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Author Topic: Does anyone get off more if they know the client is married? Or the opposite?  (Read 10622 times)


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Married clients don’t turn me on more but I prefer them as, in my experience, they’re more likely to respect boundaries.

The dreamers who’ve requested switching to a FWB arrangement and/or suggested we’d make a ‘great couple’, have been single.  :FF

They tried to bury us... they didn't know we were seeds.


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I love this! I'm not sure I've been working long enough for this to happen...have you been working for decades?
Yes, I started when I was 17, became high volume at 19-20, and am in my 30s today.  The most important relationship status is between my client's wallet and my bank account, but a girl deserves some fun too.

fallen angel

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so you actively encourage them continue to see you? a bit odd in my opinion but I guess no one is holding a gun to their head.

Doesn't seem odd to me at all, it's just business.
As for the OPs question, it does nothing for me at all knowing they are married, I really couldn't care less either way as long as they are clean and polite and keep on handing over the cash.


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All that matters is how they are with me, and I've not noticed a correlation between boundaries and whether a punter is married or not. Some of the most indiscrete, disrespectful, rude, trying for things I don't do, refusing to leave or let me leave afterwards have been married/are married. Quite a few very nervous someone will find out, yet committed some of the worst indiscretions. At least as much as those who are single.

To me discretion, boundaries, thought put in is very individual.


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I don’t care if they are or aren't. As long as they have the cash.
But if they message me bitching about their wives or partners or how it’s a huge turn on to cheat etc, then that’s a huge turnoff for me and I won’t see them.


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It doesn't turn me on at all if a client is married but i find the married ones will not bother me inbetween bookings or ask me to go on a date outside of a paid session or send flirty messages. Also sex is not the most intimate thing in a marriage, Many married men I see love their wives and there's many reasons why some women go off the sexual part of a relationship. What I find a turn off is when a married man talks disrespectful about his partner during a booking. I don't feel bad about the wives because it's not a intimate affair it's sex and a bit of chat and I'm not looking to break up a relationship . Actually recently on a night out I had 3 different married men chatting me up and I put them straight that I was not interested especially when one started to touch me up. My civvy friend took one of the married guys home with her knowing he was married. Everyone is different, In my personal life I'd never get involved with a married guy. They can pay me but that's about as close as I get, I'd prefer not to know if honest. Some women and men get a kick out of having someone else's partner, Turning their head. The married guys I see just want to feel good and wanted for that booking.


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I'm not in the buisness to care about the clients private lives.
It's about giving a great service getting paid and satisfying  clients


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I really dont care if they are in a relationship or not. The only time it bothers me is if they are looking for an outcall to their home and go on about their partner being out as that just stresses me out about them potentially coming home early


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I don't get off on it but they tend to be my favourite clients, they are swift, polite and clean.


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Nope. Their status doesn’t bother me in the slightest and more often that not, I’d never know anyway. So long as they pay and behave with me, that’s all that matters.


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Nope. Their status doesn’t bother me in the slightest and more often that not, I’d never know anyway. So long as they pay and behave with me, that’s all that matters.

Thats my view also. The only buzz i get outta this job is counting my money at end of the day i couldnt care less if the punter is married, single or in an open relationship

Vintage Miss

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I have mixed feelings, but only in as much as, I do feel a bit sorry for the 'in theory wife', but I also am very critical about the institution of marriage and all the social baggage that comes with it, so of course - and not that this is the question - I'm not going to stop doing something that offends a phenomenon that I don't care for.

I don't get turned on by married guys, but when I have sexual fantasies privately, I sometimes fantasise about the idea of having sex with taken men. Taboos get people off. I don't think the thought has ever come to my head when I'm actually doing the dirty though. I don't suppose it does you any harm if it gives you a bit of a frisson during the booking, but I'd be careful maybe to not let it 'get to your head' too much, you know, after you've finished/ start suffering from Mistress syndrome (needing to have these fantasies to feel more attractive than other women/ sexual competitiveness) and all that.


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I definitely get more turned on seeing married men, there is just something about seeing that wedding ring on his hand that makes me tingle...... I also have the same reaction when my husband wears his wedding ring as well (He usually only wears it on nights out/holidays, he nearly degloved himself at a pool night when he first started wearing it)

I don't tend to think about the wife at home because I am there to do a job, doesn't mean I can't enjoy it!


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When I know a client is married I usually feel safer  :)

Vintage Miss

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When I know a client is married I usually feel safer  :)

Yea, my favourite clients are the three Ms, middle class, middle aged, married. For no other reason than they usually have the most to lose from getting into trouble and so usually behave in an organised and discreet fashion and don't start stalking or acting up etc They don't turn me on though. Slutty ladies' men turn me on, unfortunately.