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Author Topic: Do you work out?  (Read 3519 times)


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Do you work out?
« on: 15 November 2010, 07:04:51 pm »
Looks are everything is often inferred in beauty product adverts, and I was thinking that
as working girls, we are the product, and what we look like does tend to matter.
I cycle everyday to keep toned, I watch what I eat, use firming skin creams and  try
to make the the best of what I have to look good for clients. Do you work out, take care
of yourself, watch what you eat and invest in extra beauty products and services?

Vikki x
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #1 on: 15 November 2010, 07:15:03 pm »
That's a really good question and i would be interested in everyone elses answers.

I have always used top quality skincare items since i was about 15, and moisturised daily, never using soap and water, im 37 now, and having been a smoker since i was 15 i am very pleased that my skin is still very smooth and i have hardly any wrinkles.

I always get my nails done and i like to pop on a sunbed about once every two weeks for 10mins to keep a healthy looking glow, and have my eyebrows threaded.

I shave everywhere myself, having done it for years it takes seconds in the shower every day, so i save loads on waxing and beautician costs!.

I walk a lot due to other interests i have, but i also like to go out for a run, simply because i always feel so refreshed when i come back, and i like to think it combats the smoking a bit, giving my lungs a bit of a workout too.

I do get my hair done quite often, and have a thing for hair extensions and spend a small fortune on hair!

But, these were all things i did before i started escorting.......

Since escorting, i will admit to watching what i eat more closely than before, as i don't want to put on weight, and have been toying with the idea of joining a gym......but i'm not sure with everything else i have going on some days that i would fit in time to go!!
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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #2 on: 15 November 2010, 07:21:31 pm »
I go the gym 3-5 times a week, watch what I eat, use diet pills.
Then I dye my eyebrows, eyelashes and hair! My nails are always painted, and I've constantly got fake tan on (it doesn't sound much but between the lot it's about 2 hours or so every 2 days upkeep!)
and I wear loads of makeup lol  ;D I love make up.

Like candyfloss, I don't use soap! I don't use anything on my face except babywipes to take off my make up and I never get spots/dry/oily skin. And I use handwash for my hands and have always been told they're soft.

I think a lot of what you're trying to sell/the intial attraction to a client is your image, so it's very important! x


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #3 on: 15 November 2010, 10:15:11 pm »
I do go to the gym and try to go three times a week, but sometimes I am naughty and go only once a week. I try to watch what I eat but I do find that VERY difficult! I only go to the hairdresser about three times a year because I like to keep my hair long (it's much cheaper to grow your own than get extensions!). But I do always like to look my very best when working, I love wearing lovely lingerie and shoes. I will spend about 45mins getting ready in the morning, and add another 30 mins to that if I am washing my hair.

I am having a crisis though - Aveda have discontinued my favourite face moisturiser and now I don't know what else to get  :( Any suggestions (preferably something very light, oil-free and organic)?


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #4 on: 15 November 2010, 11:03:03 pm »
I joined a gym near me recently more for something to get me out of the house than anything else, but I do like it and go three or four times a week including classes, swimming and so on. I eat whatever I like, but most of what I like is good for me fortunately - I cook from scratch when I'm at home and eat tons of fruit, but I don't deny myself anything whether it's chocolate, chips or pizza crunch (discovered in Glasgow last week ;D). And I've eaten a box and a half of mince pies since Friday.

I don't smoke and only drink very rarely; none of it's to do with looking after my appearance particularly, I just don't enjoy it very much. I can't remember the last time I went to a hairdresser, but I do have my nails done every two weeks, I look after my skin and never sunbathe, plus I use body scrub and lotion regularly. The gym I joined has a sauna and steam room and that seems to do it good too.

I hardly wear any makeup and keep my hair tied back out of the way for work (unless asked to leave it down, but they usually regret it because it gets in the way so much) and I trim rather than shave because the completely bald look makes me queasy. I use Weleda skincare which is organic and cruelty-free, as well as a few bits from Clinique and Chanel serum if I've overdone it and look like a dead dog. I don't know if they do an oil-free moisturiser Jayna, but it's really good stuff if you can find one in the range somewhere.


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #5 on: 15 November 2010, 11:55:37 pm »
That Weleda website could become my new favourite site! If it's products mean I end up looking as youthfull at 37 as you do Amy I will be very pleased indeed :)

I like to read about other peoples beauty routines, helps me reevaluate where I'm going wrong. For myself I exercise 3 to 4 times a week at home (I'm too much of a scrooge to pay for a gym membership) I'm rather fond of a series of American fitness DVDS called 'The Firm'. They are amazing, although you wont be able to walk for 3 days after the first couple of times you do them.
I don't smoke and have never used a sunbed, I really believe avoiding both keeps your skin nice. I had a punternet review put up last week saying that said I 'Looked somewhat younger than expected'. I LOLed for about 10 minutes afterwards as I'm actually 32 next month and advertise as being 29! ;D ;D


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #6 on: 16 November 2010, 04:06:48 am »
I don't touch skin care products with a 10' bargepole and find the whole "anti- ageing" propaganda a complete rip off and something for Harriet Harman to brand as "truly degrading" to women.  ;D

In the last 3 months I have increased my exercise classes to 6 days a week, (prior to that I'd go to the gym/Pilates 3-4 times a week). I quit sweets 4 years ago, don't smoke or drink any alcohol and very, very rarely touch caffeine beverages. I also drink lots of water but tend to over eat on my favourite foods though. Tend to buy mainly organic produce and toiletries.
« Last Edit: 16 November 2010, 04:08:42 am by SnakeLady »
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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #7 on: 16 November 2010, 04:42:37 am »
I began working out seriously precisely at the time I began escorting seriously. Over 2 years ago.

