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Author Topic: Gosh I'm desperate, I want to drop my rate without looking 'less quality'  (Read 8403 times)


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I know some of you are probably sick of my threads by now, but I thanks to y'all who are helping to answer my ads and keep my hopes up...but I am counting on you all to see me through during these past few weeks...

Anyway, I have now reached the 1 month mark without any income from bookings. I wont go into all the details but its getting to the point where its really wearing down on me now. I''ve job searched and job searched but now Im hanging on a thread. Today I had to sell half of my CD collection (well I havent listened to the songs in nearly a year, no big loss) and Im probably not going to be able to attend gym classes much longer as the stregnth training I do requires me to eat lots...such as meat and fish, something I havent been able to buy lately...and when working out like that eating small lunches and dinners doesnt ward off the hunger that comes from my intense exercise routine.

So, I am just to the point where Im about to lower my rate low enough to get in something. Even 100 or 120 will be enough. I can stretch that pretty well. I just dont want to look 'cheap' or stand out because everyone is listed at 200+ and I dont want to look like my quality isnt good due to having a below-average rate. But damn, im fucking desperate and I dont know how much longer I can deal like this. I still have to have transportation and communication (key to being able to get a booking) and then today I had to pay my ad...which was already tough enough.

Question is, would dropping my prices (and still including full service, as half-hours I tried but didnt sell well) make me look less quality? I have professional pics, y'all have seen them. I dont have much reviews but had one added the other day. Im willing to embarrase myself in front of clients and escorts and drop my rate very low just to get anyone as Im so desperate right now.

I was tempted to do it tonight, but I'll wait til morning and see what you all can advise me before I start offering this major discount


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i hear you
and my compassion
i hear your struggle and i hear and know how hard that can be

with regards to lowering your rates, i don't think that helps.

from my own experience metaphysically i found when i let go of.... than miracullesly it happens,
try think positive
also don't try to worry to much about the situation it is hard i know but by letting go, i mean, lets try an example, when stuck of solving a problem and you can't find a solution, and how hard you concentrate you don't get anywhere but than you step back to somethign else and not think about it for a while and than the solution is coming into your head

what i am suggesting is to try to make this metaphorically step; i hope my thoughts are of any use for you darling



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i hear you
and my compassion
i hear your struggle and i hear and know how hard that can be

with regards to lowering your rates, i don't think that helps.

from my own experience metaphysically i found when i let go of.... than miracullesly it happens,
try think positive

well thanks for your encouragement Medea. I didnt end up dropping my prices to a measly 100 yet, as like you said it probably wouldnt make a difference. I think people expect to pay a certain amount when they visit that website (and in the wise words of Violette) they arent going to sit and sift over a 50 or 100 dollar difference. But then again, some arent willing to pay a certain amount which is why Im thinking of going rock bottom.

If anything, I dont want to openly look like Im panicing and offering ridiculous stuff like 'recession pricing'. That just gives punters more a reason to ask for discounts. Hell, most have disposable income anyway and probably only do it every so often anyway. I offered specials, and they usually go well, but I can only do that for so long before it looses its effect. I dont know.

Any additional advice is certainly welcome...


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Hey Joey, chin up mate. I've not been in this exact situation, so I am just brainstorming here from things I have seen others do...... Have you tried a new advertising site for a week? If you are not known on a site and it receives a lot of hits, you surely get more interest when you are new blood. The only trouble is, perhaps you have to go to a big established advertising site for this to really work- one which if it is that renowned will require payment to advertise. BUT worth a shot if you think it will work. Also, bear in mind that you would be better off appearing new on a directory at the very end/beginning of a month when people are just about to get paid/have just been paid. New enquiries always seem to pick up for me at these times anyhow.....

Secondly, have you thought about offering, say, 90 mins for an hour rate for a limited period, or, say, offering a week/fortnight of discounted rates and plugging it heavily on directories you list on/on your website, rather than slashing rates for good? This is might work to make punters think they are getting a deal so to speak and make them book you that week if they know it's for a limited time. It may also increase interest of those who might not have thought to meet you before, but who will hopefully love you so much they will want to keep on seeing you and be happy to pay your higher rate when you raise again at the end of the week/fortnight whatever.

AND, finally, doing this it will get some interest from people who might only book you when you are at a lower rate, but hell it's quick cash if that's what you are after, and if it gets some dosh in to work with in terms of paying for future advertising etc to maintain levels of interest, then it could be worth a shot. This is only if you feel comfortable doing this though, if it feels demoralising to you then I would advise against it for your own sanity.

Just some thoughts! xxx


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Have you tried a new advertising site for a week?

yes, I did and it didnt work out. In fact I mentioned it in a previous thread titled, 'very annoying responses from directory Im on'. However there's hope for one site which lists mostly TS and women escorts, but men can also advertise there also. but its 100 for a month, more than I have at the moment ($10 is alot right now)...I'll sign up to it though once I get a couple bookings or 3.

