SAAFE forum
General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: KBP on 04 January 2020, 11:54:40 pm
I'm suffering a terrible, reoccurring pain on my foot just under where my big toe ends on the big joint on my foot and it seems to be caused by wearing heels. I wear Pleaser heels and I like to look glamorous.
Also, wearing heels makes me feel more confident and also more in control. If I'm as tall as a client or taller I feel more authoritative. I feel like giving up my heels will make me feel vulnerable but I dont think I'm going to have much choice.
It's happened three times now and this is the worst it's been. I'm limping and in considerable pain. I know it will go and thankfully I'm not working until Monday plus I'll be at home but I just don't know how I'll cope on tour without my heels.
Has anyone else had a similar issue? How did you cope? Heels are one of the main parts of my work dress! ???
I would go and see a podiatrist because they might be able to help, or recommend some physiotherapy.
However... any podiatrist will tell you not to wear heels for prolonged periods, because of the problems they can cause with feet (and knees). I've never worn them - I have a few pairs that have a 3-3.5" heel, and will wear those to greet clients at the door, and then take them off after they've gone upstairs; I think in five years one client has specifically asked beforehand that I would wear them throughout. Civvy shoes have always been 2-2.5" heel max, and most only an inch or so.
If you really feel you can't give them up completely, don't go over 4" (preferably 3") and get some with a slightly thicker heel, or at least heel base, and don't keep them on.
I only put my heels on last minute before a client is due. I never sit in them for long.
In between bookings keep them off and don't keep them on long during a booking.
I always wear very high heels for bookings (average 5 or 6ins) but am hardly on my feet in them for more than 5 minutes. I like towering over most clients as am already tall without heels. As said recently by me and others I only put them on a second before answering my door and they come off the second I close it after goodbye.
In civvy life I am only ever in flat shoes or boots or heels of half an inch which is as good as flat.
Very early on I had a few problems with shop bought tiny stilletoes and toe cramming (apparently you can get arthritis this way joints were getting a bit hot), I saw a
pediatrist podiatrist who sorted it out with custom made inserts, it took about 12-18 months years for joints to adjust nicely...Permanently as long as I don't revert to teeny weeny doll shoes again. All good.
I thought it worth the effort to get custom made 6 inch stilleto platforms for dom work. I keep them on for 1-6 hours fine . Because they're made for my foot they're comfortable. Regular escort I'll wear normal 5 inch shop bought for the door opening then remove immediately or keep on in the sack if he's into leggy-shoe stuff. For massage I'm a nature girl, bare feet.
Civvy life I live in trainers with max 'suspension' with the trusty inserts. Especially for running.
I only put my heels on last minute before a client is due. I never sit in them for long.
In between bookings keep them off and don't keep them on long during a booking.
I'm the same and years ago a podiatrist reassured me heels are ok if only worn a small proportion of time. I wear flat get to bookings, or until the client arrives.
I never wear them unless they're specifically requested. I twisted my ankle really badly over a year ago and was on crutches for two weeks, and since then i get quite a lot of pain when wearing them. it's definitely improved recently but I just don't feel safe or stable on them. Nobody generally complains. I have smart flat boots I wear for outcalls and I take heels to put on in the bedroom if they want me to, if they whinge I just say it's not discreet and they generally accept it!
Definitely try physio or podiatrist though if it's something that's important to you. x
Sometimes I have to see an Osteopath to get my foot/ankle reset in place.
I never keep my heels on for longer than 5-10 minutes & don't wear any heels over 2.5-3 inches.
I used to do reverse cowgirl/squat in heels. I would only ever do that on short bookings but it's not worth the risk of injury.
I had this problem on my left foot only. I went to the podiatrist who recommended exercising them. Taking off shoes and moving my toes up and down, so pointing them, then pulling them up as far as I could towards the sky (not using hands just using muscles in toes) whilst bottom of foot is placed on floor. I also took anti inflammatories and it took about a month to pass. I did this a frequently as possible.
I remember it felt like the ball of my foot was on fire and I couldn’t bear to wear heels but it passed and hasn’t come back.
I had this problem on my left foot only. I went to the podiatrist who recommended exercising them. Taking off shoes and moving my toes up and down, so pointing them, then pulling them up as far as I could towards the sky (not using hands just using muscles in toes) whilst bottom of foot is placed on floor. I also took anti inflammatories and it took about a month to pass. I did this a frequently as possible.
I remember it felt like the ball of my foot was on fire and I couldn’t bear to wear heels but it passed and hasn’t come back.
Those symptoms describe plantar fasciitis. If it does return, calf stretching, towel stretches (using a bathroom towel to pull your toes toward you for 30 seconds at a time while lying down), foot rollers, and ice can help greatly. I'm completely addicted to my heels too, but sometimes my feet don't agree. :(
I sympathise if it is plantar fascitis. That is painful to the extreme. It was a few years ago and before I did this job but I had to go to the podiatrist for some shoe inserts.
I understand they are very expensive privately these days but luckily I was referred by the GP to a department of a good neighbouring hospital. My local NHS podiatrists were rubbish so I went back to the GP to request a referral to the hospital instead which worked wonders.
Yes! I have osteoarthritis in my ankles and I can't wear anything over than flats now.
I feel it makes me legs look so much chunkier without heels but, needs must I suppose :FF
I only put my heels on last minute before a client is due. I never sit in them for long.
In between bookings keep them off and don't keep them on long during a booking.
I get the same pain. I used ibuprofen cream on it and it helps
I broke a toe after wearing some heels (not even high ones) and now my heart sinks when someone requests them. I go to some regulars in flats and I wear my chunky heeled boots to other clients. But I have a booking coming up where he apparently wants a stereotype and I am dreading it. Going to arrive in my ordinary shoes and put the heels on once I am outside his door. Hate those damn things.
I now only wear my heels to answer the door and take them off during bookings.
So far so good!
I now only wear my heels to answer the door and take them off during bookings.
So far so good!
Same, I go to hotel outcalls in flat Clark shoes and carry some stripper heels in my bag. Hardly wear them during the booking. If its a high heel fetish client, I indulge them with walking around in stripper heels for 5 minutes max.