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Author Topic: Don't touch my face!  (Read 5639 times)


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #15 on: 22 November 2010, 10:29:39 pm »
I dont mind hands on my face but its the kissing and licking of my face part that I detest the most.  >:(

A bit off Topic
Or like the client I had today who was overly excited; kissing vigorously, pulling my hair and poking me down there and my back hole with no warning at all, with his overly grown and sharp nails boy that made me really tense, I had to pull away so many times even after warning him off  not to do that.

Needless to say he came quickly and proceeded to leave ahh I was so relieved and I hope to never  see him again! I doubt he will be coming back as he did not have his way one of those types and I will be blacklisting him too.
"The only things in this life that you really regret are the RISKS you didn't take"


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #16 on: 23 November 2010, 12:02:30 am »
Yup! Also have an issue with hair. Its because mine is very short and fine, so 2 things happen when people touch it too much: it takes on weird shapes/it gets greasy at roots.  :(

Then face is sometimes annoying: I put lots of makeup around my eyes, and I can't believe how many clients somehow manage to lick/poke their nose into/swipe at... my eyes!  ???

So yes, after some bookings I look horrendous. I find it hard to ask a client to stop touching hair/face though, as I feel they just wouldn't understand what the problem is, and I'd just seem whiny...  :-\


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #17 on: 23 November 2010, 08:47:42 am »
The face licking seriously grosses me out, so thank goodness it doesn't happen often. I don't think that any client could really believe I am in raptures about that, so I would have no problem telling the truth if asked ( no one ever has..) .At least it isn't painful though..
The bum prodding though? No warning, no pre-amble, no lube..just ram it right up there, she's bound to love it!! ::)
For the same reason, I don't get toys out unless asked.. :-\


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #18 on: 23 November 2010, 09:44:04 am »
The bum prodding though? No warning, no pre-amble, no lube..just ram it right up there, she's bound to love it!! ::)

Male clients often do this with men too. I had to make it an explicit "do not" in the opening chat.


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #19 on: 23 November 2010, 09:46:38 am »
So yes, after some bookings I look horrendous. I find it hard to ask a client to stop touching hair/face though, as I feel they just wouldn't understand what the problem is, and I'd just seem whiny...  :-\

I find it very hard to say anything about excessive saliva etc, too.

I do say something if a client tries to put unlubricated things anywhere, though! I see that as a duty to All Womankind, really - and All Mankind, too, since there are absolutely ZERO situations where putting something dry into an orifice feels nice, so you're doing everyone a favour if you grab that lube and tell him that you absolutely adore things to be really wet and sticky. (Obviously lube's not really sticky, or shouldn't be, but it's a sexy word to say in the heat of things. ;)) I will then liberally lube up all hands and bits - even nipples, if he's been rubbing and tweaking them for 20 minutes and they're getting a bit sore. This can lead into a good, wet handjob and lots of slippery groping and hopefully there'll be no, "What, women don't always gush pussy juice in real life like in the pornos? Am I a lesser man?! Wah!" confusion from him if you're initiating everything with lots of lubricated enthusiasm. :)

Face-licking, though... I tend to just try to hint that I'd prefer he didn't do it, but because it doesn't hurt and only causes very minor discomfort, I usually let it slide (excuse the icky pun!). I've found that most clients kiss with much more "big tongue" and saliva than I enjoy so I think it's just my personal preferences and therefore not something that I should risk making a client feel crappy about. Also, they range between just slurping and gobbling at your mouth, and full-on removal of your makeup with their tongue, and I'm not clear where to draw the line there since I'd just end up sounding super-grumpy and negative. For me, I'd much rather keep a positive attitude towards clients (unless they cross the big lines of pain/biting/dry poking) because then the whole booking goes much better and washing my face afterwards seems like a very small price for that!
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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #20 on: 23 November 2010, 10:54:28 am »
I hate face touchers/lickers so much! I don't have the best skin (though since I shaved my head it's got MUCH better - I think the constant touching from my hair might have been the problem) so I wear a fair amount of foundation and powder. When it's fresh on I look perfect - and I'm sure clients imagine that's how I actually look. If you lick it off, you're gonna find spots most likely :/ Also because it's quite powdery if they lick off a patch I can't just touch it up - you can always see edges so I have to completely clean it off and start over.

I didn't used to mind having my hair played with when I had real hair (never wore extensions), and I don't mind my bald head touched now :P But if I'm wearing a wig I do NOT want hands all over it - they're very expensive and unlike real hair they won't grow back so I try to avoid brushing them too often so don't want them tangled or dirty. Plus even with tape (and my natural velcro of my stubbly head  ;D) I do worry that it might slip off.

I kinda want to put something on my AW/Website making it clear that I don't like my hair or face touched - but I worry that having too many rules will put off genuine clients, even if they wouldn't have wanted to do anything forbidden, just because it makes me look unfriendly/strict.
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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #21 on: 23 November 2010, 03:36:43 pm »
Another hate:
When I give oral sex to a client,
I hate them grabbing my head with both hands and then forcing their penis hard into my mouth.

If a client is tentative, I love to grab his hands,
{& ok, despite my earlier posts  ::) }
put them round my head,
look him in the eyes and say:
"Now, I want you to fuck my mouth!"
This is one thing that really turns me on.
I give great deep-throat but I have to be in control.

It's all about power.


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #22 on: 23 November 2010, 04:24:45 pm »
I guess i have the pleasure of a face licker to come!! Joy!  :(
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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #23 on: 23 November 2010, 04:48:37 pm »
I had the mother of all lickers the other day: mouth-to-face-to-neck-to-boob-to-body-to-pussy-to-leg-to-foot..... back-to-other-foot-and-all-the-way-back-up-again-in-one-continuous-flat-tongued-licky-motion. I felt like an icepop :-X

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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #24 on: 23 November 2010, 05:28:11 pm »
Face licking and hair touching don't particularly bother me - my makeup application technique is basic at best, and my hair has nothing resembling a style, so no problems if either get messed up  :D

But, what I can't stand is when a gentleman manages to snog both my mouth and my nose, because eeeps! air!  :o


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #25 on: 23 November 2010, 07:06:04 pm »
Face licking and hair touching don't particularly bother me - my makeup application technique is basic at best, and my hair has nothing resembling a style, so no problems if either get messed up  :D

But, what I can't stand is when a gentleman manages to snog both my mouth and my nose, because eeeps! air!  :o

I just splurted my coffee!!!
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