I won't give out the postcode to English or non English speakers because finding me is part of the screening...Most are pedestrians one minute away from me so don't need sat nav.
I'm listening to how they respond to instructions, do they get OTT nervous angry, childish, patronising?
eg If they start moaning 'this is a long walk' (yeah right, one minute is an Olympic challenge) or 'why don't you just give me the bloody postcode' or 'Don't tell me anything, I'll find it with Google', it show's me they want to impose on my procedures, won't be a nice client, I bump him. Letting a moaner in doesn't mean they stop moaning...it never works well if I let them in.
I give a postcode to get them to the street or previously a useful place to park the postcode would have plonked them middle of a main road on a one-way system having driven past the parking.
Just spoken to someone from Eastern Europe this morning, asked me if I speak their language, nope. Reverted to one word, they under stood 'No' and 'Coronavirus' but little else. I understood 'postcode' had already said 'No', he mentioned his mate 'No', 'Why?'.