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Author Topic: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?  (Read 13693 times)


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #75 on: 09 February 2017, 11:46:54 pm »
Pretty much going with curvywench's theme...

Are you married? (are you?)
Does your husband/bf know what you do? (or wife? or spouses? Maybe I'm into that. Who knows?)
Does your family know what you do? (do yours?)
Aren't you worried about you're family/local priest/jesus christ finding out what you do? nope
Bet you earn loads!! (subjective)
Do you own this house? (no, I just broke in, watch your feet when you go for a shower because there might still be broken glass)
Can I make you cum? ::) ::) ::) I hate being asked this. I would rather someone just went with the flow. But no, you won't, although even I'm not this blunt.
Have you kids? (I have cats, yes)
Do they know? (my cats? I don't think they care)
What do your neighbours think of all the strange cars parked outside your house? (people pay attention to what they want to pay attention to.)
Have you ever been hurt doing this job? (oh, sure! I fell off a bed once and rattled my skull off the wall. Oh, another time I slid on wet laminate clean over on my heels right in front of a client.)
Robbed? (Aw, why would you ask?)
Had many creepy men ring you? (Pretty much like when I tried dating, yeah)
What made you get into this job? (I was at uni and I didn't see the problem with casual sex, nor did I see anything wrong with the industry)
What do you like about it? (I do what I want)
What made you come back to it? (doing whatever I wanted)
You pay tax on this? (aww, do you think I'm like Amazon or Starbucks and shy away from declaring my income?)

Most of the clients I see don't ask me personal/invasive questions. If I see someone regularly and they aren't clingy, I don't mind chatting away about hobbies etc. I do have my own business outside of this, and I quite happily talk about things to do with that field, hobbies relating to it, hell I've sat discussing politics with clients. I'll talk about aspects of my life in a glossed over way, but I'm not going to sit and ask him about his wife and kids, if I went to an outcall at his home I might comment that he has a beautiful house but I'm not going to ask him if he owns it etc. I don't ask clients who work in other industries which pick up cash-based jobs (i.e. painters, joiners, plumbers etc) if they pay tax. If you ask me personal questions, I do tend to either laugh it off or throw it back at you to shut it down quickly. When I finish for the day, I want to go back to my own world so to speak and switch off. I would never talk to clients about relationships - to have them sitting fantasising about it? Nah, that's getting into my personal life.

I don't know if there's some kind of thing that trips in some of their brains afterward where they need to ask 'why?' though. As if you can't make a perfectly comfortable choice about doing something with your body that involves the sex industry - there must be a trigger.


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #76 on: 10 February 2017, 12:43:33 am »
Are you married? (No, why? are you going to propose me?)
Does your husband/bf know what you do? (does your wife know you see prostitutes?)
Does your family know what you do? (does your family know you pay for sex?)
Aren't you worried about you're family/local priest/jesus christ finding out what you do? (I'm a budhist and my local spiritual advisor doesn't have a problem as long as I practice my karma).
Bet you earn loads!! (if i did you would be the last one to know)
Do you own this house? (if i did you would be the last one to know)

Can I make you cum? (Please sir)
You must really love sex to do this job? (I do yes, it must be a nightmare to do this job and not love sex)
Have you kids? (does a goldfish count?)
Do they know? (as long as i feed him and change his water he doesn't look like he has a problem with it)
Have you ever been hurt doing this job? (No, but i've had a couple of scares)
Robbed? (no -touch wood)
Had many creepy men ring you? (I don't remember, I have a terrible memory)
What made you get into this job? ( it looked appealing from the outside)
What do you like about it? (too many things, mainly the attention, like the one you're giving me now, I'm an attention whore)
So you're doing this job because you didn't get attention as a child? (probably, yes).
But that's unhealthy! (I'm making money from my personal issues while having fun, Its not unhealthy, it's actually bloody wise).
« Last Edit: 10 February 2017, 11:33:19 am by Ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #77 on: 26 February 2017, 09:44:13 pm »
I didn't mind answering questions so much when I was married. When I was working from home I didn't even bother to take my rings off. I found that clients didn't pry into my personal life so much if they knew I had a husband. The first question was usually "doesn't your husband mind?" to which I responded "does your wife / girlfriend?" That usually shut them up without offending ;) I still don't mind so much, but these days I'm more guarded and will often make things up rather than give away too many details about my private life. It's only small talk after all.


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #78 on: 06 March 2017, 11:36:25 pm »
I dont mind them asking questions, I actually enjoy talking about myself, I ask them loads of questions too, I really dont do well with quiet clients, I suppose we are all made differently


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #79 on: 07 March 2017, 03:55:28 pm »
I am quite a chatty person so don't mind the questions. I enjoy decent conversation. If it gets too personal I just steer away from it although with some clients I probably babble too much.
It's a two way thing so I ask them questions too. Sometimes some of the things they tell me have me in hysterics. These moments make the job more pleasurable too.
If it's a new client I find it a good ice breaker helping them relax as some guys may feel a bit nervous seeing someone the first time around.
Some guys like to chat so I see it as part of the service.
If they asked me exactly where I lived I would find that a bit creepy and unacceptable.


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #80 on: 10 March 2017, 06:10:27 am »
I hate it when they ask if I have an actual job.  What the hell do they think this one is then?

It is usually the quite unintelligent clients who ask if I work.


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #81 on: 10 March 2017, 09:50:18 am »
Lol, tell them your a cleaner in your real job, it will leave them completely baffled


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #82 on: 10 March 2017, 11:10:48 am »
I have another site I run so I often say I work on that which is true in a way although it isn't sex related.


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Re: Does it annoy you when clients ask personal questions etc.?
« Reply #83 on: 10 March 2017, 02:44:34 pm »
I do have another job and don't mind telling them about it if they are interested.