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Author Topic: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!  (Read 7410 times)


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #15 on: 05 July 2020, 05:52:23 pm »
I use to have this regular, half hour booking every two weeks. When first started coming he kept asking real name it was like having a parrot in the room. It's like it's not real if they don't know your real name. You have to have two ready because they won't believe the first one you give them. During bookings he would be saying my "real" name and I would forget and i would be thinking what's he going on about.

He use to over stay his welcome and you would have to practically shove him out the door. But he was such an easy job a real one minute wonder.

Quite a few times he came late and asked if he could stay the night. HALF HOUR BOOKING!!!!!!

I have never made up a 'real' name as I wouldn't want anyone to think that asking such personal details is ever acceptable. I've always said that it's not something I disclose to anyone.
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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #16 on: 05 July 2020, 05:55:29 pm »
I never, ever get this with younger guys. It's always significantly older men. This one who my post is about has to be in his 80's. And I'm 35  :-X   :-X

He has always been on the sleazy side and had a career with a position of trust over young people which I'm sure he will have abused. He has the personality type and isn't used to being told no  ::)

Like you just as many older do this, and people in positions of trust are not exempt.

Sometimes there's an air of 'I know better than you' or 'We are friends aren't we?'

Friends wouldn't push boundaries or take advantage.

Snow Whitest

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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #17 on: 06 July 2020, 08:58:02 pm »
It's so interesting listening to peoples opinions on here. In my experience it's the older clients who act in an entitled way not the young ones. Ones over sixty seem to be particularly prone. Most of my under 30 clients are as sweet as, proper superfans which makes me crack up!
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by arseholes.” Sigmund Freud”


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #18 on: 07 July 2020, 12:22:36 am »
It's so interesting listening to peoples opinions on here. In my experience it's the older clients who act in an entitled way not the young ones. Ones over sixty seem to be particularly prone. Most of my under 30 clients are as sweet as, proper superfans which makes me crack up!

Same here! The worst clients I have had in this regard have always been 60+. I had to cut off quite a few clients over the ywars but I did notice that most of them were from when I first started and had considerably less experience, less boundaries and less confidence to tell them what's what if they started that nonsense.

I don't have any of these types of clients now as I cut them all off and nip that behaviour in the bud from any new clients.

Cut him off, he's not worth it.


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #19 on: 07 July 2020, 06:00:36 am »
It's weird, maybe I used to be naive, before I started escorting I didn't realise men could get like this!  The last 6 years have been a real eye opener  as well as a learning curve for me.  I have had some real super needy, clingy clients, it's really strange they seem to put you on a pedestal.  I have now learned to read the signs that they are that way inclined and are potentially going to turn into a nuisance!


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #20 on: 07 July 2020, 08:11:01 am »
Same here! The worst clients I have had in this regard have always been 60+. I had to cut off quite a few clients over the ywars but I did notice that most of them were from when I first started and had considerably less experience, less boundaries and less confidence to tell them what's what if they started that nonsense.

I don't have any of these types of clients now as I cut them all off and nip that behaviour in the bud from any new clients.

Cut him off, he's not worth it.

The more I think about it the more I think it was planned. That last text he sent made absolutely no sense because he'd already texted me ten minutes previous to say what he would like in that afternoon's booking. When he sent the final text he was literally supposed to see me in just a few hours time. I'd already answered the previous text to say everything was fine and yet his last text sounded like he never text me at all that day. I very nearly ignored it thinking I could answer it in person and if I had he would have probably text me again to say the same thing he did when he spat his dummy out - that's why I think it was all a crafty plan to do what he did.

This man has to be in his 80's and it's appalling behaviour the way he's carried on. When he saw me last year he requested a role play of a school girl and he was the teacher. The thing is he's said he was a teacher in real life - that was his career - and it was that booking that made me think I bet this actually happened in his job.

On the occasion I ignored his texts he would most likely send another text asking a question so I'd be more inclined to answer. He is definitely one very creepy, manipulative man who should be ignored. If anyone wants his number then pm me. He lives in the Bolton/Wigan area.
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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #21 on: 09 July 2020, 10:45:06 pm »
Nope I love my regulars.  Steady income and I treat my regulars better than newbies.  For example I provide them with owo, French kissing and more...  I know regulars are sometimes hard work but in my role it is not easy cum easy go especially with the virus.


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #22 on: 09 July 2020, 11:16:34 pm »
I learn lot from things my ex bf tell me about his life and I use when with customer. He tell me most thing not go from 0 to 100 like press light button, many thing rise slowly as people test. In my job i use like this.

