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Author Topic: Don't touch my face!  (Read 5659 times)


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Don't touch my face!
« on: 21 November 2010, 04:25:38 pm »
Occasionally, a client tries to touch my face
like he can't quite believe how attractive I am ?
or that I'm real?

Yuk! it really grosses me out...

Anyone else get that?


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #1 on: 21 November 2010, 06:31:41 pm »
2 places I don't like ANYONE'S hands on (including my own sometime) is my face and my food.

Don't go putting your finger in my food and dont go touching on my face

Claudia Reina

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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #2 on: 21 November 2010, 07:20:53 pm »
2 places I don't like ANYONE'S hands on (including my own sometime) is my face and my food.

Don't go putting your finger in my food and dont go touching on my face

...or my hair!! >:(
I`m actually allright with someone touching my face but I can`t stand it when they touch my hair!


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #3 on: 21 November 2010, 08:29:06 pm »
My hair is the worst too! FECK OFF touching it will you?!?! When they brush your fringe out of your face and you politely and subtly brush it back only for them to remove it again. NO. JUST NO.  ;D


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #4 on: 21 November 2010, 10:22:57 pm »
My hair is the worst too! FECK OFF touching it will you?!?! When they brush your fringe out of your face and you politely and subtly brush it back only for them to remove it again. NO. JUST NO.  ;D

+1 for hair - I had a client the other day who was entirely normal apart from incredibly sweaty palms, and he insisted on me having my (very long, thick, wavy) hair loose only to try run his damp hands down the length of it -  I could feel the individual hairs ripping out of my head every time his clammy skin snagged in it and I couldn't stop myself snapping at him to stop. Fortunately he didn't try to touch my face, or I think I would have jumped out of the window *shivers*  ;D


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #5 on: 21 November 2010, 10:57:17 pm »
...or my hair!! >:(
 I can`t stand it when they touch my hair!

OMG!  The hair touching is almost as bad,
that is the second worse area for me that clients sometimes want to touch.


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #6 on: 21 November 2010, 10:58:26 pm »
I can't stand clients touching my hair either. I always worry that they will tug really hard at one of my extensions and it will fall out!
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Bella Tey

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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #7 on: 21 November 2010, 11:32:01 pm »
I must be odd as I don?t mind my face being touched or my hair.  I am little thrown by the level of underlying antipathy towards clients in this thread.     ::)


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #8 on: 21 November 2010, 11:51:49 pm »
I must be odd as I don?t mind my face being touched or my hair.  I am little thrown by the level of underlying antipathy towards clients in this thread.     ::)

Well six members out of a possible quite-a-lot have agreed that they don't like having their face/hair touched so I don't think that makes you odd - I don't generally mind that much either normally, but the sweaty, clammy-palmed man I mentioned was actually pulling out my hair which was unpleasant and painful.

I cannot see any underlying anything, just a few folk having a bit of a joint moan - part of the purpose of the forum is so that people can let off a bit of steam about things which others might think are silly or insignificant, and I do think you're reading a little too much into it. As has been said on another thread, not everything about every job is perfect and if members want to discuss little things which annoy them than this is the ideal place for them to do so.

Bella Tey

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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #9 on: 22 November 2010, 12:11:11 am »
I probably read too much into it.  This seems a lovely forum and I am still finding my feet.  I just found especially the opening post a bit hostile towards clients.  I am glad to have a place to moan but to me as newcomer it sounded a bit OTT.  There are horrible things like tweaking nipples roughly but a gentle caressing of the face seems a nice thing to me.  I am just giving a bit of feedback as someone beginning to read this forum.  A couple of posters appear to have a slightly ambiguous attitude to their customers and it saddened me a little. I have been working on and off as an escort for quite a few years so am not saying it is all happy perfect.  I just get a little concerned when I spot some escorts get snappy about clients.  Sometimes that is a time to take stock and maybe allow a little time off to not burn out.           

Claudia Reina

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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #10 on: 22 November 2010, 08:21:01 am »
I probably read too much into it.  This seems a lovely forum and I am still finding my feet.  I just found especially the opening post a bit hostile towards clients.  I am glad to have a place to moan but to me as newcomer it sounded a bit OTT.  There are horrible things like tweaking nipples roughly but a gentle caressing of the face seems a nice thing to me.  I am just giving a bit of feedback as someone beginning to read this forum.  A couple of posters appear to have a slightly ambiguous attitude to their customers and it saddened me a little. I have been working on and off as an escort for quite a few years so am not saying it is all happy perfect.  I just get a little concerned when I spot some escorts get snappy about clients.  Sometimes that is a time to take stock and maybe allow a little time off to not burn out.           

