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Author Topic: how customers hand over the money  (Read 5185 times)

sadie x

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how customers hand over the money
« on: 05 May 2012, 11:00:08 pm »
I know this mite not get many ansews..
But i always find the sweetest customers i meet,hand my money over to me in an envolope..
I just think its a very respectful and a nice way to do it!
And puts things to a great start,then get in shower before i have chance to offer..
I think the worst way,is getting it out of there pocket,crumpeled up and asking "HOW MUCH"
Has anyone had strange or awkward ways of been paid?


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #1 on: 05 May 2012, 11:14:51 pm »
I find I have to ask / prompt a lot and I hate that, but no money upfront = no service as I got ripped off a couple of times as a newbie years ago.

Occasionally I get it in an envelope, usually older gents.

Once I got the money in a greetings card with flowers on the front. inside it said "thanks for a wonderful time x from T" - it was interesting but sweet that he'd never even met me yet was so sure of a wonderful time!

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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #2 on: 05 May 2012, 11:18:12 pm »
Thats my favourite too..... I like a little "Thank You" card.
Its just nice to see someone being so courteous....
One of my regulars makes references to my blogs in my thank you cards which I think is sweet as it shows he takes an interest....

sadie x

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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #3 on: 05 May 2012, 11:20:35 pm »
I know its so sweet!
i can recall a guy that kinder hid in corner,as for me to not see in his wallet!
as though im a thief..pratt


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #4 on: 06 May 2012, 01:24:32 am »
« Last Edit: 09 October 2012, 01:01:11 pm by La-lique »


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #5 on: 06 May 2012, 01:29:48 am »
i do love the gents with the envelopes

but i do make an excuse to go to the bathroom to check its all there

as you never know

i hate it when after 5 mins the gent hasnt handed it over

then you have to ask ruins the moment
im me take it or leave it


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #6 on: 06 May 2012, 07:54:48 am »
I'm really not fussed about how guys hand over the money.  Its great when they do it without asking, but if they haven't done so within a few minutes I just sweetly say 'lets get the business side out of the way so we can relax'.  Asking never spoils it for me.  I also usually have have no problems counting out the money in front of them - that way no one can dispute if they have under or overpaid you.

Yes it has happened  - a couple of guys have overpaid me and have been astounded when I've told them and given them the difference back!

Jen Dalestone

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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #7 on: 06 May 2012, 09:49:31 am »
I usually ask the gent if he'd like some water to drink, then when I hand over the glass, he hands over the money in an unsealed envelope in return at the same time and we both say thank you without anything else needing to be said. This is by far the most common method for me and I like it as it's so easy and casual for both parties because neither has to mention the payment directly.

Other times they'll just leave it in plain sight on a table or directly hand it over it me when they go off to have their shower.

My shyer clients are usually waiting for any opportunity to hand over the money straight away (I've often seen the envelope being held in their hand under their coat) and I honestly do feel sorry for them because I know they want to hand it over but aren't sure how best to do that. In those cases, I just say "why don't we get the paperwork out of the way and start having a little naughty fun" with a bright smile on my face which usually does the trick.

The worst guys are the ones who count it out in front of you (though to be fair I've had a couple of nice guys do that but it was only because they came directly from a business meeting and didn't have time to get an envelope for which they apologised - a sincere apology goes a long way with me).


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #8 on: 06 May 2012, 07:59:05 pm »
By far the nicest way I have ever been given my fee was when the client gave me a lovely box of lovely chocolates with the money tucked into the ribbon on top of the box.  My two favourite things - chocolate and money!!  ha ha  Very sweet - excuse the pun :) xxx


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #9 on: 06 May 2012, 08:23:35 pm »
I always offer a drink from my mini bar, sit down and chat first then say, lets sort the buisness side of things before we get carried away. this is always acceptable by my clients.
I dont have such thoughful men that place it in cards or envelopes yet
Maybe one day.
Ruby x :-*


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #10 on: 07 May 2012, 02:14:17 pm »
I do not care if it is an envelope or not as long as I do not have to wrangle it from them and it is correct I am happy.  I also have no qualms in asking "to get the papaerwork out of the way" if need be.  Some may be new to this and not be sure when to hand over the money or may have seen different girls who take it at the end etc etc etc so many reasons why it might not be in an envelope or why they do not offer it immediately that I do not get annoyed having to ask.
What I do hate is when they put it down near them as if to say "it is all there and now you cant count it and have to trust it is correct" sorry guys but that is a no go and I will walk round to you and count it.  Mind anyway is better than the guy who paid me for 3 hours in fivers and pound coins as he had to scrimp and scrape to afford it and hide the money in his car and was too scared to go to the bank and change it into decent sized notes. 
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southern belle

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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #11 on: 22 May 2012, 07:44:27 pm »
I welcome the guy and have a little chat for five mins, offer a glass of water, and if he has not voluntarily handed over the money by then, I politely say: 'shall we get the paperwork out of the way?' Sometimes the guy is genuinely a little bit nervous and so needs prompting. Either way, I don't find it a big deal and I will walk off to the safe counting the money before it goes in, while he goes into the shower. Also, I am not fussed about the envelope.


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #12 on: 23 May 2012, 06:38:42 am »
its usually in my bag, in an envelope somewhere or tucked in halfway under the pillow. Never had problems with asking, to the point where even if I didnt see the money straight away, I wouldnt bother too much because I knew I'd always find it somewhere. I guess that's the case with having most clients off a SD site, they insist on making it as less businesslike as possible.

Amber Sweetpetite

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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #13 on: 23 May 2012, 10:07:58 am »
One guy I see waits till I go to the bathroom then puts an envelope on top of or near my overnight bag.


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Re: how customers hand over the money
« Reply #14 on: 25 May 2012, 08:06:35 am »
But do you just take the envelope without mentioning it to them?

I have long term regulars who do this, but I ALWAYS ask if it's for me out of fear it's for something else!  :D

I see a guy who's' thing' is to book several Escorts a night ( one leaves, the other arrives ), we all have our different rates and so he leaves the specified amount around his place for each lady!

I visited someone for the first time recently and saw a wad of money by the TV. 10 minutes in  when he hadn't mentioned payment, I asked if the money was for me?  He said ," NO! Don't take that!" Turns out he had bought ?3,000 worth of fake notes to use at the races. He gave me genuine notes from his pocket ( I know this, they are long banked  ;D ) I would never have known the other notes were fake ( he gave me a couple, but I have been too terrified to try them out anywhere! )

Do any of you ladies use the marker pens infront of Clients?
« Last Edit: 25 May 2012, 08:09:01 am by Phoenix »