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Author Topic: Does anyone get off more if they know the client is married? Or the opposite?  (Read 10595 times)


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I do get satisfaction (not sexually), but that is because of experiences in my personal life (and escorting) that have now made me a massive cynic when it comes to marriage and relationships. Although I would never get off if it was someone from my personal life, unless it was someone I hated.

I just do not give a shit and thankfully I'm not likely to ever be on the receiving end. Also as I have said in a previous post, I don't think anyone can pass comment nor judgement too much when we make a living off these men.

Yes I am another massive cynic with regards to marriage and relationships, Ive resigned myself to living on the fringes and off the grid for the rest of my days, and having already done the LTR and kids thing I'm perfectly happy with that.

I had a civvie encounter the other week with a younger local guy who also turned out to be cheating on his girlfriend and that just added to my cynicism, was fun though  ;D

Yes to I wouldn't get off if it was someone I knew unless I hated them. I think In that situation id actually feel really guilty.
« Last Edit: 02 September 2021, 03:32:21 pm by Kescort »

Tina Sparx

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I bizarrely find it a big turn on if the client reveals he is attached. Does anyone else feel the same? Or is it a don't care or the opposite, it turns you off?

I love it seeing a wedding ring!

Especially the ones who walk in and immediately anoounce "I'm married and Straight!"

......................."Oh! I know honey!"
It costs a lot to look this cheap.


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There was an AMA (ask me anything) on another website and there was a sex worker and the amount of women that asked her “do you ever think of the clients women when you take their cash and have sex with them”, and she answered that yes she had but at the end of the day, if a man wants to cheat and he can’t cheat with an escort then he is going to do it regardless, why do women always get the blame for men cheating, if there wasn’t such a demand for sex work then we couldn’t supply it, I think lots of civvy women are threatened by escorts but it’s their man they have the issue with, not the women, we just get blamed.


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I love it seeing a wedding ring!

Especially the ones who walk in and immediately anoounce "I'm married and Straight!"

......................."Oh! I know honey!"

Haha I love this! Why would they announce they're straight? How bizarre  ::) ;D

Also the shiftiness of a married client can also be a major turn on. Something to laugh to yourself about aswell.  Haha


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I have some married clients. A few see me as their wives won't do certain sexual acts such as oral sex. Or they hardly have sex. One says he's lucky to get a blow job if it's his birthday.

It doesn't bother me at all if they are married. I'm lucky that I do get a lot of great sex with clients of all ages and some are pretty hot too.


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So these dudes have been seeing you even throughout the courtship and engagement?  ::) ;D
Some of them, yes. When I have a good long time client, I like to keep him. If a client says they won't be able to see me any longer because they are getting married soon (or some other change that doesn't include moving away), I ask for the dates. Then I always offer a discounted session at some future point after the big day to celebrate. I've never been refused, and once the habit is there, they rarely stop coming back.

I also focus on building their confidence to impress their partner, or whatever is helpful to their situation, whether time away, stress reduction for an executive, and so on.   I did do well at marketing in university and still love it. :) Money is my aphrodisiac, but I do take pleasure in clients that need to see and pay me, regardless of relationship status changes.


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Some of them, yes. When I have a good long time client, I like to keep him. If a client says they won't be able to see me any longer because they are getting married soon (or some other change that doesn't include moving away), I ask for the dates. Then I always offer a discounted session at some future point after the big day to celebrate. I've never been refused, and once the habit is there, they rarely stop coming back.

I also focus on building their confidence to impress their partner, or whatever is helpful to their situation, whether time away, stress reduction for an executive, and so on.   I did do well at marketing in university and still love it. :) Money is my aphrodisiac, but I do take pleasure in clients that need to see and pay me, regardless of relationship status changes.

so you actively encourage them continue to see you? a bit odd in my opinion but I guess no one is holding a gun to their head.


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I definitely get off on being in locations we are not supposed to be in (school staff room/Doctor's/Dentist's couch/board room, restaurant etc )

I imagine that many of the clients that book me to their place of work do so because they are married or attached  8)


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I definitely get off on being in locations we are not supposed to be in (school staff room/Doctor's/Dentist's couch/board room, restaurant etc )

I imagine that many of the clients that book me to their place of work do so because they are married or attached  8)
Phoenix, I'm impressed by the school staff room! I'd be too nervous that a door would open at an inconvenient moment. I do enjoy the doctor's location, but in practice the exam tables are too thin.  The most common for me has been executive offices (with a locked door!). I'm sure at least one secretary knows what goes on with her boss and me, but when I visit for "consulting meetings" but she's always treated me like the most important guest in the world.


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I don’t care about their relationship status. All I care about is the money and if they are clean and polite


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I try not to think about their status otherwise I'll feel bad :( they're all single in my mind  8)


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I don’t care and l don’t feel bad. They pay and l service then and as long as they are pleasant l really don’t care what their marital status is.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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What does everyone think the obvious signs are a client is married, if he doesn't mention he is? One I can think of is they can only visit during the working day, or if its after work they need to be quick (and can sometimes seem flustered and In a rush afterwards)..aside from the ring..anymore?  :D


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Some of them, yes. When I have a good long time client, I like to keep him. If a client says they won't be able to see me any longer because they are getting married soon (or some other change that doesn't include moving away), I ask for the dates. Then I always offer a discounted session at some future point after the big day to celebrate. I've never been refused, and once the habit is there, they rarely stop coming back.

I also focus on building their confidence to impress their partner, or whatever is helpful to their situation, whether time away, stress reduction for an executive, and so on.   I did do well at marketing in university and still love it. :) Money is my aphrodisiac, but I do take pleasure in clients that need to see and pay me, regardless of relationship status changes.

I love this! I'm not sure I've been working long enough for this to happen...have you been working for decades?


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There was an AMA (ask me anything) on another website and there was a sex worker and the amount of women that asked her “do you ever think of the clients women when you take their cash and have sex with them”, and she answered that yes she had but at the end of the day, if a man wants to cheat and he can’t cheat with an escort then he is going to do it regardless, why do women always get the blame for men cheating, if there wasn’t such a demand for sex work then we couldn’t supply it, I think lots of civvy women are threatened by escorts but it’s their man they have the issue with, not the women, we just get blamed.

Yes agree to this, I was blamed in civvie for someone else's man groping my ass!lots of women will do anything to justify their man in their eyes. That's why I always loved single escortdom lmao