I have noticed that the better my body gets, the more respect I get, the more clients I get, and the less someone is likely to walk over me.

I hear stories all the time about escorts who never work out and make lots of money...but I actually worked side by side with a guy who had never worked out, and was thin as a toothpick. When I seen his lack of interest, I knew that working out and escorting and having a nice body goes hand in hand.

I could not imagine doing this job and not working out. Even 2 days of not doing so makes me feel drab.

I went to the mall today because I needed candles and winter clothing, else I freeze! I get pulled over by a girl marketing skincare. It was called Premier. Some stuff from the Dead Sea. I was in the booth 'demonstration' for about half an hour. I loved the product, instantly made my skin soft, but it was like $60 a bottle! I was not prepared to spend that money, and I HATE impulse buys. I like to think about things before I purchase, because we escorts just dont have planned paychecks like that, so we have to take everything 1 purchase at a time.

I tried to tell her this, but she insisted I buy the product. That spending my money on 'clothes, shoes, and other crap wasn't worth it, and that I should buy that instead (sure and its 29 degrees and about to snow...and I haven't gotten a single sweater to wear, and Im going to buy some fucking face shit? I told her to let me walk around and think about it 1st. She would not let up. Eventually, I had to just get up and walk away. As Im walking away she yells, "Joey! come back here!" in the middle of the mall with people everywhere!

As much as I liked the product, I thought their sale tactic s were waaaay too aggressive.
« Last Edit: 16 November 2010, 04:49:00 am by AmericanPie »


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #8 on: 16 November 2010, 08:05:18 am »
Ohh! After reading everyone elses replies I feel so lazy. I never manage to get to the gym (all my spare moments are spent with my son) my exercise consists of walking my dogs.
I never use beauty products as thankfully I was blessed with clear tight skin. The only things I always get done is my nails, as I dont feel human without them, my roots as they are slowly going grey (thanx mum) and a pedicure.
Oh and I regularly go to Happy feet and have those lovely little fish eat any dead skin away.
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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #9 on: 16 November 2010, 11:35:01 am »
I was brought up not to have lots of make-up, skin creams etc and then during some  very lean times I simply didn't have the money to splash out. I swore by baby lotion throughout my 20s as a moisturiser and make up remover,  so it's only in the last 5 years that I've started using high-end products.

I've been an athlete on and off for over 20 years so when I train, I train quite seriously apart from last year when I really let it all go. In the last 6 months I've built up my fitness training 5-6 days a week, now very often twice a day. I lift weights, run, swim, cycle as well as the odd fell walk(did 12 miles taking in 4 very high peaks this last Saturday). I would say at the moment I'm a 'bodybuilder' and after losing the best part of 2 stone this year, regaining my strength I'm aiming to possibly take this much further. Losing weight, getting fit was something I also wanted to do for my 'job' but from here on I'm doing it for my own acheivement.

I have my nails done once a fortnight and use a light self-tanner a couple of times each week. Products I use are either Avon(skin so soft is very good) or Clinique. I don't smoke and don't often drink and I get a lot of compliments about my youthful looks. I don't have many facial lines I can sometimes suffer from breakouts but that's a genetic thing. Generally I eat a lot of unprocessed foods and drink plenty of water which I think helps a lot with general, overall health.


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #10 on: 16 November 2010, 01:14:39 pm »
I do agree to some extent about the skincare stuff - I don't buy the anti aging cobblers at all and I know that any effect this stuff has is temporary at best. It's slightly off the subject, but the Weleda stuff I like (mentioned above) is all vegan and organic, and they also make deodorants and toothpastes without things like aluminium salts and sodium laureth sulfate, which is pretty horrible stuff to be putting on your skin let alone in your mouth.

The not smoking/drinking much, drinking lots of water and eating unprocessed food and staying out of the sun I think is the key really. That said, I live on a cliff on the North East coast and I do think my skin would look a lot more knackered by now if I didn't use my moisturiser - if nothing else it's a barrier against the salt, wind, pollution and so on and the oil in it hopefully helps keep in the good work (one or two WS bookings in a week is good because you drink so much water it must flush out lots of accumulated stuff if you've been a bit lax :D).

I find the gym does seem to improve my skin too - I think it must be the effect on the circulation that does it. I don't have kids or a dog, so if I'm not working away somewhere I can sometimes find it hard to get a reason to leave the house, especially if the weather's awful. The change of scene does my brain good as much as anything.


