Although I know some don't like them, I like the variety and I find some don't take much extra time because I'm not changing bedding or tidying up afterwards. Now I've started webcam incall means stripping down my cam set up, tucking everything away can be a hefty 20 minutes either side on top of shower, bedding, tidy up.
Someone operating on multiple bookings per day may not have this, so much easier and less time consuming.
When I changed from mostly incall, to outcall only yes business dropped significantly but over a long period of time I built up outcall regulars. I also really enjoyed no longer being inside my property all day. Prior to this I would turn down outcalls due to already being booked incall, or be booked incall because I offered it. I now blend the two, but do limit incalls. At the moment I'm specifically wanting outcall bookings so send them my way!