Question to the ladies who chose not to pursue a marriage/relationship/children. Im currently in my mid to late 20s and have been thinking a lot lately about whether or not completely discard relationships and focus purely on this business, focus on hobbies, make investments etc. I increasingly feel like I might be missing out and trading lots of money from prostitution for the possibility of finding a fulfilling marriage. I keep thinking, what if I fuck my life up and end up alone ugly and childless?? feel that it’s very difficult to have it all and one needs to give up one or the other.
Thoughts ?
The most important thing is that you remain true to yourself. After that, everything else will fall in place. I started my escorting career almost accidentally when I was a teenager, so I don't have a traditional background experience for comparison, but I wouldn't change anything. I bought my own home early, put myself through school that I was interested in, traveled like crazy, learned how to handle money/be self-sufficient, and focused on personal growth and my future before I got serious about dating. Eventually I tried dating, which is many long stories in itself. Separate from that experience I found a wonderful partner in a friend who I had known forever and already knew everything about me, including my enduring loyalty to whoring. Once you realize your are comfortable with who you are, everyone with different opinions or wants you to change can fuck off.
It was an important self realization that my career defines who I am in terms of its demands on me and my schedule each day, but not the kind of person I am. I realized it was important to me that I have a partner who I can share everything about my life and they accept who I am, including my choice of career. And that goes two ways, it's important to remember to take care of people in your life who support you. I've always enjoyed having two distinct sides, my outer personality who gets along with (most) people, and my inner whore who enjoys working dozens of men each month for lots of money.
I do plan to have children, although that will bring new challenges, starting with not working for so long while pregnant or for months (?) after that. My recommendation is find time to do things you really enjoy and be ready for changes. Realize that your job puts unusual pressures on you, but don't let your job cause you to withdrawal from friends or society. I wouldn't allow a partner tell me I should quit my regular long distance runs any more than my shagging habits. If you decide that you'd rather settle down and take a break or retire, that's fine too. But it's your choice, not anyone else's. Just keep in mind that if a guy doesn't like you because of your SW career, he probably won't like you for having a former SW career either. Better to find someone that is open and accepting. In the meantime be thankful that you can support yourself and not worry about money--at least in normal years.
So, don't worry, enjoy your life, and keep your eyes open for new changes.