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Author Topic: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up  (Read 2380 times)


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advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« on: 04 August 2011, 01:42:24 pm »
Hi girls my first post here and need some advice ( sorry if this is long winded)

Ok so about 1 yr ago I received an email thru a/w from an "agency" who set up girls with sugar daddies.  They made me answer a series of questions and then linked me to a billionaire business man near to were i live.  I was told at all costs not to tell him i was a working girl as he wouldnt like this, so we went on a date and got on well but I got no payment.

I checked this guy out and he is actually who he says he is and is very rich.  I since found out his last girl got a monthly wage/car and flat etc but after asking him he said he doesnt do this straight away as he needs to know we are serious which is fare enough.

I met up with him for about 4 dates with sex twice hoping that we could become "serious" asap!  He did buy some expensive pressies but i got fed up with no constant ? and stopped seeing him.

He now says if we get something to work he will pay me ?1000/car/flat.  I just dont know weather to waist any more time on him or try it.  First of all i could be doing this for ages before i see the ? and ?1000 is not exactly alot a month should i be expecting more.

So girls whats your opinion?  Should i forget this/ stay and should I be wanting way more?  Have any of you done similar or know of anyone where such a thing has worked out.

thanks xx


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #1 on: 04 August 2011, 02:45:17 pm »
Nice arrangement... for him.

How much you want to charge is entirely up to you, but yes, most people would want cash before any more sex. You also need to establish how much he expects for his limited generosity - ?1,000 for two dates per month is one thing, ?1,000 for twenty quite another.

Would the car / flat be yours or would they be just on loan for as long as you're having sex with him?
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #2 on: 04 August 2011, 03:17:02 pm »
If I got an unsolicited email from an "agency" who wanted me to date some guy and act like I wasn't a hooker, I'd assume it was a free sex scam. How did you find out what the previous girl was getting? Is it something you can verify without relying on either the "client" or "agent"?


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #3 on: 04 August 2011, 03:46:01 pm »
The apartment is one that he owns so i couldnt see him handing it over to me and the car would be mine for after we are seeing each other.

I found out about the other girl through major stalking lol. He was stupid enough to tell me her name and I was able to find her and message her on his twitter.  I dunno his whole set up seems fine but I guess for me the way I was approached about it was strange.  In terms of the ? he would want to see me once a week and by calculations that is not what i would get paid if her were a "client" but im thinking its money every month that would be coming in and i could work around it.  Just dont want to be a fool. 

Thanks for the feedback


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #4 on: 04 August 2011, 03:48:25 pm »
It certainly does sound like he's got a brilliant scam going: he gets someone to set him up with escorts in such a way that the sex worker does not charge him for her services because she hopes to be paid more at a later date. The "I'll pay you ?lots... soon" scam is a common one, also seen in the "I'll pay you thousands for a weekend away but will want a free booking first" form, or the "I'll be your best regular, after you give me a few discounted/free appointments" form, and so on.

I actually heard something really interesting about sugar daddies from 'the other side', as it were, and basically came to the conclusion that 'sugar daddying' these days, what with the abundance of women around who are happy to have a few shags in exchange for a champagne dinner and chauffeured car ride back to the hotel, is mostly a quick and efficient and quite a low-cost way of getting laid without actually doing any of that "paying for it directly" stuff. Sure, they might give gifts, and I'm sure lots of fun is had by all, but from everything I've heard, even in mad old London, nobody gets ?4000+ a month from a single generous guy these days - not before they've put in some SERIOUS legwork, anyhow.

Give me five respectful clients a week who each pay my fee and don't mess me about rather than one irritating, stingy billionaire any day. :)

If you want to continue this arrangement and see where it goes, for the love of Aphrodite don't go doing anything that you'd mind not being financially compensated for. Only you can read this man's cues (and emails!) and get a gut feeling about whether he's a liar, a cheapskate, an idiot, or a genuine guy just looking for The One. ;D You definitely need a lot more information and, as you've said yourself, more concrete arrangements (i.e. cash in your hands up-front) before you can continue providing your services here.
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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #5 on: 04 August 2011, 04:16:11 pm »
I found out about the other girl through major stalking lol. He was stupid enough to tell me her name and I was able to find her and message her on his twitter.

I'm cynical, so I'd bear in mind the possibility that he created that account and that dropping the name into conversation wasn't accidental. I'm also concerned that he's approached you again after you gave up, but he's still not ready to give you what you want. He obviously wants to spend time with you. If he needs to spend more time with you before he works out what he's about, tell him you need some kind of holding deal or you'll be looking for someone more promising to spend your time and energy on.


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #6 on: 04 August 2011, 05:42:34 pm »
The whole set-up seems a bit suspicious, IMHO, especially the business about the agency.