We are all different, Bella :) What you find a nice thing, some people may find annoying, or vice versa. I don`t see any hostility at all towards clients. Some may find these things annoying because it is too intimate, some because they spend lots of time with a perfect make-up or hairdo, or because hair extensions, wigs, etc. It doesn`t mean anything bad at all.
And what Amy said:)

Claudia Reina

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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #11 on: 22 November 2010, 08:24:07 am »
I can't stand clients touching my hair either. I always worry that they will tug really hard at one of my extensions and it will fall out!

This happened to me before :( It wasn`t nice ::)


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #12 on: 22 November 2010, 08:50:45 am »
A couple of posters appear to have a slightly ambiguous attitude to their customers and it saddened me a little. I have been working on and off as an escort for quite a few years so am not saying it is all happy perfect.  I just get a little concerned when I spot some escorts get snappy about clients.  Sometimes that is a time to take stock and maybe allow a little time off to not burn out.           

To be honest, Bella, although I know you're coming from a place of concern and sympathy, it's not any of our places to tell anyone else (unless specifically asked) that she needs to take time off work. Your concern does come across here as a weak disguise for being patronising.

Maybe writing in this thread allowed someone to let off enough steam that they went into their next appointment 100% sunshine and smiles - isn't that more important than their "ambiguous" attitude towards having their hair pulled or makeup wiped off? Or should we all, even in the "privacy" of a discussion between equal sex workers, pretend that we love everything a man might do to us and only post to tout our willing obedience?

I was going to post here that I don't mind touching of hair or face, but that it does aggravate me when my makeup is all licked off, and it would only have been because I think it's vaguely amusing to share our stories like this, not because I hate men and am a huge feminazi who shouldn't be a prossie. ::) Our job isn't about politely requesting that clients sit in the corner and wank quietly while we ignore them (unless they request it for some sort of fetish!), it's about allowing them to do (within our boundaries) whatever intimate acts they wish and, on our part, participating fully. None of that means I'm not still a little bemused when I look in the mirror after an appointment and my face is no longer covered in lovely mineral foundation but in dried saliva from forehead to chin and ear to ear. Eek!

I really don't think I need to be 'signed off work' by someone who knows nothing about me because of this. It's normal and healthy for workers in any field to share their highs and lows with each other - when I worked in a shop during my teens, we all used to be absolutely foul about the customers behind the closed doors of the break room! I would never speak that way about my clients now - probably because they're much more valuable to me - but I've worked in plenty of different minimum wage jobs while studying and there's always been a confessional camaraderie between the employees when complaining about the crappiness of it all - and it didn't mean any of us needed to stop working for our mental health! It actually helped us be more patient and hard-working when out on the floor.

I also don't think we should need to add a disclaimer to our posts every time we let out a secretive admission of "Oh, this one thing was quite annoying, actually". As Amy said, we're the only profession where, should we mention any of the less-good things about our job, the Concern Police immediately jump in and tell us we're abused, trafficked and mentally scarred and must be rescued immediately. I don't mean to be flippant here but honestly, my shop job was literally the worst job ever, it was so hideously boring that I would never work in retail again - where's my therapy for that, eh? :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #13 on: 22 November 2010, 10:22:00 am »
I must be odd as I don?t mind my face being touched or my hair.  I am little thrown by the level of underlying antipathy towards clients in this thread.     ::)

Bella i find your post unfair.
If you had long elegantly manicured fingernails, would you be happy for a client to chew them off, just because he was paying you?.
Are you happy for your clients to do something to you, that you are uncomfortable with, or hurts you, just because they are paying, do you think it gives them the right to do it?.

I don't see anywhere that i am showing 'hatred' towards my clients. I Just don't like them trying to pull or run their fingers through my hair. Having a hair extension pulled out hurts!.

Yes it's my choice to wear them, it's a client's choice to go elsewhere if he wants someone whose hair he can play with - same as a client can go somewhere else for A levels, or BDSM or a million and one other things.
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Re: Don't touch my face!
« Reply #14 on: 22 November 2010, 05:51:54 pm »
i hate anyone and that includes my  hairdresser my husband my son my mother and anyone else i can think of touching my hair  it takes me ages and ages to cultivate that just got out of bed look with my hair and hair extensions  and i cant stand anyone touching it apart from ME  its my hair i paid for so im the only one to touch it
irrational i know but i cant help it 

As i say in my signature you can touch me kiss me and fuck  me but leave my fucking hair alone !!!!!!!!

other than that im perfectly happy to touched anywhere else  the hair thing is a personal thing that i have had  since i was a small kid and it goes with the territory of having expensive hair extensions  and not wanting it ruined