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Author Topic: Gut Instinct  (Read 3749 times)


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #15 on: 06 March 2021, 05:25:21 pm »
I had exactly what you were describing once and the feeling was so strong I was about to get attacked in that room I was petrified. I managed to get through the service talked him out of the room and vowed never to see him again.
 To my absolute horror he changed his number and I booked him in again it was like he was enjoying my fear he kept asking me if I was ok and laughing to himself through the second booking. The hotel on the second job didn’t have a spy hole he had got into the middle of the room before I could blink. I had to threaten him with the police and he would of lost his job as a college lecturer so he laid off me after that.
Episodes like this over the years have left me wrecked with anxiety and I can often feel my heart beating too fast before I welcome new clients. I’m also sure weight gain can be put down to high levels of cortisol etc. Makes you wonder if this job will leave us with ever lasting effects.


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #16 on: 06 March 2021, 05:46:06 pm »
I've only ever been close to danger once. This guy had seen me a few times and he wasn't my usual type. He was clean but a bit hippyish. On the third visit, I noticed his eyes looking a bit menacing. He asked if he could tie me up. I was cocky and said nope, you can't. He said he was going to tie me up anyway. I snorted at him and called my boyfriend's name pretending he was near by and the guy scarpered. For me, it's the eyes. I'd have laid him out if he'd tried that with me.

Gut instinct all day everyone.


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #17 on: 06 March 2021, 07:42:47 pm »
I've had two clients who sounded well spoken and polite on the phone. One set my alarm bells clanging which I ignored. He also reeked of being an ex-prisoner when he arrived which I also ignored. I ignored warning bells all the way through and it didn't end well. I ended up reporting him. This was lesson learned. The next guy like this I got rid off the second he flopped his cock out. He tried fronting me up so I just stood there looking at him with the only clear path being the way to the front door. He was definately escalating even when just reply back asking him to leave and this was the first time I ever felt a man would ever follow through on violence. He reeked of prison too. Cheap shoes, fake military bearing or put-on quiet hard man nonsense. There's just something dark and nasty about men like this which may explain why they reek of prison. There's just a flatness to their tone.


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #18 on: 07 March 2021, 12:05:31 am »
I always get clients to text rather than call, I know it’s probably weird but I can tell what a person is like by their grammar. If they take the time out to write a decent text then I know there’ll be less likely to be psychos, timewasters or drug/drink fuelled.
I’ve seen one aggressive guy and I could tell by his text, if it was late at night I wouldn’t have even considered it.... but it was 8am on a weekday and the outcall was to a huge posh house so I thought he was just probably wanting a bit of fun before work... I was sooo wrong. He was huge, he looked and was built like a Viking and he was on coke... so probably the most uncomfortable early morning booking I’ve ever had, if only I had gone with my instinct.
I think you’re right about the sixth sense.

I dont mean to chastise you, but getting men, based solely on their grammar and texts is highly dangerous and naive. (Unless you have security to protect  you during booking) Some of the most sucessful serial killers,  were very educated men. Surely having a conversation with the person, plus hearing their voice and tone, will give you a better indication, than just a text.  Sorry if this comes across as harsh.....i dont mean it to.  I just get worried about other escorts safety. There are many bad men out there,  who target us.


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #19 on: 08 March 2021, 08:24:51 pm »
Hi Sugar,

I see your point but my hearing is bad so I cant take calls and rely on texts alone.  Like glowstick I agree vetting texts works as well as via phone.  If Ted Bundy phoned I'm sure you'd book him in as he sounds normal, and the same via text.  I don't see that texts are any more unsafe as you can still converse via them and get a similar idea about clients.  Remember the gut instinct x


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #20 on: 08 March 2021, 09:13:42 pm »
I'm the same as Foxylady; my hearing is getting worse and phone signal in my incall place is very glitchy, so I screen by text. It's not about the potential client having an education or being able to spell - it's the "tone" of how they write their text. It comes through just the same as their tone on the phone - not whether they have a posh accent or they sound like a cockney barrow boy, it's how they address you as a person.
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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #21 on: 12 March 2021, 07:29:42 pm »
It’s the reptilian part of our brain🧠, the ancient, not-so-buried part that we all think is gone, as civilized humans.

From what I’ve read, some claim it’s the lost “6th sense” we all used to have when we were climbing down out of the trees. Others claim that it was telepathy🤷🏼‍♀️. I dunno. Point is, it’s there & it’s real. Pay attention.

Exactly ... Now every time my sixth sense tells me not to receive a person. I don't.
because in the past I ignored my instincts and they were almost always a problem: timewaster, not show or was it bad and aggressive ...

I have learned to listen to my instinct
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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #22 on: 12 March 2021, 10:25:24 pm »
I hate hagglers I think If they don't respect my prices how can they respect me. So they give me a bad feeling and I block