1. If book don’t turn up... never accept booking again, not matter reason they give after.
2. First time they ask about my real name, relationship , I say this is private... or I ask their name and ID.
3. If customer contact for “talk” I reply “this is my business number for booking only, thank you for understanding “
4. Overstay.... this up to me... with some customer time is good if natural it go past by 10-20 minutes ok, but when become boring and they try to overstay I become very clear “time up, would you like extend” or “time up, I have get ready booking in 30 minutes”
5. Things above usually make people that become regular behave and not confuse


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #23 on: 10 July 2020, 12:43:34 am »
I treat my regulars better than newbies.

But given that they were all newbies once, how then do you get more regulars? ???


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #24 on: 10 July 2020, 08:06:41 pm »
Do you Ladies get sometimes this strange question "Do your family kow that you are an escort ?" It seems to be a very popular question next to What is your real name.

I usually respond: And do your family know that you have to pay for sex to get it?

Then most of them have this the most embarrassing face ever and I often hear "I am sorry I am not good if it comes to women."

Well, sue you are not, You pay for sex to get it and come here to ask me if my family know that I am an escort.

One of them who asked me this was a psychiatrist by occupation!

Can't stand those disrespectful fuckers.


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #25 on: 11 July 2020, 08:57:29 pm »
Nope I love my regulars.  Steady income and I treat my regulars better than newbies.  For example I provide them with owo, French kissing and more...  I know regulars are sometimes hard work but in my role it is not easy cum easy go especially with the virus.

I think we shouldn't trust any client. Be pleasant but never trust them. I've seen some turn that I would never have thought were nasty.


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #26 on: 12 July 2020, 11:25:35 am »
I had a regular like this and he got me really annoyed one day when he was over time and I said I had to go out, and this was true so I eventually got him out and a taxi had been arranged to pick me up half an hour after the booking was due to end, so when I came out of my flat, onto the main road which is where my last place was located at, then he was standing there, right outside my flat and I got the shock of my life to see him standing there, when the taxi was there and I jumped into it then he said “so you weren’t lying then and you are going out” :FF well of course this INFURIATED me to the point that it ruined the rest of my day so when I got home I sent him and email and in the words of the Scottish then I went “fucking radge” (mental lol) and explained how I was only in this job for the cash, and that we weren’t mates (he had previously wanted to pop down one night with a bottle of wine for a ‘friendly’ time without £££)  and that I was seriously starting to hate him to the point I was willing to lose £220 a week (he was always 2 hours in call) just to get rid of him, well I expected a vindictive type message back and that of course I would lose him but the strangest thing happened, he actually towed the line, started behaving and is now one of my favourite clients! He said he loved how honest I was and that he respected that over me pretending to enjoy sleeping with him just to get the cash (which is obvs the nature of the job duh) and now he brings me champagne and I can open with him if I want but I can also keep it for myself and friends! Sometimes honesty works in this job but that’s just with a small percentage of clients right enough!

I am surprised at the number of you here that give false real names, that to me is making them think that we’re all mates and it’s no wonder that some of them never tow the line, when they ask me my real name (there are a small group that know due to bank transfers but I know they’re sound) then I just say “(working name) is the only name your getting I’m afraid” and if they ask again then I just don’t see them again, I don’t care how much money I could be losing because as far as I’m concerned then there is ALWAYS another client waiting in the wings ready to give me that same cash that I lost!


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #27 on: 15 July 2020, 09:50:05 pm »
Example of just one client: texted day after meet "afternoon". I ignored. Texted two days later "are you ok?" I replied " yes thank you. Why?" He replied that he was just being nice. I replied that I don't find it appropriate and it's intrusive and unnecessary...and I asked him to just text for appt arrangements. He has eventually replied, after initially spitting dummy out to say he is sorry. Needless to say, I won't be seeing him again. Fed up to the utter back teeth of such boundary pushing. Completely disrespectful. If you had a plumber round to fix your sink, would you then text him randomly every few days? No you would be scared of being done for harrassment.
« Last Edit: 15 July 2020, 09:52:14 pm by Shewolf »


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #28 on: 16 July 2020, 06:17:59 am »
We give them such an intimate service and I imagine that most of us have acting skills to rival the soap stars and they’re that deluded that they don’t get that it’s all in the name of customer service..and the majority won’t come back to us if we all admitted that we were only sleeping with them for the cash..I’ll never understand how or why they don’t get still baffles me all these years later..I get that in the booking they have a need to believe that we are enjoying having sex with them but afterwards when they are away from us then why can’t they get that a large part of the fantasy, for paying clients, is the pretence that we’re with them because we want to be and not because we are paid to be..speaking about it and asking that ever annoying question “why do you do this job” defeats the whole purpose of said fantasy  :FF


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Re: Hate Entitled Regulars So Much!
« Reply #29 on: 06 August 2020, 08:48:32 pm »
The entitlement is why I don't like regulars.