So yes, after some bookings I look horrendous. I find it hard to ask a client to stop touching hair/face though, as I feel they just wouldn't understand what the problem is, and I'd just seem whiny... 
I find it very hard to say anything about excessive saliva etc, too.
I do say something if a client tries to put unlubricated things anywhere, though! I see that as a duty to All Womankind, really - and All Mankind, too, since there are absolutely ZERO situations where putting something dry into an orifice feels nice, so you're doing everyone a favour if you grab that lube and tell him that you absolutely adore things to be really wet and sticky. (Obviously lube's not really sticky, or shouldn't be, but it's a sexy word to say in the heat of things.

) I will then liberally lube up all hands and bits - even nipples, if he's been rubbing and tweaking them for 20 minutes and they're getting a bit sore. This can lead into a good, wet handjob and lots of slippery groping and hopefully there'll be no, "What, women don't always gush pussy juice in real life like in the pornos? Am I a lesser man?! Wah!" confusion from him if you're initiating everything with lots of lubricated enthusiasm.

Face-licking, though... I tend to just try to hint that I'd prefer he didn't do it, but because it doesn't hurt and only causes very minor discomfort, I usually let it slide (excuse the icky pun!). I've found that most clients kiss with much more "big tongue" and saliva than I enjoy so I think it's just my personal preferences and therefore not something that I should risk making a client feel crappy about. Also, they range between just slurping and gobbling at your mouth, and full-on removal of your makeup with their tongue, and I'm not clear where to draw the line there since I'd just end up sounding super-grumpy and negative. For me, I'd much rather keep a positive attitude towards clients (unless they cross the big lines of pain/biting/dry poking) because then the whole booking goes much better and washing my face afterwards seems like a very small price for that!