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Author Topic: Foof  (Read 7294 times)


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« on: 21 May 2012, 12:51:44 pm »
So, I've taken some time off and have been quite lazy about grooming my Lady Garden. I'm now sporting a rather trim and neat foof whereas previously I was rocking The Girl Scout look. Has anyone found that business is affected by going au natural?I'm not talking 70's porno here, but it does seem that everyone wants the porn star turkey look?


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Re: Foof
« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2012, 01:23:19 pm »
When I first started escorting, I used to shave every day, but my skin is very sensitive and in effect the pubic area looked sore and bruised pretty much all the time. Not pretty at all. I just thought: 'f**k it, I'm gonna grow it! If anybody has a problem with that... it's their problem'. I stopped shaving altogether (I had laser hair removal done on my legs, arms and armpits) and went on to advertise as 'natural'. To my surprise, punters loved it! I made it my selling point. I have never heard a negative comment about it, even from the guys who don't bother reading my profile and turn up not expecting a bush lol! And believe me, it is quite bushy  ;D

I think it looks much nicer when a woman has some pubic hair, and there's definitely much less fuss and pain involved. But that's just me...
Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.


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Re: Foof
« Reply #2 on: 21 May 2012, 01:52:07 pm »
Human sexuality is diverse enough that whenever 'everyone' is offering something, you can be sure there's a market for people who do not offer it.

I will confess to never having heard the term 'foof' before, but I am now wondering what offered and why is about some wrapping material... :)
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

sadie x

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Re: Foof
« Reply #3 on: 21 May 2012, 02:18:01 pm »
I think hair down there looks nicer,on men and women..
Too many people shave..and when to many people do something,it becomes boring..
Im inbetween,brazilian,to try and appeal to everyone!!
but i get alot of comments..saying"good you have hair"
if i really really fancied a guy(not in work)and then he got it out,and he had shaven,would put me off  him instantly!
its like preperation for sex,or trying to make his cock look bigger..yyuccckk


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Re: Foof
« Reply #4 on: 21 May 2012, 02:54:22 pm »
Same here. I think its nice to have a bit of hair down their. Bald does not look that nice and depending on the methods used you can end up sore, with a rash or sensitive when the hairs are growing back.
Hello nice to meet you :)


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Re: Foof
« Reply #5 on: 21 May 2012, 03:29:11 pm »
Different hair colours and textures make a difference too.

Its all a matter of individuality.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.


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Re: Foof
« Reply #6 on: 21 May 2012, 07:36:28 pm »
comments..saying"good you have hair"

I was told by my blind-in-one-eye coke-sniffing client on the weekend that my brazilian was great cos with his gammy eye it would give him a reference of which direction to go in!!!!!  (Now I know why it can be called a landing strip!)

sadie x

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Re: Foof
« Reply #7 on: 21 May 2012, 09:14:18 pm »
comments..saying"good you have hair"

I was told by my blind-in-one-eye coke-sniffing client on the weekend that my brazilian was great cos with his gammy eye it would give him a reference of which direction to go in!!!!!  (Now I know why it can be called a landing strip!)
aww he sounds cute!

katie 84

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Re: Foof
« Reply #8 on: 21 May 2012, 09:25:11 pm »
Bananamuffin, please please tell me about the one eyed coke sniffing client....he sounds fantastic! Lol. x x x x


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Re: Foof
« Reply #9 on: 21 May 2012, 10:17:11 pm »
I don't shave it either apart from the very underneath when I'm working - I don't like the way it looks or feels so I just trim the rest when I remember and nobody has ever ran away screaming in horror. I don't touch my armpits either, and they're popular with the punters too :).

I do my legs though. Usually.


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Re: Foof
« Reply #10 on: 21 May 2012, 10:31:42 pm »
I shave everything off but that's what I've done for almost ten years, so way before I started escorting, and that's the 'natural' way for me. I've had a few clients ask if I would consider not shaving so I wouldn't be surprised to hear it's popular.


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Re: Foof
« Reply #11 on: 21 May 2012, 11:47:43 pm »
I also shave everything and that has been my routine since I was an early teenager. There are times where I will have some light hair growth if I just couldn't be bothered to shave/wax/hair cream it off for a few days but for some reason hair growth tends to lesson my own libido, but when freshly shaved I am hot and ready to go!

I'm not suprised that alot of men like ladies to have hair but Id say there was an equal number of the two. Strangely, alot of ladies I know who have hair have been asked if they would shave it off, and those who are totally shaved have been asked if they would grow it!

There are clients out there for just about everyone - shaved or not. So my grooming routine is purely for my own satisfaction and not theirs :)
..Some would say I am selling my body but I know I am selling so much more than that..


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Re: Foof
« Reply #12 on: 22 May 2012, 12:45:38 am »
I shave everything off but that's what I've done for almost ten years, so way before I started escorting, and that's the 'natural' way for me. I've had a few clients ask if I would consider not shaving so I wouldn't be surprised to hear it's popular.

I could have written that! Me too! I even shave my arms!


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Re: Foof
« Reply #13 on: 22 May 2012, 01:47:17 am »
I myself prefer it trimmed, it just somehow feels more womanly and natural to me. But for work purposes I have it as a Brazilian, just because I think it?s a bit more hygienic considering the work we do. Only one customer ever has asked for it to completely shaved and he was promptly told to jog on! If there were no men in the world, I think I would never wax, pluck, shave, tweeze or bleach a single hair on my body ever again. The term ?gorilla tits? comes to mind but I could live with that! ;D


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Re: Foof
« Reply #14 on: 22 May 2012, 02:02:55 am »
I myself prefer it trimmed, it just somehow feels more womanly and natural to me. But for work purposes I have it as a Brazilian, just because I think it?s a bit more hygienic considering the work we do. Only one customer ever has asked for it to completely shaved and he was promptly told to jog on! If there were no men in the world, I think I would never wax, pluck, shave, tweeze or bleach a single hair on my body ever again. The term ?gorilla tits? comes to mind but I could live with that! ;D

That did make me chuckle:-) Yes I have to pluck my nipples!! I'm half Romanian....I blame my Dad, bless him, may he rest in peace, for me being such a hairy woman as he was a very hairy man. I've been totally obsessed with shaving everything from being a teenager! I think I'm a bit OCD with it to be honest! But nipple hairs...oh come on, if everything else wasn't enough to deal with lol