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Author Topic: gang mentality  (Read 12694 times)


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gang mentality
« on: 03 November 2009, 01:59:08 pm »
(note when i say 'you' i mean many people who regularly converse on this forum)

i was going to become another member and come here and tell you all what i think of you only because i was scared of you.  That goes to show what the perception is of 'you'.  Saafe is a brilliant informative comprehensive site of which the authors should be rightly proud and defend.  What is not nice is how when 'innocents' come on usually newbies or just genuine nice people, come on with a question/statement/request/other....and are pounced on and its like going back to the stone age, and i'm talking about the 'stone them' age. It's like you all are hounds drooling with lust and hunger, oh goodie another victim, let's get 'em! it seems this forum brings out the worst in many of you.  Many of you are catty and bitchy and downright plain MEAN!  There is no defense for this kind of behaviour.  There just isnt!  The perception of 'you' is that you sit on your very high horses, pointing fingers, and claiming to be more 'right' than anyone else in the whole entire universe.  The previous locked thread re the websitedesign (which is truly disgusting that it was locked!) he did not start with slagging off the competition, he brought that up later and it was just his opinion and he said he would say why in a 'private message'.  Also he was perfectly polite and nice and i think just because he is male you all decided he was of the same ilk as  sweeping generalisations of men. ie this quote from brandy i think is the root cause for all the bad behaviour by so many on this site:

that just because we're women and we sell sex for a living, that we don't have two brain cells to rub together. I, personally, don't take it well when people think they can manipulate me.

Because you ('you' meaning many people on this site) don't want people to think of prostitutes as the usual stereotypes, you all go around banging your self-righteous drums on a consistent and insiduous basis.  You bang too loud! You don't see it but so many threads have people ganging up on others! its bullying and its mean.  I am writing all this in a state of self-righteous terror.  I know that i will get 'punished' in same manner as i said above.  Many of you are strong, assertive, don't mess with me or you'll get it, types of people. 

you can say your piece in a polite CIVIL manner!  You mar the whole lovely thing SAAFE has got going on.  Saafe is an amazing informative place and with all you's attitudes it just downgrades it to petty bickering schoolyard shit, and much worse! if you are pissed off or annoyed, there is a way to display it which is not attacking someone and being a bully.

I know escorts who have been hurt and personally insulted on this forum.  Instead of now doing your usual: how dare you! let's get her mentality, being defensive and going on the attack....why not take responsibility for your own actions and attitudes and try and behave in the future in a manner that shows you in a 'good light'? As, the very stereotype you don't want people to think of you as, you are perpetuating by your continual bad attitudes!

(i'm now ducking my head waiting for the fall out!)


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #1 on: 03 November 2009, 02:15:24 pm »
Gang mentality? 

I see none of the gang mentality that you speak of.  This site and forum has given a lot of ladies support, networking and some giggles.

When someone posts about a potentially dangerous situation, then its right that other members speak out about it, from their own view points and their own experiences.  If you regard that as being bullies and having a gang mentality, then thats your viewpoint.  The moderation on this board is fair and allows a freedom of speech.  Yes we can be bruitally honest on this board, but then the focus of this board is to keep us safe in the industry we work in, and sometimes that is needed.

Im sorry that you dont like that but I do feel at times that is needed.



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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #2 on: 03 November 2009, 02:34:51 pm »
I'm really looking forward to reading the responses to this as I know the majority of the ladies who contribute to this forum will be able to respond to this much more eloquently than I can  ;)  I'm pulling up my chair in anticipation!


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #3 on: 03 November 2009, 02:56:07 pm »
Well im sorry you feel this way but on many forums its a good idea to lurk  and observe general etiquette firstly. Unless you are in any imediate distress or about to part with large wads cash.
I must confess I felt nervous about posting at first, but I must say the whole "gang" here try to advise on  a subject they KNOW about. They come across to you as bullies? I would say think about it. They appear to be some of the most generous spirited people I have come across. Or would you want them simply to ignore your post and not attempt to help?  Saafe rocks!
« Last Edit: 03 November 2009, 02:58:33 pm by cindy »
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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #4 on: 03 November 2009, 03:04:37 pm »
I'm not sure there is a gang mentality here generally but sure the web design guy did get a few on his case.

