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Author Topic: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Me?  (Read 1694 times)


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Why Do Bad Things Happen To Me?
« on: 16 June 2011, 12:15:03 am »
Hello Everybody,

Well, its been a long time since i have posted as i have been so busy with other things and usually when i get home i end up falling asleep on the sofa.

Where do i start...I don't even know but i suppose i will have to start from the beginning...This is gonna be a long one, sorry.

Right, here goes...

One of my friends went and got all paranoid as I'm not around sometimes and she thought i was avoiding her. The obvious reason was I'm at work, she knows i used to work but thinks i stopped. She kept going on and on at her dad saying stuff like was i avoiding her? Has she upset me? Etc. Bearing in mind she is VERY pregnant and VERY hormonal. He tried so hard to convince her that i wasn't but she just kept going on and on. He knows what i do and has for ages. In the end he ended up saying that I'm not always around because I'm working. He swore her to silence, BUT, she was no the only one in the car when this was said. There was one of her younger friends with them. Who obviously heard. She was also sworn to silence.

Anyway, i thought there was something going on, to cut a lot out. The younger girl has fell out with my friend. I was out with my friend who was really slagging the younger girl off. I said nothing i just let her carry on and let it all out as i didn't want to take sides. Anyway somebody overheard her going on and assumed i was going on as well. They told the younger girl.

The next thing i know is i get a phone call telling me that that silly little girl has gone and said to my friends sister. That i said she slept with 7 men (I didn't, even though it is true!). Then she went on to say "Well, shes a prostitute who works in a brothel up the road".

Oh my god, i couldn't believe she had said that, we have all heard about he said, she said shit, but that pushed it to another level. I went mad i confronted this little girl, not in front of anyone as not to embarrass her or myself more importantly. She admitted she said it but went on to say that she was pissed off cause my friend and i were slagging her off. Then she went on to laugh in my face. I held it together, i walked away. but then got wound up wen my friend and her sister came down to again prove it to me that it was true. I did nearly go for her but thought better of it. I did not want 'battery of a minor' on my record.

The next thing you know, i have got another one of my male friends shouting in my face about I'm bullying her, just cause he is shagging her. I have know this guy for 10 years, i cant believe he sided with her, he known her for about 1 month. I didn't appreciate all my business out in the open. He really went for it in front of everyone. I obviously am not talking to either of them at the moment.

Although she has tried to apologise, i cant accept it, i feel like she has breached an area of trust. The worst thing is my best friend who i wrote about before on my other post (Re: Advise needed yet again...) has completely sided with her. I am absolutely heartbroken. I argued with my partner over it last night as i cant hold the anger in. Police got called to my address because of all the shouting, i am not proud to say, that i was doing, i really hurt my partner and made him cry. Then i cried for hours. I cant believe my best friend at all, this loud mouth little girl was slagging her down to the ground the other week and i as holding her corner. When the shoe is on the other foot its completely different.

I feel very alone right about now, i feel like everybody is looking at me like I'm the bad person all because i got angry about my business being louded out...Am i in the wrong?

Sorry its a long one. I feel like I'm back at school, i have been escaping to my horses and crying i have never felt so hurt in all my life.

Love N' Hugz.

"Who care's what anyone say's...If you've got it...Flaunt it!!!!  :-*


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Re: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Me?
« Reply #1 on: 18 June 2011, 10:39:08 pm »
please please please change the title of this post....


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Re: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Me?
« Reply #2 on: 19 June 2011, 09:19:51 am »
Sorry you have to go through all this, Mak. >hugs< You don't want all this chaos going on in your life, do you - maybe you should reconsider some of your friendships... what are they based on, do you truly like them as they are these people whom you consider friends? What's in it for you from cultivating their friendship, other than the drama and the generalized gossiping?

On the other hand I can quite see their point about "bullying" that girl. She wasn't after all, your friend, so she didn't have any duty to you in the slightest to keep the secret. And even if she were your friend, I wouldn't lean very much on other humans generally if I were you, there's freedom of speech for everyone, so other than being careful who you share your secret with and why, there's nothing much you can do if the secret does go out. You didn't say what you told that girl when you "confronted" her, but if I was in your place I don't quite know what else to say to her other that she'd hurt me by sharing my secret. If you've been quite hard on her, then they have a point for saying you bullied her, because as I said people have freedom of speech and none of these people does ultimately owe you anything. Each one is free to act their own mind and do as they feel, including that guy.
Now I personally would find that woman (calling you "a prostitute up the street at the brothel", yuk) distasteful and wouldn't want her and the likes of her in my life, but then that's up to you to decide. kisses!
« Last Edit: 19 June 2011, 09:23:14 am by Alexandra_23 »