arrive in the parking lot and he picks up, gives me the room number again and I proceed to go up. I knock, and NOTHING. This asshole had me drive out 30 minutes away and it was a big ass set up! Im fucking furious!

See, I thought I could get by and not do a re-confirmation of the hotel since I had just met him Sunday. He didnt seem rude or aggressive or reluctant in any way. We had a glass of wine at the bar when we first met. He was a pretty descent client. I am just...whats the word...flabergasted that this happened. I was so shocked, that I couldn't even leave a nasty voicemail. And I couldnt do anything because it was a big posh hotel, I knocked and knocked and called about a dozen times to no avail.

It makes me sick that some people actually use us, and equally hate us. Some of our clients hate us, plain and simple. I put my best foot forward during that booking, and this guy had to have so much buyer's remorse that he paid that he turns back around and punishes me for it? What the fuck kind of shit is that? Jesus Christ some people....


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #1 on: 07 October 2009, 06:37:27 am »
And I'd like to add...another reason I didnt start banging on the door and making a scene is because I thought that if he was EVIL  enough to send me there like that, he would have been evil enough to call down to the receptionist and tell them some Black guy was knocking at his door and don't know who I am...

edit: I said something very mean that I may regret, sorry  :-[
« Last Edit: 07 October 2009, 07:48:06 am by JoeyR »


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #2 on: 07 October 2009, 08:28:45 am »
Joey, I have to take you to task here. You are not new to this game, by now you should have the same security protocol in place for a client you are seeing for the first time, and the same thing for ones you are seeing for the 20th time. These people are clients, no sharing of personal information, no visiting the family, and no bareback sex! It ain't rocket science! You said it yourself, and I quote : "( I should have known, its rare to hire the same escort in a 2 day period)." I am not trying to beat up on you, but at some point Joey, you have to be responsible for your own decisions, that client only did to you what you allowed him to do. Just be lucky it didn't end badly, and all that was wasted was your time.


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #3 on: 07 October 2009, 08:42:50 am »
Sorry Joey but I'm afraid I'm going to have to second Violette on this one.

You should have checked if the client was at the hotel and checked into his room before you set off to meet him. You should be sticking to your security checks no matter how many times you've met a client or how 'nice' they may seem.

Yes some of our clients do use us and hate us,its just the way it is,theres no point in even sitting analysing how our clients think about us because one things for sure you wont come to any pretty conclusions. The golden rule is NEVER TRUST CLIENTS,not ever! Treat them with suspicion at all times and always make sure that you've left it so theres no way they can get one over on you. Otherwise you will continue to be posting expletive strewn topics on here about how your clients have messed you about and caused you unneeded grief.

Sorry to be harsh babe,you know we all love you on here,we are just concerned for your stress levels (and safety)


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #4 on: 07 October 2009, 10:38:25 am »
I am in tears right now  :'(

You wont believe this. The same hotel I was stood up at today, well I get another call tonight from the same hotel. There is a convention in town this week and I have gotten 3 requests to go to this hotel so far.

Well I have a guy book me from a totally different phone number (actually from the city I used to live in), I verified all the information, first and last name and hotel number and had the receptionist forward me to that room.

I get to the room, this son of a bitch is snoring and I can hear it from outside the room. This time I banged on the door and this guy was knocked out. I called the cell, I didnt even hear any ringing. I think he must have turned the phone off and fell asleep on my way there.

This is by far the worst night ever!
« Last Edit: 07 October 2009, 10:43:31 am by JoeyR »


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #5 on: 07 October 2009, 10:54:31 am »
And no I dont think you 2 were being harsh...I was alot harder on myself  :(  I dont know who I want to kill right now, me or those bastards! I feel so stupid, how could something like this happen twice in a row. What have I done to deserve this?

Not to mention, a good regular client of mine emailed me about possibly cancelling an overnight booking for tomorrow and postponing it...This has been set up for a whole FUCKING month now, and he wants to try and fucking cancel it because he says he had, REPEAT: had the flu, says he is recovered and not contagious, yet but didnt want me to catch anything. How the FUCK will I catch something if you arent contagious?!

I just wanna scream! These idiots are driving me crazy :'( >:(


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #6 on: 07 October 2009, 12:04:50 pm »
Again you are being driven crazy, because you are only hearing what you want to hear from these men. Learn to listen, not just with your ears, but with your brain as well. Also talk to people, look at the time they are calling you, and the chances that they have been out drinking all evening, and in an impulse call you, and you take too long to get there. Call them every bleeping 10 minutes, until you get to the hotel, and keep talking to them on the way into the lobby. That way you know the SOB is awake! Bleating on about woe is me, is that attitude that gets you into these messes. Grrrrrrr


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #7 on: 07 October 2009, 03:23:51 pm »

This is just my two-cents worth (which is probably all it's worth!)

I'm sympathetic but I think you need to take a chill pill and try to relax a bit. Ppl can only wind you up and get to you as much as you let them. Don't get personally involved - remember it's a job, nothing more and everyone has shit weeks at work in any job, or bosses they can't get on with or who bully them.

Stress is not good for you, psychologically or physically. Take a few days off and treat yourself doing something you really like doing and spend time with friends you can trust.