Anika's point was totally valid. For him then to say

"The websites you are advertising as very reputable design firms recommended by SAAFE, are very bad, infact, one of them is a well know rip off "

Design 69 is very bad? It is probably the most used and trusted design company in the business. They have a long standing reputation over many years. Mira Design run many sites and are run by a lady who I have never heard a bad word about (well apart from comments made by the admin of one site who seems to have problems with many sucessful ladies and is very partial to gang mentalities himself).

That remark was poor. To suggest those sites are "very bad" and worse, to suggest one of them is known for ripping people off is just a low blow so I am not wholly surprised fire got fought with fire. I am therefore not surprised the thread got locked before it got worse.

There is a thread on Punternet at the moment where some girls have jumped on one lady who comes across a bit airheady. I was surprised that wasn't locked but thats just different moderation. It happens but I dont think its any real problem on here. Mr web designer should have perhaps chosen to not knock the credible competition as it made him look churlish.
« Last Edit: 03 November 2009, 03:06:23 pm by Trafford »


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #5 on: 03 November 2009, 04:08:46 pm »
Someone, welcome, and hope you stick around to get to know us.

What you have on Saafe are strong willed ladies who do speak our minds, and can smell bullshit a mile off. Plus, we don't suffer fools lightly. But to say we have a gang mentality, is coming it on a bit strong. If someone genuinely does have a problem, they can come and seek help, but if they have a hidden agenda and are trying to work some angle, welllll, you have witnessed what the results can be. And even when the ladies do get wind in their sails, there is still level of civility that pervades the put down. Unlike, a few other sites, both beginning with P, where a serious viral kind of gang mentality does reign, and sometimes I think the inmates are running the asylum.

But that being said, I too am sure this thread will pan out and take on a life of its own.


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #6 on: 03 November 2009, 04:34:02 pm »
No way! When I was a newbie and I came here to ask about how to become a pimp and how to start up a totally brand new venture that I'd decided to name The Directory Site, I was treated with utmost cordiality. :P

Sorry. I love this place because I know I can always expect intelligent responses to my and other people's posts, but NOT because I expect people to agree with me (or vice versa). So if there is a gang here I'm not part of it. :'( And frankly, there are so few places on the net where strong-minded women can get together and discuss/complain/debate/argue/laugh with other similar types. I wouldn't change SAAFE for the world (even if I too lurked a while before making my first post!).

I thought most newbies here got pointed to the main site articles and any relevant threads, anyway? It's not like someone says, "Good morning you fine bunch of gorgeous babes, please can you advise me on safety/lubes/advertising?" and gets told to b*gger off, after all. From my few months' (longer??) experience here, only questions regarding any way of making money from escorts without sucking any willy and/or becoming a male escort get responded to with any negativity (the latter only due to the tediousness of repetition, nothing personal). I might be mistaken and missing an honest newbie being shot down in floozie flames somewhere? But I don't think so.

ALSO (last bit, promise!) I've never seen a response from a mod or other board staff that has been personally critical. The rest of us may get carried away with 'expressing our views' and other unfeminine activities ;) but we are always kept in line. Threads that aren't going anywhere except Insultsville, for example, are always locked quickly. I love this place as it is now but it would take more than a bit more policing to get rid of me so if that's what has to happen because too much offense is being caused, then so be it. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #7 on: 03 November 2009, 04:37:58 pm »
most topics everyone is fine and helpful but there are many posts where i have found this to be the for the few who have so far responded i have not felt any of the bullying and mean behaviour i mention coming from them! i have been here before in another guise so i know of what i speak.  Also, maybe 2 people will think 'oh she's talking about me, how dare she!' actually, i AM speaking about them, but a whole lot of others too...saafe does rock its just sometimes the posts get out of hand and people just go off on one without thinking about how their remarks impact on others...its not just me who thinks this way either!


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #8 on: 03 November 2009, 06:25:24 pm »
why not take responsibility for your own actions....

 Taking responsibility for your own actions, and not blame anybody else. Hmmm! Great idea that, innit?


