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Author Topic: How do you deal with address collectors when working from home?  (Read 655 times)


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So I rarely tour anymore and just work from home to try and keep costs down (not busy AT ALL).
When people ask I tell them to go to the street and call me, I can see them from the window and then give full address. This man today went to my area and called me I said I’m in the apartments on this road come here and call me. After this my calls no longer went through and obviously he ghosted. This isn’t the first time it’s happened.

The man followed my booking procedure was well spoken said he was 41 - sounded completely normal! He had no reports on his number (obviously a burner though as no whatsap etc) was booking an hour. My gut didn’t tell me anything was wrong. If I was touring I wouldn’t care but because I’m from home right now it’s freaked me out a bit.

I always question why men would do this. Are you the police? Are you a well spoken pimp? Are you just a freak who gets a kick out of this? Are you a stalker? Are you my landlord?

Have had weird guys who previously booked and turned up turn into freaks who no show all the time after first meet. But soon realise they’re using virtual numbers and notorious locally for harassing women.

I feel like I try to safeguard myself quite well  - get them to call. Don’t give full apartment number until I see them. But is there anything else you think I could do?

Obviously can’t just see people with feedback because then I’d end up seeing one a week if I was lucky lol!


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Re: How do you deal with address collectors when working from home?
« Reply #1 on: 08 March 2024, 02:06:32 pm »
I too often work from ‘home’ and on one occasion the guy said he was walking to my door & a white BMW slowly drove passed with two Asian men in the front, looking towards my house as they did - I could see them through my door spy hole-thing.
The guy never showed up and went ghost.
I’ll never know if it was them or not, but it was too much of a coincidence.
I locked the door, turned the lights off and couldn’t work for the rest of the day.

I’m not sure how you can safe guard yourself even more? I think a ring doorbell would deter any clients, but would be so helpful for us! I always give out the postcode next to mine, so they need to walk a little further. I’m very very selective and screen them as much as possible before I’ll even meet. Luckily, most of my clients turn into regulars and I really trust them (as much as you can trust a client).


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Re: How do you deal with address collectors when working from home?
« Reply #2 on: 08 March 2024, 02:16:22 pm »
Could you actually see him the first time he called
If not he may not have been there and was hoping you were stupid enough to give him the full address

I do similar in that I can see them walking to my flat so it’s easy to get them in on the phone and I can see it’s just one person  :FF

You could say to them by phone / text you don’t get my full address until I can see you
That would probably put off 99 percent of the stalkers / idiots as they would want to do min effort


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Re: How do you deal with address collectors when working from home?
« Reply #3 on: 08 March 2024, 04:41:07 pm »
I don't really get these - I suppose there are so many possibilities in Central London that giving them the street and postcode doesn't really narrow it down that much. Can you ask them for something they can see; I used to ask them what time the (broken) church clock nearby said at one place?

What does piss me off is when they decide they know where you are just from the postcode and call from completely the wrong place so you can't talk them to the door; I've just moved, so if they say I'm on X street I haven't got a clue where they are 90% of the time  >:(.

(obviously a burner though as no whatsap etc)

I don't understand this? I don't use whatsap and never have, and I've had my work phone number since 2008 (my personal one since 1997, I think :D)


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Re: How do you deal with address collectors when working from home?
« Reply #4 on: 08 March 2024, 04:50:43 pm »
Because of the number who did this, plus those who got the door wrong despite the number being clearly visible & doors different colours, I sight the punter before giving door number. I would also point out the door so they could see it before heading towards it. A few still phoned pretending to be there, and a few still knocked on the wrong door but most address collectors eliminated.

I know people who do not use Whatsapp, including regulars who use a basic phone for punting.
« Last Edit: 08 March 2024, 04:53:29 pm by Mirror »