Then when you're ready go back to work. You'll have a clearer perspective and feel more balanced and grounded once you've stopped being so angry. Anger is a nasty little emotion that tends to feed off itself and the only person that ends up hurt is you.

I really hope things get better, I'll be thinking of you babe  ;)
xoxo ~ lila ~ xoxo


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #8 on: 07 October 2009, 03:35:35 pm »
Again you are being driven crazy, because you are only hearing what you want to hear from these men. Learn to listen, not just with your ears, but with your brain as well. Also talk to people, look at the time they are calling you, and the chances that they have been out drinking all evening, and in an impulse call you, and you take too long to get there. Call them every bleeping 10 minutes, until you get to the hotel, and keep talking to them on the way into the lobby. That way you know the SOB is awake! Bleating on about woe is me, is that attitude that gets you into these messes. Grrrrrrr

I'm glad you said it. Amen!


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #9 on: 07 October 2009, 07:41:45 pm »
and in an impulse call you, and you take too long to get there. Call them every bleeping 10 minutes, until you get to the hotel, and keep talking to them on the way into the lobby. That way you know the SOB is awake! Bleating on about woe is me, is that attitude that gets you into these messes. Grrrrrrr

You know I would have normally done that, I really have. I just didnt think the guy even sounded as drunk as he was. Even in all the times I've done late night calls that hasnt happened before. I don't know what the hell is going on at the hotel, called the GayLord...but I will never ride back up there again. I was there to that hotel a half hour after he called me, I did not think it was that long. Im telling you Violette, that M. fucker turned his phone on silent because I called it twice with my ear pressed against the door and didnt hear nothing, yet the phone was ringing off the hook.

I called him from my other phone this afternoon, but no answer still. When he calls back Im going to throw my professionalism out the f-ing window!


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #10 on: 07 October 2009, 08:15:59 pm »
Im just going to try and not think about it right now...last night I dreamed it all over again and woke up with a serious headache  :(

remember it's a job, nothing more and everyone has shit weeks at work in any job, or bosses they can't get on with or who bully them.

Stress is not good for you, psychologically or physically. Take a few days off and treat yourself doing something you really like doing and spend time with friends you can trust.

Well, it'd be nice if I had some friends who I could trust...but that would involve me hoping on a plane to Florida. Hmmm  8)
But that is true though, Im sure if it didnt happen in this job, it'd be at some other job. And I'd probably get a better chance to punch someone's lights out haha  :D

I have a photoshoot this weekend, all this stress going on I can feel my face being covered with pimples in the next 24 hours  :-[
« Last Edit: 07 October 2009, 08:22:46 pm by JoeyR »


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #11 on: 07 November 2009, 10:14:36 am »
Oh no he didnt!

Yes, he tried to..Again, some creep tries to send me on a blank mission tonight and I am trying not to get revved up but Im feeling pissed irritated right now!

Luckily, this go I called him half-way to doublecheck that he was still alive. He is a dumbass to think that I'd drive all the way down there and not do my checks. This guy has been contacting me for 2 weeks now asking to see me. I have been unable to, and the first time I was on tour when he contacted me. Then when the time comes, what do ya know he doesnt even answer phone while en route.

Stupid fucker...I cant wait to get the hell up out this town next week. Stupid shit like this I cant be bothered. There's a town about 4 hours from here, and the people arent nearly ass stupid. I'll try it out and see.


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #12 on: 07 November 2009, 11:25:51 am »
Also talk to people, look at the time they are calling you, and the chances that they have been out drinking all evening, and in an impulse call you, and you take too long to get there.

It's for this reason I won't take a late outcall booking.  The chances of this happening are just too high.  Do you have a cut-off time for taking calls Joey?  I think I've read before about you getting really pissed off at calls/texts very late at night/early morning?  - do you leave your phone on all night?  I'm sure we all get stupid o'clock callers and listen to their voicemail message whilst enjoying our morning coffee  (and then delete the message without a second thought  ;D).  Don't regard these callers as missed bookings - be pleased you weren't available to take the call and so avoided being put through a load of crap.
« Last Edit: 07 November 2009, 02:40:00 pm by Vanessa »


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Re: How dare he fucking do this shit to me! (hotel outcall)
« Reply #13 on: 07 November 2009, 08:11:31 pm »
I dont so much mind to take late night bookings because in the past, I have never gone out for a late night booking and the client not be there or answer en route. It was never something I'd worry about. However, I am totally and wholly convinced it has something to do with this website I been advertising on called 'adam4adam'. Its a website for hookups, dating and escorts all in one. It works okay, but at the same time it has it's idiots, almost like craigslist.

But at this point Im not taking anymore of that late B.S. anymore off of that site. There are some sites in which a late night booking can be taken, that's not one of them.

And another thing, normally I dont like to be predjudice...and feel free to jump on me, but I feel it must be said! This guy happened to be black, I should of known damn well not to trust going to a Black guy's house that late at night! Whats funny is over the past month of so, I have had 2 or 3 Black guys call me late at night to meet them at their homes, and both times I've said no cause I know Black folks funny like that. They'll probably send me out to some empty house or some stupid shit like that. And once I did it awhile back, ***** didnt even want to pay me, I had to get $20 off him for my gas and wasting my damn time!

I would never advise to not see them during business hours, but Im sorry when it comes to late at night...they just be about too many damn games!