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #9 on: 03 November 2009, 07:17:53 pm »
If you dont want advice or dont like it then dont read. Simples. At least read the info on the main board though. There is nothing here to read other than workers here having a place to read warnings, ask questions, come home ready to vent about TWs and have the odd giggle.
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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #10 on: 03 November 2009, 08:08:25 pm »

ALSO (last bit, promise!) I've never seen a response from a mod or other board staff that has been personally critical.

Really?  Maybe you and I have been reading a different saafe then because I beg to differ.  Sometimes I find some of the personal attacks on here more than harsh and totally unecessary and it seems there are many who fear to stand up for being the centre of such attacks.  Seems also at times that once one starts then others like to jump in quickly and add insult to injury. 


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #11 on: 03 November 2009, 08:37:19 pm »
The ladies on this site are intelligent, have strong personalities and opinions and don't tolerate any  BS.

Sometimes I don't like what they have to say, sometimes they don't like what I have to say and  sometimes they are saying exactly what I am thinking - most importantly they don't mince their words and can agree to disagree.

Someone, if you read at the  posts you are talking about again you should see a communality between them. They fall into a few groups such as:
1) people who are asking for help, but have not made the slightest effort to research things for themselves and want their hand held step by step - if that is their mentality they wouldn't survive in this industry anyway as often you survive on your wits.
2) men who think they are gods gift and want their egos massaged - we have to deal with too many of them in everyday life - why should we put up with them here too?
3) people who try to endear themselves with the hidden agenda to make money out of us - well, same reason as for 2

If it seems like gang mentality then it is only because we happen to have the same opinion and we are not just jumping on the band wagon, but are expressing how we feel .

I apologise if I have treated you or anyone else undeservedly harsh, but I have just said what I think and feel.
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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #12 on: 03 November 2009, 08:47:14 pm »
It is really rather difficult to comment on this thread since I happen to know ?someone? and her website so I cannot delve into that further since I respect her desire for anonymity.   Although in the past, she has sadly not always afforded me the same courtesy and had her (then) pal flame me on this forum.   I find this kind of post extremely irritating just like I have little patience for the kind of tittle tattle of some people who make friends over quickly, then fall out, then are friends again, then are back to estrangement both on and off boards.   Quite frankly I cannot keep up and don?t care to either.  Generally, so I do have an issue with ladies that snipe while hiding behind an anonymous nic so I find the thread hypocritical and a sign of cowardice.  It is also a little insincere since it seems the main motivation behind the post is that a few members pulled up her mate/web designer who failed to show some basic courtesy and ignored standard forum etiquette.  There are always some people who sign up to a forum, then flounce off then come back again and probably leave again eventually, this kind of medium does not suit everyone, especially those that can dish out but not take any honest criticism.  This is not a children?s forum but a place for adults to speak freely and exchange opinions, in the real world people will not pretend to agree on everything for the sake of some faux peace. 
Those that come to this forum and show some basic manners and respect for forum rules get a warm and really helpful welcome.  Those that do not even take the time to read some of the major threads and are arrogant or too lazy to read what a lot of ladies and gents laboured to research and write get an understandably more impatient response.  So no need for this melodramatic post!  And everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions, deeds and words both the OP and her slandering web mate.  If people want to live on some hippy marshmallow cloud of never ending harmony then they are probably not very well suited for this industry in the first place.     

I do not regret my comment on the now locked thread for a moment.  It was an apt reaction to the slanderous and totally unfounded comments of the OP.  Trying to insinuate some nefarious activities of recommended competitors is well below the suspender belt!   The link he provided without first asking permission showed a fairly unimaginative site and does not entitle the owner to his outrageous comments about respected competitors.  And I make no secret of the fact that I consider Anjali (Mira Design) a real friend who supported me ever since I started both in my professional and personal life.  Her input in this industry cannot be measured and any direct or implied slight on her work is beyond the pale.  I also highly respect and admire the work of 69 Design who have done the site of many well established ladies.         


