I hope this doesn't get moved to another section where I can't find it LOL...But really looking to get some input.
So, I am VERY close to getting a new apartment and signing a lease in a new city. However, part of me still believes that its not busy enough out here. I toured a city about 7 hours south of here, and was getting about 2 clients a day steadily from most of my websites (thats busy for me). There is virtually no competition in that town, about 4-5 guys at the most on all sites combined, non of them being my color LOL. In fact, its so isolated and not very spoken about....I didn't even expect to do well, and sort of just went when I put ads up and began getting responses.
Then, silly me decided to drive back to the city up north...and although I had my 1st client last night, I pretty much sat here all day without anything. Although there isn't as much competition as say London or Las Vegas...there still seems to be a stream of guys traveling thru here popping up occasionally. And in the gay world, having guys 'pop up' occasionally can be a potential threat to business.
My question fear is this: What if the town I visited earlier this week was only busy because I was travling thru? What if the moment I decide to move there, I stop getting work and then am stuck? How can you tell if a place is good for touring or for living?