Oh my God, I am fuming!

I have a regular who verges on being mildly to moderately annoying. There's a huge age difference but I am nice to him as he's loyal. But over the year I've had to decline telling him my real name when he asked and there have been other times where I feel he's tried to take advantage.
But he seems to take my boundaries with good will. He also excessively texts me too, sometimes about ridiculous things. This week the latest text from him was to tell me that he'd got a text from his mobile phone provider telling me that his free texts have run out and did I think it was to do with lockdown?

How am I supposed to know? I think he thinks I'm a friend despite the huge age gap, even though I've told him nicely about my boundaries. I was careful of offending him though in case he spits his dummy out and I suppose because of the global situation I have put up with more than usual.
But when I answered his latest text I said my phone is a PAYG so texts cost me anyway, that's another reason why I like to keep them at a minimal. I didn't think there was anything offensive about that as I wouldn't have said anything if I did, but he's taken the huff and spat his dummy out and told me he's longer seeing me.
I know what you're all going to say and normally I wouldn't bother as there is always someone else, but with the current climate I don't know whether that will be the case.
He was a man who despite me telling him otherwise thought this job is my hobby, I give out my personal number to everyone and tell them my life story

I also respond to every text day or night no matter what the time is as I have nothing better to do.
God, I hate men like this!