My best clients are just that book without faff, turn up, don't get mixed up with fees and are happy to finish around the right time.
Those who are incompatible with me regards sex tend to not rebook, or are infrequent bookers. By incompatible I mean think hard shagging turns me on, or just don't hear my preferences. Most of the ones mentioned in first paragraph do listen when I guide them, are considerate, have read and understood my website. I can also
I also have BDSM and disability clients some of whom are very restricted by service or physical restrictions, also clients who just want attention to be on them. Absolutely happy with this just as much as those who do or can be full on.
These days very few (can't think of any at the moment) sloppery kiss, or ram fingers in orifices whilst rubbing in as many places as possible. If someone does this I make it clear I really don't like that (here kiss on my lips). Worse was someone deep tonging inside my ear, or was it licking my eyelids
. Ended up banned due to a combination of behaviour despite him insisting I could trust him (and often asking why I would not let him for example take photos (he then even messed that up)).