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Author Topic: gang mentality  (Read 13083 times)


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #45 on: 05 November 2009, 01:21:03 pm »
Been sat here trying to get my thoughts together so they come out in something resembling order.

'Somebody' is clearly and obviously upset.
That's the first thing I take from this whole thread.
She has a right to be upset if she is upset. If a person is upset, we should not deny them that feeling.
Not even if opinion is the person is unreasonably upset.
The fact that upset is present has to be recognised.

If that makes any sense at all? It does to me but I am struggling to get across what I mean. In my head, I know what I mean exactly, it is tough to get the words right.

So you don't think we too have a right to be upset of being accused of having a "gang mentality"? And also for the mods and admins to be upset at being accused of personal attacks on members, which, I might add, has yet to be proven.

Just because a lot of us share the same opinions, it doesn't make us a gang. And I'm happy to make light of it, because it's a ridiculous accusation by an anonymous being.
« Last Edit: 05 November 2009, 01:27:40 pm by brandy@saafe »


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #46 on: 05 November 2009, 01:36:57 pm »
yes he did slag the competition, but that was after the heaps of abuse he got....

Actually, his attack and accusations on the other websites, which still remain unsubstantiated I might add, came because Ani-Mae deleted his link, which Amy backed up. His attack was unprovoked and came from out of the blue. Up until then he got no abuse other than to be told not to post his link.


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #47 on: 05 November 2009, 02:10:10 pm »
Eeek my post came up twice so edited it out.  Anyway, who wants to be in my gang?  Got a scooter and am thinking of setting up a posse...

How about Hells Barbies, or Hells Harlots, Roving Floozies?   

Me! Me! Me!

Do you allow boys in your gang?
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #48 on: 05 November 2009, 02:59:29 pm »
Benny you can be in it. Its Saafe, it dont mind what gender, size or race you are. Its a haven for anybody as far as I can see.
find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.

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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #49 on: 05 November 2009, 03:20:13 pm »
Been sat here trying to get my thoughts together so they come out in something resembling order.

'Somebody' is clearly and obviously upset.
That's the first thing I take from this whole thread.
She has a right to be upset if she is upset. If a person is upset, we should not deny them that feeling.
Not even if opinion is the person is unreasonably upset.
The fact that upset is present has to be recognised.

If that makes any sense at all? It does to me but I am struggling to get across what I mean. In my head, I know what I mean exactly, it is tough to get the words right.

So you don't think we too have a right to be upset of being accused of having a "gang mentality"? And also for the mods and admins to be upset at being accused of personal attacks on members, which, I might add, has yet to be proven.

Just because a lot of us share the same opinions, it doesn't make us a gang. And I'm happy to make light of it, because it's a ridiculous accusation by an anonymous being.

Yes, you absolutely should be upset if an accusation is levelled at you and you feel it is untrue. Absolutely.
Also, ditto for the admins and mods to be upset if they are accused of personal attacks.

Everybody is upset.
Somebody came on here clearly upset at the onset and now everybody is upset and it's all a bloody mess, frankly.
You have a right to defend yourself Brandy.

I have nothing but good things to say about you Brandy and as far as Amy goes, I like her, she knows this.
I just think that the joke about be in my gang is not appropriate here. The more that say it, the more somebody will feel her point is validated. In her eyes, given what she wrote in her first post, this is what she was talking about, she will feel ganged up on now. That is how she feels, what she said, it's not what I feel or I am saying.

I can not be the only person that thinks it is time to stop this now? That was the main point of my post before this one. Surely to God this has gone on for long enough and needs to be put to bed now?
Everybody has had their say and the more it carries on, the more it goes downhill and gets horrible.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #50 on: 05 November 2009, 03:40:26 pm »
Since I am (still) a member here ? why should I be stopped from posting?  The OP gets to have her say and so does anyone else who might agree or disagree or simply has an opinion.  Luckily, the mental level on this forum is mature with very few exceptions so that people don?t feel like they have to choose a camp.  Posters just express their own individual opinions which happen to be similar.  As the OP asked before everyone ought to take responsibility for their actions and words.  Please do so!  If the OP wants a fair debate then please don?t try to enforce censorship to manipulate a debate in her favour. 

The OP is upset that I am according to her drag up personal matters.  I feel I have a right to be very distressed that she has made a personal accusation and still feel so.  On the relevant thread regarding this web guy only AnnikaMae and Amy posted initially who were both very fair.  And as mentioned multiple times although the OP seems incapable of taking on board than her web mate made some really uncalled for scandalous accusations which are still unproven hence represent slander.   Then I was immediately the next person to add a post and then ?someone? pounced and made her wild accusations.  So where does this not become an obvious personal attack given that my link on her site was also removed?  Adding to that the OP?s nefarious insinuations about a couple of people would be feeling this would be aimed at them and confirming this was the case.  Not that many people actually posted on the entire thread so isn?t rocket science at whom the attack by the OP is aimed at.  The very least she ought to do is concede that it is not surprising I feel personally and unfairly picked on!   

There is a very unfair balance in favour of the OP who comes on here all guns blazing making accusations she still has not substantiated or in the slighted credibly explained yet hides along with her multi nic mate behind an anonymous identity.  She is presenting herself as a victim too scared to post yet immediately belies this victim status by effing and blinding and being as bullish and harsh as those she accuses.  Yet her web guy instead of apologising or at least retracting his slanderous comments now has added something on his website about SAAFE bullying one of its members.  I am walking a really super fine tight rope here because I respect the anonymity of the OP who is trying to manipulate everyone with some vague rant about gang mentality in general yet uses only one totally inappropriate example and still has failed to back up her attack on this forum.  Just to add I had no unresolved issue or any conflict with the OP prior to her vindictive outburst on this thread and was stunned by such an unwarranted public attack! 

The OP is right that it isn?t my show although I just had the guts to say with my full working identity that I am not happy about being unfairly accused to be a gang member and bully.  I am even more annoyed that she slanders an entire board and most of its members in this way.  I am also exasperated that the OP repeats her usual behaviour patter by trying to get her own way on whatever matter and when it does not happen she twists a situation into trying to present herself as the poor victim and resorts to really immature behaviour.  We are all trying to engage in a debate yet the OP resorts to childlike rants how it is so unfair and that I ought not to be allowed to add further to this thread.  The OP needs to learn to take some responsibility for her actions, i.e. when you rant and attack a whole group or individual you then should have the good grace to allow them to have their say too!     

Luckily, there is no cyber waterworks but very much the same pattern of trying to silence others who don?t agree.  If you say anything the OP does not like, i.e. the truth/common sense or god forbid point out that she is trying to manipulate you to get her own way then you are mean and your words are harsh.  I stand by my personality both online and offline I have both a big gob and heart.  But I will be dammed if I let an anonymous someone sniper and cast me as the villain.  I am so glad that in her posts the OP is beginning to unravel more and more and shows what her mental state of mind is.  Not every forum suits everyone but on most boards it is normal to have some debate and disagreement.  That happens when adults exchange their views.  Either the OP accepts this and learns to integrate into an adult environment or she needs to find another venue en par with her immature level.

What has been completely ignored so and left out is how both the people at Mira Design or 69design feel about being so unfairly attacked and a total nobody trying to undermine and besmirch their impeccable reputations!  So when will they get an apology?         


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #51 on: 05 November 2009, 03:51:34 pm »
Benny you can be in it. Its Saafe, it dont mind what gender, size or race you are. Its a haven for anybody as far as I can see.

Aaaaw that is a lovely sentiment - nearly got lost among the posts.   :)


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #52 on: 05 November 2009, 04:54:39 pm »
i still do not feel that the thread re webmaster has been properly addressed....has anyone really read it?

I wasn?t going to post as im getting to old for all this, but as you have asked, I have spent the last hour in between finding a new exhaust and drinking coffee to do just that.

The webmaster in question, posted a link to his site which contains a lot of spin about how male escorting will make you rich
One of the admins, removed the link and pointed out, that he was selling nothing more than snake oil
Im guessing here that because there are numerous posts on safe pointing out male escorts will not get rich, it would be wrong for saafe to then carry his advert leading to that nonsense
He then posted explaining he knows nothing about the popularity of male escorts, which is interesting when a quick search of this site would answer that, and doesn?t exactly inspire confidence for customers.
And then he made his so far unfounded attack on other webmasters deciding that because of the above, somebody sees him as a scam, nobody actually said or inferred that though apart from the webmaster himself
That is when it appears some ladies took offence and decided to speak out. And you decided to jump in to his defence, and it has all carried on from there
« Last Edit: 05 November 2009, 04:57:42 pm by anjali »


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #53 on: 05 November 2009, 05:36:52 pm »
Adding to Anjali's great points, read and re-read the thread several times where the person the OP is referring to, advertises his services without clearing it first with the admins and mods. 

Now I am rather puzzled that a so-called professional who made some serious errors of judgement on how to approach a new forum has not had the basic professional courtesy to come back and actually issue an apology and retract his slanderous comments.  What does this say about somebody who promises to build up a successful online business for escorts and parlours etc?   Would any professional and intelligent escort put her fate into the hands of a company that makes huge promises to optimise their web presence yet resorts to underhand tactics to slander competitors and conducts themselves in such a childish manner on an open forum?  The poor and unprofessional attitude of this web guy who uses an obviously unstable client to rant on his behalf does little to inspire any confidence.  Being associated with this kind of company could seriously tarnish your reputation merely by association.  Personally, I think any company with services directed at escorts looses all credibility when it tries to attack an industry board specifically designed to support sex workers that has a long standing impeccable reputation!       


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #54 on: 05 November 2009, 07:03:21 pm »
I seem to have missed this, probably due to my absence from the forum. I would like to form my own opinion on this thread, so could someone (I don't mean the poster someone, just a general someone) please post the link to the thread or pm it to me?
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #55 on: 05 November 2009, 07:13:13 pm »
This thread relates to the following thread


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #56 on: 05 November 2009, 10:57:48 pm »
ok this is my absolute last post on this forum...question why do people keep saying i'm hiding behind an anonymous nickname? how bizarre! i have a nickname that i chose and it's 'someone' all have chosen nicknames and some are hidden details and some are not! very odd thing to go on about! anyway, i wont bother answering bh as she's off on her usual bs ....

the original thread was about how people express themselves on here and its a forum wide issue by other members inclusive of bh,  on many posts over a long period of time....i am not going to go thru every single post ever written to justify my opinion of the behaviour (name-calling/labelling/insulting/sarcasm/humiliating/hurtful/denigrating shit) that goes on here.  My opinion has already been proven in living action right before your very eyes. 

i think yes its time to put this baby to rest before you lose even more ladies from this forum....(which by the way is more than the 2 of us since this post began)


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #57 on: 06 November 2009, 12:52:29 am »
i think yes its time to put this baby to rest before you lose even more ladies from this forum....(which by the way is more than the 2 of us since this post began)

Mods, can you confirm this claim, please?
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #58 on: 06 November 2009, 12:57:04 am »
This thread relates to the following thread

Oh FFS, is THIS it? no wonder I forgot about it and then couldn't find it; i was expecting fireworks and major slagging off.

From what I can see until the webperson started slagging off other webdesign sites everything was extremely civil from both sides and after that it got a bit heated, but still nothing that extreme.

IMHO and in Shakespear's words: Much ado about nothing! :-\
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #59 on: 06 November 2009, 08:14:21 am »
i think yes its time to put this baby to rest before you lose even more ladies from this forum....(which by the way is more than the 2 of us since this post began)

Mods, can you confirm this claim, please?

Sure, somebody called Blossom made five posts then left. And in an unrelated thread a poster called Ruby (she did not post on this thread) left because I disagreed that OWO affected an escort's business.
But that's life, people come and people go. By the same token I've noticed another half a dozen members have registered this week. Hopefully these newbies can take something away from what SAAFE is essentially all about. Welcome to them.

IMHO and in Shakespear's words: Much ado about nothing! :-\

Isn't it though. And on those words this thread is coming to a close.
I'm working all day today. Amy and the admins, if you're around, if anybody starts up another thread on this same subject please delete it. We've given "someone" a chance to air her greivances and a chance for others, including myself to respond to them.

Personally I still would've like websiterparlour guy to substantiate his allegations on the webmasters in question. But in the three days of the existence of this thread, nothing has been forthcoming.

So on Cassie's sage words, this thread is done and dusted.