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Author Topic: Foof  (Read 7227 times)


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Re: Foof
« Reply #30 on: 23 May 2012, 11:23:26 pm »
Oh God, I don't even have a child so I'd be 100% hopeless! That's without the mess and grossness *cringe*!

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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Re: Foof
« Reply #31 on: 25 May 2012, 02:52:16 pm »
I can do changing nappies on guys but not if they poo!!! I don't do that shit thing. OMG. They would end up going home in their soiled nappy for their wife to change. LOL.

I av actually died my "foof" using eyelash/eyebrow die. It's sensitive enough for the eyes so it's fine on the "foof" I luuurrrrve that word. LOL.

You can guarantee when I've had a good old trimming session someone will ask if I'm quite hairy cos that's what they want.   ::)



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Re: Foof
« Reply #32 on: 25 May 2012, 02:58:22 pm »
I reckon there is a fetish for everything... ;D

Now I just happened to catch on TV the other night, cannot recall what the program was, was only slightly watching as I put my face on, but there was a guy who got turned on by the slimy hair he retrieved from the plug hole if you will! HAD to be slimy or it was no good. Loved the feel of it apparently.

Hey ho.


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Re: Foof
« Reply #33 on: 25 May 2012, 03:00:29 pm »
I reckon there is a fetish for everything... ;D

Now I just happened to catch on TV the other night, cannot recall what the program was, was only slightly watching as I put my face on, but there was a guy who got turned on by the slimy hair he retrieved from the plug hole if you will! HAD to be slimy or it was no good. Loved the feel of it apparently.

Hey ho.

Gawd almighty! Makes you wonder what happened to these people in their lives to develop such outlandish fetishes. The mind boggles...


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Re: Foof
« Reply #34 on: 25 May 2012, 03:05:05 pm »
I can do changing nappies on guys but not if they poo!!! I don't do that shit thing. OMG. They would end up going home in their soiled nappy for their wife to change. LOL.

I av actually died my "foof" using eyelash/eyebrow die. It's sensitive enough for the eyes so it's fine on the "foof" I luuurrrrve that word. LOL.

You can guarantee when I've had a good old trimming session someone will ask if I'm quite hairy cos that's what they want.   ::)


A year or so ago wasn't there a dye made specifically for dying your foof? I'm sure there was, stocked it in Superdrug. Might be fun to dye mine bright red and surprise the clients that the collars and cuffs don't match, but not in the usual way lol!!! Anyone know where you can get such stuff?

With the eyelash/brow dye - where do you get that from and what colours does it come in?!!

I'm always changing the colour/style of my hair (on my head) so may as well give other areas the once-over!!!


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Re: Foof
« Reply #35 on: 25 May 2012, 03:09:40 pm »
I reckon there is a fetish for everything... ;D

Now I just happened to catch on TV the other night, cannot recall what the program was, was only slightly watching as I put my face on, but there was a guy who got turned on by the slimy hair he retrieved from the plug hole if you will! HAD to be slimy or it was no good. Loved the feel of it apparently.

Hey ho.

Gawd almighty! Makes you wonder what happened to these people in their lives to develop such outlandish fetishes. The mind boggles...

Well I wish he'd given out a contact number. I have a nice bath purchased a yr ago. It doesn't have the normal plughole but some fancy thing with a silver top to it and little holes going all around - whatever - you can't stick you fingers down it and get the hair out nice and easily. Oh no. Instead, as the bath empties the hair blocks the plughole totally so you get a big old lump of soap suds and hair combo loitering which make it treacherously slippy when you next get in the bath. Every time I wash my hair I have to repeatedly clean around the damn thing and slide out all the hairs, it's a right nightmare. This fella could be right up my street - he can have all the slimy hair he wants cos my hair comes out in handfuls every time I wash it lol!!!

It does really make you wonder as you say, where the fetishes originate from. You can understand the origins of some i guess but plughole hair - really?!  ???