I don't resent men as individual people, but I do resent a sexist society that gives men a greater sense of self worth and entitlement and women a greater degree of scrutiny, criticism and consequently poor self-regard, encouraging men to take and women to give etc. I saw this not only from reading in sociology etc, but from my own experiences of giving time and energy to boyfriends, male friends etc that was not fully reciprocated.
But I got into the industry because I had that resentment, and as such I wanted to have very clear boundaries in my interactions with men and sex; if I'm giving you X, I need to know I'll be getting Y, so I don't feel like I have been short changed. So for me it was kind of the other way around.
(But it did not stop me from pursuing more pointless relationships with entitled low effort men men who have learnt to treat women as resources for their egos, oh dear...
