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Author Topic: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy  (Read 18347 times)


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #30 on: 03 May 2016, 11:51:43 pm »
M&S yo can order on line  and they do free pick up from the store or ?3 for delivery
I often get mine delivered as ive gone into my local store lots of times and found that they don't have what I want

Ive been using M&S stockings for years and they are brilliant

I never had a problem with their hold ups but their stockings just don't seem to sit right, they are nearer my knee's than my thigh lol.

Not a good look especially when wearing something above the knee


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #31 on: 04 May 2016, 07:34:23 am »
I always use a little bit of titty tape on top of the hold ups - stops them rolling down and you can wear them over and over and over again,

What would this be called on Amazon? (Surely not "titty tape.")


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #32 on: 04 May 2016, 11:08:01 am »
I mainly buy mine off Amazon, but I may look elsewhere because I'm ripping every pair of stockings with my nails, I always have my nails done so it's a task trying to get them on without ripping them.

I've done it to every single pair of stockings, they're good as new for about three bookings then bam, I rip them! Anyone know anyway I can stop this? Without losing my acrylics? Or do I just need to put them on better... Haha  :'( :FF


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #33 on: 04 May 2016, 01:37:52 pm »
I mainly buy mine off Amazon, but I may look elsewhere because I'm ripping every pair of stockings with my nails, I always have my nails done so it's a task trying to get them on without ripping them.

I've done it to every single pair of stockings, they're good as new for about three bookings then bam, I rip them! Anyone know anyway I can stop this? Without losing my acrylics? Or do I just need to put them on better... Haha  :'( :FF

M&S i swear by them  they dont seem to run so even when you get a hole it stays small mine can last ages although I always buy loads


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #34 on: 04 May 2016, 02:21:08 pm »
Jasper condrad hold ups are great and come it different styles, also swear by marks and Spencer's they never seem to run or bobble


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #35 on: 04 May 2016, 02:46:47 pm »
I mainly buy mine off Amazon, but I may look elsewhere because I'm ripping every pair of stockings with my nails, I always have my nails done so it's a task trying to get them on without ripping them.

I've done it to every single pair of stockings, they're good as new for about three bookings then bam, I rip them! Anyone know anyway I can stop this? Without losing my acrylics? Or do I just need to put them on better... Haha  :'( :FF

M&S i swear by them  they dont seem to run so even when you get a hole it stays small mine can last ages although I always buy loads
Thank you! I'll definitely pick some up x


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #36 on: 04 May 2016, 02:50:16 pm »
What would this be called on Amazon? (Surely not "titty tape.")

I've spotted it listed under body/flash/fashion tape.

Green Carnation

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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #37 on: 04 May 2016, 07:01:00 pm »
may I suggest you find a stocking-fetish client. Mine supplies me in all the stockings in the world I need, and even those I don't need. How did I live before he turned up in my life? ???


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #38 on: 05 May 2016, 08:11:42 am »
Aren't you supposed to put them in the freezer before wearing? clear nail polish helps with ladders etc

Just don't buy any from hong kong off ebay for 99p they are crap. I find Primark seems to be the best place for me, cheap & durable. Tescos aren't bad either.


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #39 on: 05 May 2016, 08:53:49 am »
Primark are pretty good for shorter people - they're a tiny bit short on me - but I don't think their hold-ups stay up that well.

I really ought to pick one affordable brand and buy in bulk. Then matching them up won't be a problem.


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #40 on: 05 May 2016, 09:00:47 am »
Primark are pretty good for shorter people - they're a tiny bit short on me - but I don't think their hold-ups stay up that well.

I really ought to pick one affordable brand and buy in bulk. Then matching them up won't be a problem.

That's what I do I buy in bulk  M&S so if one breaks I can match it up
With another one. They really are very good stockings


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #41 on: 05 May 2016, 09:07:31 am »
That's what I do with my kid's socks! I buy masses of grey school socks all large enough for my oldest and they just stay in a laundry basket in a heap.  :D

I've just looked up those stockings - I've used them before. So you can order them to be picked up at your local M&S department store? That would be very convenient!

After I've exhausted what I have now I'll go buy some and then place a large order to pick up and then I'll just wear those all the time.

Do you guys immediately throw them out if they run or get a hole? I do. My friend wears hers until they're shreded. LOL


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #42 on: 05 May 2016, 09:47:27 am »
I wait until M & S have a 20% off and buy in bulk then so for each 4 pairs you get one free. I don't mind wearing them again if they have a small hole in the foot as I just have it under my shoe, but one of my pet hates is to see ripped/snagged stockings, and clothing for that matter, it looks minging, although I did once have a boyfriend who had a ripped stocking fetish lol Nowadays I save my laddered ones to put on cross dressing guys they never notice.


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #43 on: 05 May 2016, 08:05:36 pm »
or you could buy the job lot that's on ebay it's in size medium autograph in black 15 pairs  ;) What about BHS? their stockings any good? Going into administration aren't they..
« Last Edit: 05 May 2016, 08:27:39 pm by Chatterly »


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Re: Hosiery thread: tips and where to buy
« Reply #44 on: 06 May 2016, 06:10:09 pm »
I swear by marks and spencer hold ups.I'm tall size 14 but my thighs are big, actually they're huge. Their extra large size are the only ones that seem to fit me properly. ?5 a pair but make sure you are signed up to their emails and get one of their new sparks loyalty cards and you always get discount money off promotions.