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #13 on: 03 November 2009, 09:00:51 pm »
Really?  Maybe you and I have been reading a different saafe then because I beg to differ.  Sometimes I find some of the personal attacks on here more than harsh and totally unecessary and it seems there are many who fear to stand up for being the centre of such attacks.  Seems also at times that once one starts then others like to jump in quickly and add insult to injury. 

Well Blossom, either you or the OP are welcome to post links to these 'personal attacks', in fact I wish you would because I can't think of any either. There is a world of difference between drawing attention to and commenting on a poster's prejudice, ignorance or otherwise stinking attitude and attacking them personally; as most of you will have seen, the latest wannabe gigolo got a flea in his ear the other day from me not because he was asking the ever present straight-male-escort question, but because he came bowling onto the forum without reading any of the other threads, posted a totally inappropriate picture of himself with another person and wrote possibly the twattiest first post I have ever seen. A few days beforehand there was another bloke posting about escorting in the Seeking and Offering section who got a totally different response, not because his question had any different an answer, but because he wasn't acting like a complete arsehole.

As far as the webdesign bloke goes, I was writing my last post on that thread as Brandy was locking it and I didn't realise it had been locked until I went back to the general menu, but if anyone can find anything that constitutes a personal attack on there or any of the content which is factually incorrect, by all means point it out although since the OP of that thread is a grown man, I'm surprised he needs others to fight his corner for him. Perhaps his defender would feel differently if she was a straight man who had read all the blurb on his site and lashed out nigh on ?400 on a website - and I notice the issue of his disgraceful comments about the other designers are being conveniently ignored (as is his ever more childish and petulant displays towards this site, as anyone who has seen the new edit to his website's SAAFE link will know).

No-one is on a high horse here, and anyone is free to make whatever comments, suggestions and remarks they like. That includes me, and I will continue to do so. To be honest, if the thought of what an anonymous person on an internet message board thought of or said about me was bothering me that much, I probably shouldn't be shagging strangers for a living (which is what I've been doing all afternoon, and why I'm only responding to this now). I also agree with Honey that the only real reason behind this thread (which I suggested 'Someone' started in a effort to try and clear up any misunderstandings) does indeed appear to be as an opportunity to further rant about the treatment of her friend, not for the general good of the forum or it's members.

Anybody who feels they have been personally singled out, attacked or unfairly criticised, is welcome to say so either here or via PM. But we are not here to pat each other on the back and go on about how great everything is, and anybody who joins a lively forum expecting everyone to agree all the time is not only extremely naive, but on a hiding to nothing. Moreover, if our website-designing member wants to (and thinks he can) defend his slanderous comments he should be here doing it himself.


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Re: gang mentality
« Reply #14 on: 03 November 2009, 09:47:17 pm »
Can only echo what has been said already in that people on this forum do not tend to have much time for someone who cannot be bothered to read the forum properly when they are seriously considering becoming an escort, and instead looks to be spoon fed with advice when it is readily available. Imagine someone going onto a forum full of doctors, not reading the main topics such as "how to become a doctor" and launching into "im good with my hands. i have a maths GCSE. i am good at talkin 2 people how do i becum a surgeon lol?" People would roll their eyes no doubt. Now imagine some pillock coming on and saying that a few times a week, every week. People would lose patience I bet.

Quite frankly, you could go to any forum  on the internet and ask a question about a serious decision you are considering (such as, say, whether to have sex for money or not), and you can expect some virtual eye-rolling and chiding if you can't even be bothered to support your apparently serious question with some serious research, or indeed regard to the way the forum you are writing on operates.

Likewise, people who do not take the time to gauge the tone of the forum and exercise basic forum etiquette by lurking for at least a short while before posting, might well get a somewhat rough deal. However, I thought that lurkig and learning the way a forum works is common courtesy throughout the entire internet among individuals.

Finally, people who don't get much positive feedback are quite rightly those who try, (either openly or with their agenda hidden) to make money out of women who have sex for money rather than try to make money by relying on their own skills. All of them do make myself and others on the forum lose patience, and because we are, generally speaking, confident women, we say so.

Personally, this forum has been a godsend to me and kept me sane. Most recently, it was the first place I wanted to come to after a horrible experience at a new job, because I knew I could get plain speaking advice, and maybe feel supported by some experienced and intelligent women.