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #11 on: 16 November 2010, 02:34:49 pm »
I have one of those awesome metabolisms that just deals with everything - I eat junk food and don't work out, though I generally try to go on top during sex if that counts  ;D My thighs are like steel so I think it's doing something. I've got a bit of fat on the backs of my thighs and my ass is a tiny bit bigger than I like, so I am trying to eat a little less at the moment though my husband and clients are horrified at the idea of me losing weight off my bum, seems like everyone but me loves it haha.

My beauty routine is mainly makeup - I wear quite a lot mainly because I enjoy experimenting with it, and also with my 'look' it's important to keep my face feminine. Until recently I had quite short hair, but this weekend I took the plunge and shaved it all off (I'll post some photos in my thread where I was asking advice on it asap, I did promise :P) so I am compensating even more with makeup. Big eyes mainly, I don't have much in the lip department.

My skincare is anything and everything to get rid of blemishes. Clearasil wash and treatment gel, and a peel off facemask a few times a week to get rid of blackheads. It's an uphill struggle as I've had awful skin since age 11 but it's finally getting good enough that I don't want to scream when I look in the mirror first thing in the morning :P I haven't yet found a moisturiser I can use on my face that doesn't make me break out, but I use an eye cream and lip exfoliator and moisturiser. I use body butter from the neck down. I keep my fingernails short and unpainted - I specialise in massage so I don't want to scratch people, and I don't have the patience to keep them freshly painted. I paint my toenails though - they're a bit yucky looking if I don't (aren't feet delightful!), but realistically clients rarely see them, I don't wear many peep toes or sandals as they're uncomfortable on me, and I don't take my shoes off unless asked. Most guys seem to like them.

I shave everything off except my eyelashes and eyebrows :P No waxing for me, I hate it.
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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #12 on: 16 November 2010, 07:17:28 pm »
I alternate between an hours swim or an hour and a half workout on alternate days at my gym. Afterwards I use the steam room, plunge pool  :o, shower, condition hair, sauna, rinse off conditioner.. :D
I flat refuse to use expensive products believing them to be a pack of lies ( you may know by now ladies that I  am the most cynical of people that ever walked the face of this earth.. I  would say " Lord alone knows how I  ever accept any bookings" if I , er, believed in one!  :-\ )
I use Aqueous cream on my face ( 99p barrel size tub at Bodycare/Home&Bargains  :D ) and cocoa butter cream all over my body ( same as..)
I wear just mascarra and a smudge of eyeshadow and lipgloss day or night as I look horrendous in the full works and I remove it with Baby oil. I am not averse to using Vaseline as a moisturiser, but keep it well away from my hair or sheets!
I have days when I don't work out at all as life gets in the way, like today; roots retouched, nails infilled  ;D

My signature fragrance is Impulse hint-of-Musk ( look out for 99p specials every so often! ) though my site claims Channel No5 in the hope that someone will buy me a bottle!  ;)

I am either very thrifty and earth child, or a wicked surgery junkie spendthrift. Eg;..

At 41, I recently had a full job of botox and fillers. It cost well over a grand ( I know, I know!  :-[ ), but I loved every minute of it and the effects were just what I wanted. I had a boob job last year at 40 and again, for me, best thing ever!
I am also a huge fan of sugar-free Red bull and blatantly drink my first at the gym on the treadmill at 8am!
If anybody accosts me I retort ( somewhat speedily  ;D ) *Don't worry Love, I metabolize it by 10.30*

I CAN be very naughty and somewhat wild and have had a wild and often mis-spent but, as Cher ( the original one  :-\ ) once said;

" I can't think of anything worse than being a good girl! "  :)


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #13 on: 16 November 2010, 07:41:36 pm »
i run 3 miles every other day and 2 mile on the other day and on weekend i do 6 mile runs  ihave been doing this since july 
i did a boot camp in southwale in july and that got me into running and i love it totally changed me and im really grumpy when i cant run 
i spend a fortune on my hair around 30 a week  as it hair extenstion and i buy it from america
i and have a spray tan ( do not laugh) every week
manicure and pedicure and eyebrows every week this is done by my friend
and a 1hour massage  and a facial every other week

i do have to watch what i eat so after my boot camp i  only eat  dairy free  products and  wheat free products so no bread pasta  milk cheese ect well     i have rice milk and goats cheese and granola ect no cofffe or caffine  either  boring fuck really but it keeps my weight stable along with the running  and when i have been on a tour the first thing i do is book in for a hot stone massage for an hour

Looks are everything is often inferred in beauty product adverts, and I was thinking that
as working girls, we are the product, and what we look like does tend to matter.
I cycle everyday to keep toned, I watch what I eat, use firming skin creams and  try
to make the the best of what I have to look good for clients. Do you work out, take care
of yourself, watch what you eat and invest in extra beauty products and services?

Vikki x


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Re: Do you work out?
« Reply #14 on: 16 November 2010, 10:10:33 pm »
After reading all this I am giving myself a stern kick up the bum. I dont get any spare time but I now have to find 20mins a day to exercise.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact