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Author Topic: gang mentality  (Read 13082 times)


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #30 on: 04 November 2009, 03:20:40 pm »
Once again it is hard to post properly without going into details and revealing too much about another person who unlike me can hide behind a nic while sniping on here.  Despite the supposed fight for the underdog that seems rather unfair and insincere.  ?Someone? has emailed me and assured me it wasn?t a personal vendetta but done nothing to change my mind ? her reasons for removing my link were even more immature and unreasonable than her conduct on here.  This whole thread is daft as it is about the OP accusing others of exactly the same thing she does i.e. attacking others and at times encouraging another lady to flame board members because she has not got the integrity to speak out herself.  Unlike most posters on here she needs to resort to swearing and is blinkered to the fact that her web pal provoked the reactions he got by firstly violating board etiquette and then making unfounded slanderous accusations.  The level of her post is dropped to nursery school level ? don?t talk bad about my mate yaddiydaddida albeit peppered with inappropriate language.   Please if you want the tone and conduct of board members to improve than set a better example and do not lower the tone with swearing and teenage text speak.  Please you are an adult so why not try and have a grown-up debate.
There is no point in denying that some of us, including me have the courage of conviction to speak up and actually voice opinions instead of being manipulative and fake.  Abby mentioned we disagreed and she criticised me ? I must admit (I blame early onset of Alzheimer lol) I cannot even remember which goes to show it is a totally normal aspect of a lively democratic forum and I would not hold a grudge if someone pulled me up over my post(s).  I certainly have no issues with anyone who has debated via here or other forums even if it was 'lively'.  I speak out on other forums and stand up for ladies sticking my neck out when for example one lady tried to undermine other ladies by suggesting she was doing this job for the love of it thus implying other ladies who were using common sense were hardened pros.  Sadly, the discussion got sidelined and the lady?s education got mocked.  I voiced my discomfort over what I consider to be below the belt.  So I agree there is a need for maintaining fair play and avoid mobbing.

I cannot take the OP serious as this faux indignation is hypocritical as the lady despite her so called sense of fair play has not even apologised for ?accidentally? outing me twice!  We should be able to trust each other in this industry and respect the use of working names only.  If she wants to flounce off once more fine ? would be a shame in some ways as I think she could do with as much advice and common sense as possible.  However, I am glad we don?t subscribe to her rose tinted unrealistic Orwellian idea of total consensus and harmony on this forum.  It can be a tough business and sometimes we need to spell out when someone is being unrealistic and expects easy money.  I would dread to see this board rely on the kind of airy fairy nonsense the likes of the OP tends to subscribe to and would hate her to give uncritical advice to other ladies since she herself could do with developing some basic common sense and act more professionally.   

As an aside it is comical that the only other person backing ?someone? also happens to register just in time to voice her dissatisfaction with the prevailing forum style.  Does not take much to work out her previous reincarnation that appears to coincidentally be the same person who flamed me and boasted later to ?someone? about it.  Seems currently they are mates again lol.  All very well to throw up allegations about gang mentality but does not really hold out to scrutiny when using quite underhand tactics and failing to show integrity.

What does annoy me the most so that those giving up their time to moderate (unpaid and out of a passion to help) get put into an unfair and impossible situation.  They by association get unfairly attacked over not locking the thread when posters respond to an inflammatory opening post and further unjust accusations; on the other hand they would not win if they did lock it as they then get accused of stifling debate.   I really think they have a tough job trying to give everyone a fair chance of getting their point across.  I am the first to openly admit I could not moderate as I have too much of a fiery temper and big gob.  However, at least I speak honestly, don?t hide behind subterfuge and don?t damage other escorts by my actions!   


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #31 on: 04 November 2009, 03:21:54 pm »
Eeek my post came up twice so edited it out.  Anyway, who wants to be in my gang?  Got a scooter and am thinking of setting up a posse...

How about Hells Barbies, or Hells Harlots, Roving Floozies?   

« Last Edit: 04 November 2009, 03:26:41 pm by BurlesqueHoney »


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #32 on: 04 November 2009, 04:43:12 pm »
Eeek my post came up twice so edited it out.  Anyway, who wants to be in my gang?  Got a scooter and am thinking of setting up a posse...

How about Hells Barbies, or Hells Harlots, Roving Floozies?   

Thats so funny! I will apply to join that gang. May I suggest we have a vote as to its name though? "Tampon advice to the rescue."  perhaps? Will give it some thought and try to come up with one that sounds a bit more "bullyish" ;D
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gang mentality-whoops didnt put this post in right thread sorry
« Reply #33 on: 04 November 2009, 05:29:18 pm »
oh yes and one other guys slandered website guy first!! ok lets get that straight first! and bh our personal history is our personal history, not to be aired in public like you like to do all the time! i did not name bh until she started her reply post slamming me...i was not gonna name names...but as she assumed correctly she is one of the 'culprits' i couldnt deny it.  i am not going to reply to allegations made from her about me that are 'our' personal history...that's personal and between us only...i am only talking about the attitude on saafe by saafe members on the saafe forum....i am sorry if i offended anyone by my effing and blinding, and general attitude that is exactly like the attitude i'm pointing out to you, which yes is hypocritical and yes will get backs needed to be said.   that post with webmaster was last straw in my fact, i cant think of a time i have been personally maligned on here really, (altho my memory is bad) i'm only pointing out the flack taken by others by members on this forum.  yes i am standing up for the underdog because 'someone' has to! the other lady who posted on here was not encouraged by me to post here to defend me, but came here on her own volition as she feels the same as me! she was encouraged by my bravery, not by my wheedling her! so lets get that straight too!

but know what? it really did need to be said....and i'm glad i did it the way i did it cuz now its in the public domain where it should be, and all of your answers are there as well, so this is good too...

this is not a personal vendetta against bh! she is just one in a bunch...she just assumed its all about her, but it's not....

mostly this is a great informative fabulous site that has much to be praised for it.  Sometimes, oftentimes, 'you' act as i said before in first post.  and that's all folks!
« Last Edit: 04 November 2009, 05:31:31 pm by someone »


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Re: gang mentality-whoops didnt put this post in right thread sorry
« Reply #34 on: 04 November 2009, 05:52:57 pm »
Yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but yeah but sorry I give up lol That is too tiring to be on such a daft level  ;D

Oh FFS give it a rest!  You are pissed off that a bunch of us were ?mean? = honest to your new best mate (wonder how long it takes before you fall out but then again why should he - you pay him over the odds for some template he uses without even adapting it and you could use for free)  He slandered people - abused the forum section without asking to post stuff as it isn?t an advertising medium and then slandered his competitors.  They have not uttered a word about him - probably as he matters not one iota as they are too busy with designing real escort websites.  Plus he tries to advocate websites for straight male escorts which is about as kosher as trying to set up a dating agency for Yetis. 


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Re: gang mentality-whoops didnt put this post in right thread sorry
« Reply #35 on: 04 November 2009, 05:57:43 pm »
But inst this a forum where we are allowed to air our opinions so if someone posts something that it just plain stupid why can't I reply saying that I think it is stupid?


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #36 on: 04 November 2009, 07:53:56 pm »
Whorin Hellions- as a gang name.


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #37 on: 04 November 2009, 08:04:39 pm »
For the record (not that it matters much, as Amy says, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't), I locked the original thread yesterday morning after my response because I was going to be working at the flat all day and I didn't want it to descend into mayhem in my absence. I didn't see Amy lurking there.

This thread should remain open, as it seems we as a collective are being accused of being all things nasty. So as a collective, we have a right to respond. When the thread exhausts itself, then somebody will lock it.

Eeek my post came up twice so edited it out.  Anyway, who wants to be in my gang?  Got a scooter and am thinking of setting up a posse...

How about Hells Barbies, or Hells Harlots, Roving Floozies?   

Hell's Belles?


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #38 on: 04 November 2009, 08:33:42 pm »

Hell's Belles?

*runs off to try register domain name only to find it taken*

Mmmmh, seems like some lot got there before us....

ttp://    Only enter if you dare  ;D


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Re: gang mentality-whoops didnt put this post in right thread sorry
« Reply #39 on: 04 November 2009, 09:07:50 pm »
! she was encouraged by my bravery

To be honest, I dont think posting an anonymous swipe on a forum amounts to bravery and is perhaps indicative of a little OTTness on your part.

As a few have pointed out, girls have to be tough and pretty thick skinned to come out of this business in one sane piece and so I'm shocked some girls could be so affected by any disgareement on this forum. If they really are, then that's a shame but even SAAFE cant be all things to all escorts.

Just to add, your webmaster's comments re SAAFE on his website - more public slating of others. It really doesn't help his cause. :(
« Last Edit: 04 November 2009, 09:22:42 pm by Trafford »

Welsh Lass

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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #40 on: 05 November 2009, 10:41:38 am »
Been sat here trying to get my thoughts together so they come out in something resembling order.

'Somebody' is clearly and obviously upset.
That's the first thing I take from this whole thread.
She has a right to be upset if she is upset. If a person is upset, we should not deny them that feeling.
Not even if opinion is the person is unreasonably upset.
The fact that upset is present has to be recognised.

If that makes any sense at all? It does to me but I am struggling to get across what I mean. In my head, I know what I mean exactly, it is tough to get the words right.

It is also clear to me there is bad blood between somebody and honey.
That is nobody else's concern than theirs and best left between them to sort out.

I do not think however that it is appropriate to make a joke about who wants to be in my gang - not here and not now, not on this thread. It was, in my opinion, in bad taste.
That is only an opinion and not a snipe at anybody.

Perhaps you both need to take this off the forum and sort it all out privately?

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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #41 on: 05 November 2009, 11:36:51 am »
thank you abby! i have already said several times this isnt solely about bh...yet as usual she comes around when there's a disagreement going on with her guns at ready rapid firing....yes we have issues, but i dont go around airing our issues out in public like she is prone to do....i did not start this thread having a go at i have said many times there is a group of members who like having a go, of which bh is a part of....but she can back off now and feel happy that she has decimated the enemy and go and fight another fight....i apologised before for my attitude, but when i read back my original post there is nothing i should apologise for so i take that apology back.   

i am positive there are others reading this in the wings going oh shit i have felt the same but there's no way i'm going to say so because i'll be torn apart by the wolves too......i highlighted an issue and lo and behold that issue was highlighted by some of the responses....

pls bh stop posting on this thread you've had your say 'against' me so let others now have their say, thank you

Welsh Lass

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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #42 on: 05 November 2009, 12:16:24 pm »
I am not for or against anybody here.
I get the feeling that other things are going on behind the scenes and that makes this a tricky thread to reply to. It makes it hard to respond to the issues raised.

On the whole, this is a great forum. It is a friendly place to come to with your morning coffee. To catchup on what your colleges are up to and see what is news, what is not news, what jokes Cassie has come out with! And so on. Not to mention the help and advice it gives out.

Can we not all simply agree to watch our tone with others at times and just get on with life now?

I butted in on this thread as I personally do not like it when a person is upset, who ever they are. And I don't like bad vibes and feelings - I try to bloody smooth things over as that is my personality.

I happen to think this is a vital and important forum. If I thought it was a naff, gossip ridden, take it or leave it forum I would have sat back, read only and not bothered to say anything.
I might not have any say in anything around here - I am only one more poster, I have nothing to gain at all from backing saafe but I think it is an important forum that deserves to not have this bickering going on within it. Anybody coming here and in need of help and advice would be reading this thread and thinking what exactly?
What a bunch of idiots probably.

It is for that reason I would ask that this be forgotten about now, points taken on board and the whole matter left here?

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #43 on: 05 November 2009, 12:50:52 pm »
The ladies on this site are intelligent, have strong personalities and opinions and don't tolerate any  BS.

Sometimes I don't like what they have to say, sometimes they don't like what I have to say and  sometimes they are saying exactly what I am thinking - most importantly they don't mince their words and can agree to disagree.



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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #44 on: 05 November 2009, 12:55:12 pm »
yes unfortunately this turned into a showdown between me and her and i certainly did expect her to come on and say what she said- but this is not the burlesque honey show! she heaved out all the personal shit between us onto here, not me! i was writing about a GROUP of saafe members of whom she is one, ... this is a forum wide issue and that's what i was highlighting....i still do not feel that the thread re webmaster has been properly addressed....has anyone really read it? everyone started in on him accusing him of being fake and not for real, and accusing him of having ulterior motives....its such a shame as he is such a nice guy and did me a great website- i would heartily recommend him to any escort wishing for a great website.  The other shame is that he has heartily recommended saafe on his websites....but obviously now he added an addendum, and my god anyone would in his position! yes he did slag the competition, but that was after the heaps of abuse he got....that  post is just one example of what i'm trying to say did her one comment below, about the look of the site, that didnt rile me as much as the previous this did NOT start with me having a go at BH! so i just want that thoroughly understood by everyone!

anyway, yes i agree its a great site, and there are some great threads with people agreeing disagreeing etc etc....helpful informative,...and lots more....

its the way some people speak to others that i take issue with.  You can disagree without being hurtful and labelling that's all i am trying to convey here