Also, bear in mind that you would be better off appearing new on a directory at the very end/beginning of a month when people are just about to get paid/have just been paid. New enquiries always seem to pick up for me at these times anyhow..... 

honestly, I never noticed the trend and not sure if it has much effect here. The last spurt of bookings I had last month was in the middle of the month, exactly around this time of month. I had 5 bookings and turned down 2. But...I still like to keep that in mind as many others have mentioned the same thing

Secondly, have you thought about offering, say, 90 mins for an hour rate for a limited period, or, say, offering a week/fortnight of discounted rates and plugging it heavily on directories you list on/on your website, rather than slashing rates for good? 

yes, I did it...and thats when I got the said ^^^ influx of customers that week. But then after a week no one was calling, I left it up for 2 more weeks after that and then took it down. I was offering an extra half hour of service at my same rate.

but hell it's quick cash if that's what you are after, and if it gets some dosh in to work with in terms of paying for future advertising etc to maintain levels of interest, then it could be worth a shot. This is only if you feel comfortable doing this though, if it feels demoralising to you then I would advise against it for your own sanity.

well thanks Carla, I am taking that into consideration. Honestly I dont care about lowering my rates, like I said. When I first started and didnt know the market I was doing it at the $100 range. Then I got professional with it and went to the sites and matched the prices. I wouldnt feel degraded if I did it...and I have done recently, its just being listed on a site where you have $200-300 and then someone listed for $120 just looks strange. People will think, whats up with this guy? Cant go out like that...nooo-waho

But still, like Medea said it probably wont help. I dont want to be looking odd for no reason, if I list at $125 I damn sure better get some bookings...but I cant guaranteee that.


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some other thoughts joey

we are in a business where we don't have much 'competition' in a sense. so let me explain with what i mean (yes we do have lots of competition) but there is only one like you and there is only one who offers exactly what you offer

what i would suggest is to strengthen and more focus on advertising, and with positive thought and joy, and enthusiasm what is is it that makes you special, what is it that makes you stand out from the crowed
(in business terms the unique selling point USP)

Anika Mae

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How did you find work when you started? If it was by advertising in places that didn't cost much, you could create a new persona and pretend to be new and clueless again (as long as you don't relax any of your other standards).


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How did you find work when you started?

If you look at my current website (I couldnt afford to run my personal one right now) I have 1 of the places where I started off at. I mean all in all, they arent cheap websites, they run upwards of 100 dollars and at the minimum is 30 dollars...craigslist to me is a ripoff. They charge 5 dollars a day. To run my ad for 2 days would be 10 dollars...10 dollars gets me over a week on one of the other sites that brings in more business and better clients anyday over craigsist. So I havent invested any money into that because its just not worth it. When I did the math I had spent over $60 for 12 days! just to meet 2 clients for $250 total.

Anika Mae

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Craigslist is charging you now? The advertisers really do have you by the balls over there.


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Craigslist is charging you now? The advertisers really do have you by the balls over there.

hello! Thats what I'm saying. They dont charge anyone else to sell their bloody what-nots, yet they want to overcharge desperate escorts like myself just to be listed on their site for 1 day, and to deal with many of the useless clientele that lurks around that site. I've only had 2 clients from there, 1 had already seen my ad on another website. I dont consider it an option here because in order for me to get a client I'd have to drop my rates to like $80...and since many of the lurkers from there also know about the more expensive sites, it would just contradict my rates


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And I've seen the ads on Craigslist, they're very yucky.
Somebody recommended them for my tour last week, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. There were no personal websites advertised, just a lot of cheap camera shots in quite a few instances. I got the impression that some of the girls weren't actually professionals per se, just women whacking up pictures to make a spare few dollars because of the recession. And because of this their rates were cheaper than the average internet professional.
And the wording on a lot of them.........eww! :(


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Craigslist is the true internet version of street walking. I have seen professionals from other sites de-grade to using it, but after a month of paying $5 each day only to get pyschos and liars, and being quickly fades and the gamble of going on there for maybe 1 or 2 clients a month isnt worth it. Atleast thats all I got, and from other men its not much better.

So Brandy, what do you think about me lowering my rates and not looking less quality? I mean, another weekend has passed now (been a entire month now  :(  I feel so de-graded right now; that I've began to mellowed out and all I can think of is the future, its no point of thinking about now because it just feels so hopeless. The phone doesnt ring, no emails, nothing. Its just dead. I just wonder how did I get myself into such a deep mess. To the point where Im no longer able to get any clients anymore and Im down to pennies. I wish I had did this, or that last month...but its too late to wish what I should have done.

Anika Mae

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since many of the lurkers from there also know about the more expensive sites, it would just contradict my rates

Well that's why I suggested creating a new persona. If you take some new amateur pictures and come up with a new name people won't know you're the same guy that's charging more. You want to be able to do it without doubling your advertising budget though, which is why I hoped you knew some cheap sites that worked for that market.


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So Brandy, what do you think about me lowering my rates and not looking less quality?

I would take Ani-Mae's advice, it's sound.
I've heard of escorts having two personas, an internet one and a newspaper one (which is what Craigslist reminded me of). One wouldn't have to compromise the other. They know they couldn't charge the same prices for the papers as they did for the internet so they used to lower their prices for the newspapers. They said it used to keep them ticking over on the days they didn't get any internet work.

It might also be worth getting a different phone a) so you can keep tabs on your cheaper advertising and b) nobody recognises your other number if that's a concern.


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Craigslist is charging you now?

They have long charged for job ads in some places and for housing ads in New York.

And although they have long officially ban ads which include an 'Offer or solicitation of illegal prostitution', the escort ads they did have got them into trouble with some states.

So towards the end of last year, they came to an agreement with forty states (plus Washington DC and a couple of US dependencies) that 'erotic services' ads would have to be paid for with a credit card and be associated with a working phone number.

It's designed to put escorts off advertising, basically, especially as it's also been used so many times by US police trying to arrest escorts that it's no wonder people often demand references from potential clients.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."