I actually have experience of one of these types of set ups.  In my case it was a client who I had seen numerous times and got along extremely well with, i.e. we knew each other, and knew we liked each other, before we arranged any kind of deal.  But in your case, it appears this man is approaching women he doesn't even know to be their 'sugar daddy', which seems a bit bizarre to say the least.

My arrangement also came with a place to live (only as long as the arrangement lasted, but it was worth it as it was gorgeous  :)), but I was being paid a lot more than ?1000 per month!  :o  WTF?!  That's not exactly generous - how much are you earning escorting?  Is it even worth your while financially to have this type of arrangement?  And how much will he want in return for his dough?  Once a week sounds alright, but will he stick to this?  My guy wanted sex only 2 to 4 times a month, I don't think I could have handled it if he was coming round all the time.

Obviously, if you can escort in addition to this arrangement, it could work out very nicely for you.  Just make sure he knows where the boundaries are though - you don't want him thinking he 'owns' you.  And, as with a normal escort appointment, make sure you get the money up front - i.e. you want the ?1000 monthly in advance, not in arrears.


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #7 on: 04 August 2011, 11:11:30 pm »
I agree with Anika Mae about the girl probably being a fake.
Can you get to speak with her? Does she have any other online presence like a facebook account etc? It should be fairly quick and easy to prove the existance of someone.
It's happens  on  modelling sites - a well known ruse by horny photographers to create lots of fake beautiful model profiles to rave about them..
This is not something I could get involved in- on account of ALWAYS distrusting someone in business until they prove me wrong.
It wouldn't do for us all to be the same, but a healthy dose of sceptism has always stood me in good stead...
Tread with extreme caution  .. :-*


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #8 on: 05 August 2011, 08:01:56 pm »
2 things that really irritate me are men who are in denial that they really need an escort, and stingy millionaires.  This guy sounds like he's both.  Also, the agency thing sounds like total bull

It works out that he's getting to enjoy your services for less than a regular guy would pay.  If a random guy approached you on AW and tried to negotiate for a lower rate, would you accept this?

It boils down to how much you need the ??.  I have a sugar-daddyish type of arrangement with one of my regulars - he doesn't give me gifts or expect free sex, but he always pays me after, we don't talk about money, and the fee is the same regardless of how long I stay (sometimes 2 hrs, sometimes overnight).   I'm not particularly a fan of the arrangement but I get on with him very well, and at the moment work is too slow to cut off a good regular!

I'd always rather see a guy who knows that he's hiring a WG, and is completely ok with it, than a guy who wants to be sugar daddy and is trying to delude himself that I'm not spending time with him because I'm paid to


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #9 on: 06 August 2011, 11:54:22 am »
I have a sugar-daddyish type of arrangement with one of my regulars - he doesn't give me gifts or expect free sex, but he always pays me after, we don't talk about money

My fav client! (I call him "Mr Bentley")
He arrives in one of his three {1 year old or less} cars [Think Lambo / Aston Martin / Bentley territory]

We never talk money and he pays afterwards, leaving it on the side.
This was only after seeing him for a number of sessions and he expressed his wish for this arrangement.
I figured that if he stitched my after the "post-pay" session, I'd already had 5 or 6 sessions, so overall no big loss.
As it is we have since had many, many sessions since then.

I would never consider anything like this with a new client.
My moto (It's written on my front door lintel) is:
Anything not MUF (Money Up Front), is a freebee.


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Re: advice needed for a sugar daddy style set up
« Reply #10 on: 06 August 2011, 07:26:01 pm »
Hi Tabbycat,

First thing first - you must establish the financial boundary.  Let him know that you have expenses and bills and if he wants to see you - then a financial contribution must be made.  From what you wrote, so far he's had two free sessions of your time with sex involved and two free sessions without sex - that means you've lost business and come away empty handed.  If he contacts you again, say to him that you need money - if he bolts - then you know he's wither cheap or he's after free sex with a gorgeous girl. 

Second thing - the agency.  WTF??  Did you check this agency out?  If this agency is legit, then you have a huge problem.  They've contacted a professional who charges for the pleasure of her body and expressly forbade you to tell this man that you are a professional.  Hello????  I think you need to tell this man ASAP that you are a professional and let him make up his mind as to if he wants to be your sugar daddy.  You are lying to him and so is the agency - did he pay this agency to find him a sugarbaby and they became lazy and started looking at working girls? Judge Judy says if something does not sound right then usually it isn't true.  In this case, this agency has set you up for a fall or you are the victim of an elaborate hoax/scam by this man to have your delectable goods without paying.

I've had several "sugardaddy" setups and I've always established the financials up front before we do the bedroom tango.   Take my advice and sort that aspect out first before you jump back into bed with him and then you'll know for sure what his intentions are with regard to you.