Yes, women take a very different approach. Normally an approach that requires a lot of pussy footing about, lots of questions, lots of reassurance and a whole lot of headache.
I used to see couples and my very last one made me never want to entertain the idea again. I had seen this couple quite a few times but she very rarely joined in. She also sent her husband to me with very, very long instructions. Pages of it.
She seemed to forget I was a paid partner to their games and wanted me to attend their home, WHILST THEIR CHILD WAS IN BED. I refused, and gently pointed out who wrong this would be for me. I never disclosed that I had kids but it was getting to the point where I was going to, just to highlight that yes, I am a mother and yes, I still think this is wrong. I get it though, it's hard to find time to have fun when you have kids but how they expected me to have kinky fun with them in the living room whilst their child slept upstairs was beyond me. Upper middle class who think that rules and morals are beyond them.
In the end, the husband contacted me to ask me to apologise to her because I upset her and made her feel like a bad mother. I told them both to bolt after that.
Most women are nightmares in sessions. That is my final thought on that